The status automatically switches to 'Deactivated' if the server hasn't streamed for several days on end.
Post up your configs and we can have a look ;)
I recommend re-running the webtool and making sure you have all the recommended configs from the MCI.
As Ice Man said, Streaming issues are never from our side.
I suggest you set up streaming using the Webtool.
Make sure you are running the recommended configs from our MCI, or more specifically, make sure the following line is present in your pbsv.cfg:
pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub
Done. The reason you were downgraded to member was because your server(s) wasn't streaming; it will automatically downgrade you when this happens.
Team: Community Fight Night (*CFN*)
Account ID: 3372
Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2)
Server List
CODWW - (Streaming)
User List
toto78 (120323)
Helpful Links:
Account Management
CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)
PBBans Hub Flags
Master Player Index
Automated Hub Setup
Not Streaming Fix
All the info you need is in the replies. ;)
If AON bans someone, they will no longer be be able to play on servers streaming to AON, or any other servers running their banlist.
These are the PBBans forums, so for more questions about AON, you're probably better off going to their forums ;)
As Ice Man said, black PBSS are indeed clean.
There's a ton of reasons that cause PBSS to return black, and aside from what Ice Man suggested, there isn't much you can do I'm afraid.
If you set up your servers to stream to PBB, we will be able to review any demos you might find suspicious.
If they show proof of a hack being used, the person will be added to our Master Ban Index (MBI).
And if you run into trouble with the webtool: