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Everything posted by kraxus187

  1. lol...they should have kept it for the Superbowl though.
  2. I already aplogised in a sideline chat for calling him a whiner and I'm doing it here as well. Its all to easy to do when at least half the posts I see on the forums each day are from people who don't take the time to look first, then post...or just don't want to make the effort. I don't know anything about CPanel or how it works...all I know is that I never had a problem setting up streaming and that its really not that difficult...I just use the rcon console in programs such as Guardian or ProCon,it just takes a few minutes of time and patience.
  3. Damn Everson...how can you even read whats on the monitor *l* you must be a good 2 1/2 or close to 3 feet away from the damn things !!!
  4. Oh I loved Karkland...as an Infantry Only map...Vehicles ruined it, who wants to fight street to strreet against Tanks ? But just wouldn't want 1 map all the time. I saw somewhere that this is going to be on the Frostbite engine as well. If thats true , I hope the keep the building damage that they have in BC2,its one of the best features of the game,knowing you can tear up the gaming environment.
  5. No...no...no... if you add weepatriot logic then it can't be true..... Because it was stated by a memberr of the PBBans staff, and we all know they lie and sell hacks !!
  6. Looks like Battlefield 2 just got rereleased....FOR FREE !!! Looks like it...has all the vehicles (which is so much better...BC2 could use some Light Armor instead of Tank Tank Tank all the time) Love it !!!! *edit* Just hope its got more maps that "Strke at Karkland".....
  7. As long as its not another cartoon game like Battlefield heros is/was....what a joke.
  8. Congrats...its always fun when it fills up for the first time. For us it was back in the first week of the game...for about a month we were in the top 100 servers gamewide and there were servers busier than ours, we had our empty periods, but I know at least 1 server was full all day everyday. Hope it keeps up for you.
  9. I may have missed or overlooked but but I don't rhink I've seen anything about this yet sooo.... With it due out soon for the PC (2 weeks I think) will PBBans be covering Battlefield 1943 or has this been subject to the same runaround that we've seen with Bad Company 2 ? Given that it has the same Frostbite Engine and the amount of hassles that BC 2 has incured to date, I'm in 2 minda about whethewr or not to buy i but so far it has price in its favor (as well as look) and PBBans coverage would be a major factor in deciding. I was talking with a fellow clanmate last nmight and we got to discussing BF1943 andf wondering just how much of an impact the headaches from BC 2 will have on the release of BF 1943 and whether EA/DICE have incorporated any of the lessons learned in the last 3 weeks into the new release as well as any fixes for issues known. Anywho...just curious. Thanks
  10. Who'se your server host ? We had to switch to Gameservers.com last niught (and the streaming was active in less than 5 mins !!!) from MyInternetServices because no matter how we tried to set up streaming, it simply wouldn't work.
  11. How about you wee man ??

  12. It may not be home buit or great or all singing and all dancing....but its mine and it does the job.
  13. Had something odd crop up on our AF server tonight and was wondering if anyone had seen this before . I ran an admin.listplayers in BF2CC and it came up with 4 players who had consecutive IPs. By that I mean their IPs ran like this : **.***.***.209 **.***.***.210 **.***.***.211 **.***.***.212 All 4 players knew each other. (As a side route I ran an IP trace through Neotrace Pro and from my location (in Charlotte, NC) it traced to Irwin, CA via Atlanta, GA but branched off to Chicago , IL from Atlanta which made me wonder if this was an IP spoof. In case it is I have PBSS of all 4 for reference of names / cd hashes and for banning purposes and a screenshot of them together on BF2CC. It may be nothing but I think its extremely unlikely that 4 people who just happen to play BF2 would also just happen to have consecutive IPs like that. Thanks in advance for any input.
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