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Posts posted by Gutshot

  1. It doesn't do that for any game...





    Dam, thought the PB Update in the servers CP did that. I learn more here by accident, then elsewhere by design. Thanks Gents, I will pay more attention to details now. Maybe explains why my servers have such a low number of bans, despite having decent traffic. I thought cheaters were just afraid of hacking on my servers, haha! (J.K.)

  2. [quote name='buttscratcher' date='Jun 22, 2010 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1277213342' post='321790

    'I'll try not the be so "depressing" next time.:)

    Nah, lol, you are right man. Your opinion is only depressing because it's true. I try to be positive, but our PC gaming hobby is changing for the worst.


    BC2 is a great game, but, the limited servers are just signs of the times. I always told my wife, that once it's not fun anymore, and things are too restrictive, (that goes for all things to do with personal computers), I'll be moving on to a new hobby, or obsession, whichever you wanna call it, lol.


    I guess we'll have to wait and see how things shake out with COD BO, Crysis 2, etc. Even if BO has "traditional" servers, I'll bet it'll be the last one from Activision with that option. Crysis 2, who knows what that will bring.


    Maybe it's time to look forward to some "Source 2 somethingorother" engine from Valve, and hope they will keep us PC gamers from opening our veins in despair, by continuing to give us the ability to mod and play our PC games the way we like to.

  3. Well, I must say, I wasn't depressed until I read this thread. You guys all sound like we are in the "end times". I'm looking over my shoulder for the Antichrist to appear, lol. True, multiplayer gaming isn't what it used to be, and I've expressed my share of doubts in these and other forums, but it isn't as bad as all that. Mw2 was a fail, very true, but to me, the essential elements of online gameplay lives on in games like BC2. Elements like getting together with your buds on your clan server and cussing each other on TS for getting knifed, just when you thought you were going to pwn them all. Things like that make it all worth the hassle to me. Multiplayer gaming has changed forever, IMO, but as long as I have some good friends to kill, and a dedicated server or 2 to play on, I think it will be alright. Idk, I've been playing video games since the days of dropping quarter upon quarter into the Space Invaders and Asteroids machines was all I wanted out of life. It's only gotten better from there. I think with the latest high-end PC's you can build now, PC gaming is anything but dead. I plug my AKG headphones into my HT Omega soundcard, dim the lights, fire up my i7 with it's 5870, and immerse myself in a different world that surpasses anything a movie can provide. Nah, it's still good my friends, still very good. Besides, I know that soon Half Life 3 will be announced and make everything that the evil turd called MW2 brought upon us seem like a bad memory.

  4. Home Built Rig


    Case: Antec 900


    CPU: Core i7 860 @ 3.8 Ghz


    Mobo: Gigabyte P55A UD4P


    Ram: OCZ Gold 1600


    Vid Card: HIS 5870


    Soundcard: HT Omega Claro Halo


    Headphones: AKG Acoustics K240 600 ohms


    Speakers: Bose Companion 2


    Drives: 1x WD Velociraptor, 2x WD Caviar 320 GB


    Monitor: Asus 23" 1920x1080


    OS: Win 7 Home Premium

  5. Welcome Mikael,


    good to see you here on the forums..


    thanks for the heads up..




    Yeah, I guess I should be happy that Dice cares about it's customers enough to keep us updated and listen to our input. Thanks for all the info. My BC2 server will be sweet indeed.

  6. I think BC2 will do OK but it won't be no spectacular game like CoD4 or BF2 back when they came out, mainly do to the lack of features we are all accustomed to in PC games.


    Yeah, it's a shame too. I was so hoping to see it crush MW2 so badly that uninstalls of it would occur globally on 3/2/10. But, nevertheless, it's the best new PC game we can hope for in the near future, and my server is preordered. We can all hold on to the small thread of hope that MOH and/or Treyarch's COD 7 will deliver us from console hell. But, as my Dad used to say "if it weren't for change, we'd still be stepping in dinosaur turds".

  7. Yes.

    Thanks again for taking the time for all of us.


    Yes, I agree. I appreciate it also, on behalf of my clan too. PBBans provides a service for us that is valuable beyond words to those of us who are hopeless online game addicts, like myself. Thanks again MaydaX regardless of the outcome!

  8. Yeah, I preordered it and have been playing the beta. But, whether or not I fire up a server for it will depend on if it will be able to stream to PBBans. Streaming = yes will have server, actually a squad rush server. No streaming = stick with what I have and wait for next big thing. Maybe Crysis 2 will have what I want.

  9. Not long to be sure. But, how many people complained about MW2? Just about everybody, yet it has an unbelievable amount of people playing it, and sales were thru the roof for PC. These companies know that people will still buy them no matter what they impose into the game. I can't see EA or Activision ever having to go the route General Motors did and crawl on their knees to the government for a bailout, lol. And yeah, balance? Just another word for dictate to the consumer what they want. Time for a new hobby.

  10. Welp, in my impatience, I just went with a Crysis Wars server for my "new" game. I can't wait around for these devs to keep screwing up PC gaming as we knew it. I Still run COD4 and WAW servers, but I am growing weary of those and getting sick of letdown after letdown from these game companies. I'm sure Medal of Honor will be a letdown in some way when it comes out in the fall, and Treyarch will screw up COD 7 in the future too. Maybe they will have Treyarch.net instead of IW.net. Screw em all.

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