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Lucky_Fr4gg3r last won the day on April 29 2010

Lucky_Fr4gg3r had the most liked content!


About Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  • Birthday 01/10/1992

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  • Location
    The Netherlands

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  • Name
    Next Century eSports
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

Lucky_Fr4gg3r's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

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  1. No you won't be able to unban yourself. Don't do it unless you want to lose your ability to play on PB-enabled servers as well as your SGA status. Any violation gets logged to Evenbalance, no matter what server it's on, and will result in you receiving a global ban. If you've enabled Punkbuster, have the right flags set in your server manager, and are running the MD5-checks from our MCI, you can assume it's working correctly. Again, don't test cheats!
  2. hah, unintentional rime ;p

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  3. Few days late, but happy bday mate!

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  4. They see me lurkin'...

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  5. Is that info publicly accessible or does it require registration? If it's public, you can try re-applying. Make sure to reply to the application thread to explain what you just posted above. Edit: I see what Big_Guy meant, there is no specific information on who in your clan plays BC2 and who's playing other games. As far as the server stats go, it's not loading for me, but that could be a problem from my side of things.
  6. Haha, nice. I'll have to try that sometime :P
  7. Best of luck :)
  8. Serves them right :P
  9. Still in the queue, be patient :)
  10. Your application is currently still being processed. You can check it here. Edit:: Might want to reply to it and list the correct tag, since from what I understand from your website, Lucky is a member and not your clantag? And your clan's name I assume, is PIG and not PIG Member? Might want to read the requirements listed here because I can't find a clan-roster (memberlist) on your site either.
  11. I'd almost say it's both modern and non-modern time :blink:
  12. There has to be an RCON password, I strongly doubt they'll leave a server unpassworded. Perhaps you didn't formulate your question properly and they misunderstood you?
  13. I've never ever paid more then 30-35
  14. Personally had good experiences with Killercreation.co.uk's dedicated servers
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