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Everything posted by Ironman41

  1. pbsvuser.cfg here http://www.pbbans.com/mci-overview-bf1942-1.html set up streaming here http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html
  2. Yes , Sorry for the confusion our active website is http://strengthandhonor.forumotion.net Roster is under general Discussion
  3. Our Master User was removed some time ago. What do we , I need to do to get a new Master User Assigned. Clan name Strength & Honor Clan ID 9776. SetFlo was the Master User and as I stated he is no longer with us.
  4. Dont hold your Breath. the first several topics regarding servers files where locked then deleted. MW2 will have server files befoer OFP2.
  5. Here is another great decision Washinton,D.C. is taking $2.6 billion dollars of the funds for the military troops and using it for museums. $20 million of it was going to a senator that just recently died from brain cancer for a tribute or museum in his honor. Maybe they need to take the money and buy our sons some good mre's that won't make them sick. I think they are wasting money. Our sons are out protecting our country they deserve to have what they need.I really don't think that we need it spent on museums. But that is just my opinion. Just thought I would share. U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects Study finds $2.6 billion taken from guns and ammunition Thursday, October 15, 2009 By Shaun Waterman THE WASHINGTON TIMES Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis. http://www.marine-corps-news.com/2009/10/u...rted_to_pet.htm
  6. That really burns my a$$, My Son a US MARINE is currently training for deployment. He is a E-3 and makes $21,000 a year before taxes. He is Avionics electrician currently working on F/A 18's. In the civilian world ppl with his amount of training and ojt hours make between $40 to $50 dollars an hour , thats over $80,000 a year based on 40 hour work week. If he got married and had 1 child he would have to apply for wic and food stamps to make it. Most lower ranking Military familes do.
  7. So long PC gaming community. this trend has been coming for some time. The money is in consoles
  8. just a warning this game is ported for console . there is no anticheat protection and the multiplayer is P2P , from what im reading its a real lag fest
  9. might want to check out this post http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...9&hl=macros I also have a G15 keyboard but if you forget to turn off the Macros program, that comes on the CD , you will get kicked for a disallowed program driver if the restriction is set to 2
  10. Thanks for all the hard work. Glad to have you guys back. We will be Subscribing
  11. +1 hope the Demo is out soon
  12. please add pb_sv_protecttag 2 -=US=- Bf2142 expires 5/18/2010
  13. Wow i havn't seen a server since the release. I get an error getting server list
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