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Posts posted by Gutshot

  1. Lol, a cynical group around here. I, for one, am hoping this title will live up to it's name. I also hope they don't join the rest and use that piece of crap known as Vac. Keep the tradition going and stick with PB. It has it's flaws, but it works well enough. I think Vac is ghostware and doesn't really do anything at all.

  2. Just doing a little trolling here.... I think Drifter nailed it. It is about your Buds and shooting them in the face, and about the community built around it all.


    But, at any rate, all is far from lost. People act like COD is the be all, end all of PC gaming, and if it's not good, then all is lost and might as well take up basket weaving or something. It's a fart in the wind actually. Nothing more. There are plenty of new titles coming up and there is bound to be one that catches the attention of the hardcore PC player.

  3. VAkkkkC :P


    I know, VAC is a big time bummer with HoS. My personal hope is that, because of a primarily adult, hardcore PC gamer playerbase, the hacks will be at a minimum. Combine that with a playerbase and server admins that take this game very seriously, and I don't think you will have the typical console port, blockbuster game cheater/ noob atmosphere. At least, that's what I hope.

  4. Well now I've lost all respect for treyarch.








    In case you don't know treyarch left score dvars in BO which allows booster servers that give max rank after one kill etc. Pretty bad when you get banned over playing on a boosted server. This is why hacks are ruin games now, more time and money is spent to protect the all mighty stats system instead of making better AC solutions. So glad the pos doesn't have PB cause I would never want to support it.


    Another example of why this game is a steaming pile. What an over hyped noobfest.

  5. Otherwise its no DICE :P

    Boo! lol


    Man, I love PB, even with all it's shortcomings. But, I believe, even the game I'm waiting for, HoS, will more than likely have VAC. What can a guy do? COD without PB/PBBans is going to be hell on honest players. Too many kids are going to be buying it. Server admins are going to be spending more time spectating players than playing the game. Glad I'm running away from that whole fiasco.

  6. Kalms is Kalms


    class act all the way


    there are others @ DICE that are as bad or worse than anyone from the old IW days


    There are plenty, I'm sure, in any of the big devs that would like to shit can PC games altogether and go for the easy money. It's cool that a Dice rep comes here to help out though, very cool. Definitely a class act. You know what would be pretty hilarious? About 4 to 8 new maps for BC2 on the same day that COD: BO releases. I can dream. It's not illegal.

  7. Hell, IW didn't get it down on thier last try either. No game is ever going to be perfect by all eyes on it's release. As fare as EA and BFBC@, i've had very few issues with the game myself. Issues with some of the stuff in the game, sure, the game itself however has run pretty good for me.


    It runs pretty good for me too. Actually, it runs perfect, especially after the newest patch. I don't recall seeing a dev from Trey or IW on these forums or any other, except on Bash to promote some game feature or video. Kalms comes around here pretty often from what I've seen. That's worth quite a bit to me. I think Dice get's more abuse from PC gamers than they deserve. Not even talking about here, but on game forums in general. And, btw, I was joking about the game trailer, the BO one looks pretty good. Too bad I'd have to commit supuku if I bought BO.

  8. too bad they can't get a game running correctly


    Lol, well, we'll see how many issues BO has. I remember WaW being a pretty buggy game for a long time after it's release. Everybody said "F'N Treyarch can't write code for crap!" and "Treyarch sucks and WaW is a crappy game!" COD 1 thru 4 were no picnic either. IW didn't get 'er down on the first try either.

  9. +1


    didn't play SP


    but, MP beta was horrible and i am easy to please :P


    Man is it horrible. I spent $60 for the most epically horrible multiplayer FPS I've seen in a long time. You guys were smart not to buy it, very smart. And I am a huge fan of BC2, so it's not an anti-Dice statement I'm making. I am completely baffled by what they did with MoH. It's like they didn't care at all about it. Bring on HoS please, quickly.

  10. That I would buy, long as I could shoot Urkel.


    I promised myself I wouldn't flame COD anymore. Instead, I'll stick to flaming the hype surrounding it. On some other game forums, you'd think that BO has the cure for cancer embedded in the code. It's like a world event. Line up and buy COD4 with a new paintjob. Only $60 USD. And all the people said "Amen".

  11. amazing the difference a few years makes. they were once proud that their engine/game was more than existing hardware could run maxed out

    so, they went from wanting to push the boundaries and make sure their engine was capable of more than existing hardware could run to making sure they kiss the xbox crowd's collective ass......




    Dammit, I loved Crysis. These companies have to keep ruining good stuff.

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