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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Is there anything behind that cross hair .... how the hell are ya supposed to hit anything with half your screen blocked out :blink:
  2. 446
  3. you dont like thier rules but you spam your signature with their advertisments .... :blink: I am sure if you update your account with all the correct information, streaming your server can be set up.
  4. Thanks for posting their response. I hope it solves your problem.
  5. I suggest you contact www.evenbalance.com and fill out a support ticket. Give them the violation # and any supporting logs. EvenBalance can tell you what the violation is associated with, but like Bob stated above, to our knowledge that is not a bannable violation. Meaning will not add that violation to our banlist as it is not yet proven to be cheat or anti punkbuster related.
  6. lmao....I was just reading something about that somewhere.... ... ill look for the link ;)
  7. lmao ...... yup ... sad part is ... this TOOL was the one who was sticking up for ya, :huh: along with another you pissed off :blink: .... sorry to hear about your bad luck B)
  8. I can clear this up for ya. Your sorry lame ass was caught cheating. The command your referring to had nothing to do with the SoF2 game unless you are using an outside program. Whether you got the cheat to work or not, you still attempted to execute your downloaded skill by setting the CVAR. Go spend your 5 bucks and change your IP cause that GUID is not being removed from the ban list... you might have had a chance for an appeal, right up untill you started to let your fingers talk for you. See ya around, I am sure of it.
  9. I do not doubt what you are saying, but my question to you is why would you enter Punkbuster enabled server. :blink: There are thousands of servers out there and you enter a NON Punkbuster server :huh:
  10. me thinks he has a problem with punksbusted :blink:
  11. Have you tried to reinstall the game and re enter your CD Key. ?? What is the first 8 characters of your GUID (not you CD key but your GUID)
  12. Send BoB a PM
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11264&hl= I think I offered you help here. What happened with the support ticket ?
  14. I would start here and fill out a support ticket. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support.php choose your game type. You have tried reinstalling the game and reinserting your cd key . ??
  15. You can type his guid into the front page and you will see if he is on our ban list
  16. Who called you a name ??? You have the right to file an appeal. We do review each appeal that is submitted.
  17. The ban list we have published on our site is made up of Punkbuster violations from "groups" that stream their servers to us here at www.pbbans.com Any violation that is in our banlist was sent to us 'real time' through streaming servers. These bans are not hand touched, they are sent directly to our repository and automaticlly added to our ban list. I hope this answers your question.
  18. I cant see no screen shot ??
  19. I use FRAPS for all my online gaming and have never produced this violation. 3 years and running ... wOOt
  20. allow access through your firewall
  21. Sorry Witt ^^^^^ that was my poor attempt at being sarcastic :o ... my bad bro ;)
  22. Here is a config that has that value in it Dep. There were actually several for download when I googled it. I can see it now ..... what is this seta s_khz "22" :huh:
  23. I may be mistaken, but those are commands to open and configure network ports for servers and players behind routers.
  24. Name calling is for 5 year olds. Keep it real ladies and stay focused and on topic. If you take this to a personal level the topic will be closed. The original author of this post asked for help and opinions. Be respectful and educate your fellow gamerz. You have been warned. You wanna make this a pissing contest, take it else where.
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