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Posts posted by Gutshot

  1. You know what really sucks for me? I never even tried the Twinkies with the chocolate filling. I may have missed out forever. :cry:


    Next on the health nazi's list of destruction: Oreos. If that happens, I may leave America and move to Sweden. I heard they really enjoy coffee and a good slab of cake in Sweden. A people who really know the meaning of "soul food".

    • Upvote 1
  2. Twinkies, cupkakes, ding dongs, etc... are more than simple snack food. THEY ARE PART OF LIFE! It's like losing, say, pizza or burgers. They are better than health food, they are food for your very soul. Damned health nazi's are the original reason they are in grave danger. Moderation is the key to them not fattening you up like a piggy. Personally though, I'll miss the fruit pies the most.

  3. now throw some pb in with the vac & walk the talk


    I remember listening to ibleed's old Crossfire gamer's webcast when they talked with one of the devs (think it was Joker or Space Pig, don't remember which), but they discussed PB as not such a viable option due to it being extremely expensive. Might be hard for an up and coming dev team to afford such a luxury. Would love to see it in the game though.

    • Upvote 2

    Wait! You mean we got screwed on an Activision COD game? How can this happen? Oh, wait.....that's right......old hat by now.


    The sooner PC gamers forget about the very overhyped and extremely overrated COD series, the better. Then Craptivision can move on and fully cater to their beloved console market, and not bother with the bothersome PC market. And good devs will maybe get some love from PC gamers.

  5. Unbelievable. After hurling that steaming pile of turd known as MoH 2010 at us, you'd think they'd try and court all the platforms. Maybe they're ashamed of this one also? Maybe they are banking on Xbox 360 gamer's low standards?


    Not going to spend a dime on any new MoH unless I can try it first. Looks like a year with Blops II and BF3 are in order. At least with Blops II, I know it's going to be a consolized COD game. Nothing more, nothing less. As far as this MoH goes, who knows how terrible it will be...... Boring weapons and maps again? Absolutely not fun at all? Terrible support? The sky is the limit with EA.

  6. This looks like it will be some good stuff. I hope it doesn't go the way of RO2 though. PC Gamers say they wish they had this or that, and even when they get the old fashioned goodness, like RO2 and some others have, they still line up and buy the AAA BF3, COD, etc, then bitch about the missing features, lol. I am as guilty as the next guy in this respect. Time to break this trend.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Missing from the list of fixes: FIXED THE GDAMNED HIT DETECTION!




    Never thought I'd say this, but damn, Blops II looks pretty good and interesting.

  8. PC gaming will do well, and we'll be loved by game companies until the next gen of consoles, then we'll be back to being a "niche market" again. Then once again, games will be "Available on XBOX!!! PLAYSTATION!!!! and .........pc.......... Such is life.

  9. with spectator mode + demos / theatre

    At least MW3 has public server files. :P


    Are you guys being sarcastic, or is it actually true of MW3? I know they have unranked servers, which is fine, but do you know if anyone actually plays unranked MW3? I could actually be interested. Can't believe I said that. But, anything has to be better than BadHitDetection 3.

  10. Been playing this quite a bit this weekend. Just wanted to give my little opinion about it. I am no game tester or expert like some are, just a 43 yr old PC game nut that tries to appreciate quality when he sees it.


    What really blew me away is, when you play Territory mode, the maps are huge and incredibly detailed. When I say detailed, I mean they are so unbelievable in scope and detail, it feels like you are actually in them. So many places to go and low crawl and shoot from.


    And the textures in this game are sooooo nice, even with it only being DX9, the game looks better and more realistic than most new DX11 games, yes, including BF3. You gotta play Territory, with realism to fully appreciate this game. Playing the Firefight gametype just doesn't do it justice. I didn't get into this game until recently because I was playing the wrong gametype.


    I just got done playing some huge outdoor map with 60 people on it. The sounds of combat were so uber-WWII, I was completely immersed in the battle. The map had so many gutted buildings and train cars to move to, machine guns rattling off, tanks blasting their big guns, rifles cracking, artillery booming, soldiers screaming in pain from wounds, there is no shooter game I've played in recent memory that matched the scope and intensity of that battle. And, the game pulled off that intensity without being spammy or nooby in any way, shape or form. It was just sweet! I died lots and lots, but felt no anger at all! Every one of the 9 kills I got felt like I really, really earned them. This is the game I will be playing from now on.

  11. 3 passes here too. Is this game worth re-installing? Last time I played it was before the latest patch, and the community was dying a pretty horrible death.


    Around 14 or 1500 per day. I always seem to find a good game, day or night. It runs so much better than it did before also. It's good stuff.

  12. If they would use PB, I think that it would be taken more seriously. I looked at Crysis 2 as an incomplete and half-assed game because of the retarded and ineffectual anti cheat that it supposedly had.

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