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Posts posted by Gutshot

  1. A thanks from me and my clan for all of you at PBBans. I would not even consider renting a server for a game that did not have PB and the ability to stream to the genius that is PBBans. You all rock!


    P.S Sorry to read about the loss of your friend and comrade, IndianScout. May he rest in peace.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Well, I'll probably see you on one of the servers then. I hope this game does well. Or at least develops a cult following with loyal fans. Would be nice to have a game that lasts for awhile. With almost 1500 hours on Skyrim, it will be nice to get into a proper fps again.

  3. This is an awesome game! Much improved from vanilla RO2. Battles are very intense. Maps are beautiful. Historic accuracy is excellent. Weapons are on the nuts with sound and recoil. Hell, the 1911 pops up just like my real life Colt Commander. I will now officially tell EA to piss off.

  4. Sigh. No PB, no sale. Was hoping for it, but, they are still stuck on making their own, which probably will fail miserably at protecting anything, instead of a tried and well proven one. Ah well, BF3 for awhile longer.

  5. Been running this one for years with absolutely no issues of any kind. Reliable, basic drivers and excellent sound quality, especially with good headphones. I use AKG K240 600 ohm headphones with it, and the immersion in game is unblievable. Not cheap though. Can't go wrong with the Asus cards listed above either. I think they use the same C-media chip.



  6. huh? Thats got to be the lamest (or most confusing) argument you've ever floated.


    Either that or I need a Dick Tracy decoder ring to decypher the rest of that post. :P By your logic, why dont you go dig up the widly accecpted number of 30,000,000 men, women and children credited to hitler and stalin and ask them for thier perspective.


    @ Surfy.

    Contrary to what is generally floated, our 2nd amendment is as much as a right of protection against "deterring tyrannical government" (or, our right to protect ourselves from Uncle Sam).


    I guess looking from the outside looking in, the United States gun culture is the exception around the world. At least until your country is the victim of the Blitz and need us to come over and save those unable or unwilling to protect themselves... Thank goodness for the forsight of our founding fathers, and the greatest generation that saved England, France, and the rest of the "civilized world" - who had limited access firearms they could have used to protect themselves with. ;)


    Well, I had a reply to the naysayers, but, how can I possibly add to Butt's post? Well said. Very.

  7. Got to wonder about the parenting, and and the pratice of "problem solving" through medication... Kid has a problem? Give him/her a pill. Have another issue? Give them another pill. What ever happened to actually talking to a kid as a form of thearpy? Guess its easier (less expensive) to medicate...


    I'd also like to see paddeling brought back in the home, and at school. The "time out" punishment does not instill a healthy fear to not do something wrong. Things have been headed in the wrong direction for a long time now. Gun control as a meaningful solution to the many larger problems facing todays youth, is a pipe dream.



    And the fact that these scumbag politicians are using something as horrid as the slaughter of innocents by a madman as a platform to further their agenda is reprehensible. They have no shame at all. One armed and reasonably trained school staff member might have ended this nutjob's rampage early, or even prevented it alltogether.


    I believe the teacher in the photo has a G3 slung on her back. Like to see a common nutjob try shooting up her class.


  8. Hmmm, may have to buy this after all. Love a good open world singleplayer. And if I did get the itch to go multi on it, at least it has PB. And yes Ubisoft, I said I would BUY it. I'm not one of the 96% PC pirates that your mouthpieces say are out there. :fighting0050:

  9. Don't mean to be a negative nellie here ladies and gents. Gotta get this off my chest though. Bought this thing today at the strong recommendations of my buds. Played awhile in Multiplayer. I will NEVER, EVER complain about BF3 again. Blops II doesn't even feel like a COD game. I don't know what it "feels" like. Maybe, idk, a 3d version of the standup Street Fighter arcade game from years past? A bad cartoon?


    True, it's hit detection is good. But, wow, that's it. What is with the cartoon graphics? I feel like I should be standing with a joystick in my right hand and pressing a fire button with my left, all the while wondering how many quarters I have in my pocket if I don't get enough points to earn my "extra" life. Welcome to the world of standup, truckstop arcade games. Last COD game I played was W@W. Don't remember it being as arcade like as this one is. Oh well, flushed another $60 down the toilet.

  10. Not had huge problems with hit detection. I get the occasionally problem, but not enough for me to really complain about.


    I'm much more annoyed about hit detection being client-side than anything else - this is what causes those dying around corners problem.


    I don't fully understand the ins and outs of client side vs serverside, but I read somewhere that it's because of the huge lag compensation time set in Frostbite. Or am I talking out my arse? For me at least, dying around corners, behind cover, and when the guy in front of me has a higher ping, destroys what would otherwise be, the best online fps ever made. If it were a few glitches here and there, I could stand it. But my whole game time with BF3 is a constant "WTF!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?" Ah well, life's too short for that.

  11. Am I the only one who has atrocious hit detection problems with this game? I see no fix in this patch for this issue, once again, so I must be. I mean I have problems on servers where I am pinging 20-40. Shoot them point blank with a fully automatic weapon and they don't die. Intead they pop me with a Glock 17 9mm, lol, and I am dead before I hit the floor. Or, I come around the corner and before we see each other, I am dead. And of course there is the famous "die behind cover".


    Does EA/Dice actually think they have a chance at beating COD sales figures with gameplay issues like these? Instead of balancing weapons, how about a good old fashioned core gameplay mechanic tweak? Glad I am having more fun playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, because BF3 just blows, really.

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