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Everything posted by kraxus187

  1. That would be why they are called "requirements"...and no thats not me being a dick or a smartass. Its the same rules for all of us who wanted to stream here,regardless of how many ppl we have in our group.
  2. Bans aren't issued on video "proof" or by request. PB screenshots provideds by the server admins, assuming they stream to PBBans, are your best hope. Go to their website and give them a heads up, maybe they will keep an eye out for him/her if they show up again.
  3. You were banned by EvenBalance, not PBBans... You need to talk/take it up with them. http://bo*^^.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  4. LMAO.. someone needs to go back to SuperMario or Sonic the Hedgehog :lol: :lol:
  5. nice..I'm suprised they were able to fly so close airspace wise... pay attntion to the pilots voice as well as he tells the left side passengers of the view (20 seconds in)
  6. I didn't get to see the whole week but from the pics I guess the other 2 supposedly got the right answer. What happened to teh comp though "l*..did they break it ?
  7. I guess some ppl don't recognise sarcasm when they see it. Done with this topic.
  8. Nice to see Operations has plenty of time on its hands to find those insighful details..:|
  9. I was tempted to go ahead and pay for it in advance....despite all the probablt ehadaches we have from constant fixes (Re " Bad Company 2) at initial releasew after Beta. But then I remembered back a few days and thought of all the people who did the same for Battlefield 1943 (PC edition)...and had to wait for a year after the intended release date to find out they weren't going to get it after all. EA blew all thier chances this past year...I can see BF3 being the last straw game with them as far as PC gaming is conerned.
  10. As was pointed out to such a question before the Holidays... All the PBBans "employees" are volunteers and the applications are processed by only a few certain people. So the system probably got a bit backed up with personal time.....just be patient As for the steaming part....that can only be set up once your account has been established by staff...and its you that sets that up the streaming, not them. Theres a whole section of the forums dedicated to it...instrcutions on how to do it etc Hope this helped a bit.
  11. Ahh..I only asked about the account because your' showing as a normal forums member instead of a SGA. (dark blue instead of green). The only other thinhg I see that is odd is the port number. The port number for both of my clans servers (from MyInternetServices) is 19567 for BC2, I thought this was the standfard port for that game so you may want to try that instead of 48888.
  12. No it is not streaming. Do you have a team account set up with PBBans yet ? http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=starterguide to see what you need to do.
  13. Do you have an account with PBBans yet ? It won't work without one...take a look here to see what you need to do : http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=starterguide
  14. Only those 2 days *l*..i thought the tradition was to start at Christmas (preferably Eve) and the end on New years (Day...and preferably late in the day)
  15. pfft...I must be in the only part of NC to NOT have any snow !!!
  16. If EA did that then there would be all kinds of complaints from other sites who offer services along the lines of PBBans (GGC for instance) over preferential treatment. Not to mention possible complaints from PBBans staff requesting re-embursment from EA...after all, the work they do is entirely voluntary and unpaid. The workload that such a demand from EA would create wouild require a more or less full time commitment...although the case could be made that given the round the clock monitoring by some staff members has reached that level already. Also....such a requiremrnt by EA would be rediculous. We all know EA only cares about the money....it would only be a matter of time before they started bringing pressure to bear with regards to lowering the standards set for acceptance as an SGA for example. Thier standard would be (allegedly) "Well he/she is a server admin because his/her clan hosts a server. Therefore they shoudl have full and unfettered access tothe MBi." Who'se head do you think would explode first after reading that email ??
  17. removed THATS YOUR CD KEY !!! Not your PB GUID......it even says ON THE MANUAL that that is your CD key !! okay..if that just too complicated...try this... go to http://www.myipaddress.com/ Give us the IP address that shows and your current game name so we can try to find you that way.
  18. RedRobbo.... Your getting close to the point where people will just not reply to your posts or ingnore you because now your coming across as a whiner. We get it...you ought a 2nd hand copy of the game...got cheated on it and now can't use it. But that is the fault of no-one hear. Fozzer has attempted to help you...even posted step-by-step instructions so you can get and post info that will better help to find a solution for you, yet you choose to ignore it and keep crying You stated that you view yourself as "a customer here". Well heres a headline for you...no one here, regardless of how entitiled you think you are to help/assistance due to a self concieved status...has any obligation or responsibility to help you in any way, shape or form. The PBBans staff themselves are all unpaid volunteers....posts made by others in an attempt to help you are all voluntary in nature. You, on the otherhand, seem to want to ingore that help and whine/cry/bitch because you didn't do adequate research into the pricing of games....if you'd looked around before going to Amazon and you'd found that newer,cheaper copy of the game first, would you be complaining so much ?? If you're not going to help by providing info so that your situation can be helped, then you'll end up suffering by yourself...because at some point n o one will want to help you.
  19. kraxus187


    really ?? It must be on its way...I have a bunc of family in Suffolk (down near Ipswich) and they got snow already....4 hours prior to this post (ish) Am in NC,USA here and its way too warm still.....although it did come as far south as 30 miles north of here about 2 weeks ago, so skiing season is on in the mountains !!!
  20. Not to state the obvious...well, okay I am...but did you check your Firewall ??
  21. lol..np..I edited my orignal post accordingly Oh thats right...5 was something else they never apologised for..World At War.
  22. 1st...Bans are only done against GUIDs...not IP addresses. If they were done by IP address as well, a great many people with Dynamic IP's would find themselves banned just because they had the misfortune of having an IP address previously "owned" by a cheater. 2nd...EvenBalance rarely,if ever, give an explanation or overturn a ban. I only know of 1 to date that involved a now ex-clan mate of mine. (He made the mistake of running 2 firewalls which inadvertantly blobked the PB scans. They saw this as deliberate...which it wasn't and banned him. Needless to say it was eventually overturned). 3rd..after the farce/hackfest that is CoD4...Cod5 does indeed have PunkBuster.SO its up to you whether you want to deal with it. 4th...as for the second hand market,they don't and never will care about that. They don't make any money off of it...and thats the bottom line. As for the ban itself..its not a global ban handed down by EvenBalance. The original ban was triggered by GGC and PBBans is enforcing it. So you can actually play the game online...just have to find a server that doesn't stream to either PBBans or GGC. So best of luck with that apology. Let us know how it goes.
  23. Go through the set up steps again, you may have missed 1 or input 1 of the commands wrong. The listing in the MSi says you are not streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#rcon Also found this from an old thread of yours which is still relevant : On a side note...how is it you are trying to add a server when you are (at least according to your profile) not a member of the 'streaming admins" group.
  24. Try this for size then....run the names of the ppl involved in making Bad Copy through the MBi....I found 1 of them on there :)
  25. It may depend on what game it is also. 1 of my clanmates has tried this..or something very similar to it..on our BC2 server and he hasn't been kicked or banned for it.
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