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Everything posted by Crotan

  1. That's strange, looks fine on my end. Do a quick F5 in your browser. May be a caching thing.
  2. Hmm I'm investigating but the live streams I broadcast via the origin beta don't seem to show up in my Past Broadcasts on twitch.tv like they would from Xsplit. They show up in the live feed on my channel no problem but not after the fact. Though I'm using the "Automatically broadcast when starting a game" setting. So I'm wondering if manually starting makes any difference. EDIT: it doesn't. So apparently the beta is only good for live streams, but they won't save to your twitch past broadcasts! Major letdown. Unless I'm doing something wrong. EDIT EDIT: it's not just me
  3. I'm pretty sure GTA IV sold well on the PC? I expect the same sad delayed release for the PC, but at least it's something. I remember when they finally patched in Anti Aliasing. Pretty wonky for a PC game not to release with AA. It'll be a blast, how frustrating the controls and other things are will depend on how good of a port it will be.
  4. They had me at "to make bags out of their skin"
  5. Community made multiplayer maps? Here we come!
  6. I downloaded the update today, and I can't see any apparent bugs? I'm just hoping they fixed the battelog matches, they are on a break/fix cycle with their matches system and BL patches. Scratch that, matches still broken :facepalm: My favorite bug in battlelog, has to be the sorting of the "Kills" column. Anything over "1,000" will sort by the digit(s) before the ",".
  7. Watching that, then someones BF3 video really helps put the Battlefield in Battlefield 3
  8. hehe, again I say. This is why you're staff and I'm not. I only saw the duplicate account under book (128055). What I get for searching for the full name rather by tag. Someone should get on their case, they list a whole slue of servers on their website that aren't streaming here. :(
  9. Bumping this up, I've come across the same. Server is Lite Streaming, and has PBSS's showing ESP. Any more thought put into this?
  10. You're looking for http://www.xtremeidiots.com/index.php?/page/index.html It's too bad they don't stream to PBBans NINJA EDIT: Well they've had an account in the past, but it's locked :P That's a new one I've never seen
  11. I think it would probably work fine, but I think they need to adjust their system for shotguns. I'm not sure how accuracy is calculated for shotguns, but I've always noticed it being pretty absurd. Kinda like the rockets in 2142, where >100% is possible :P something to do with the buckshot. That's my guess, without knowing what was going on in those videos.
  12. so cause for concern or just some users with crappy passwords?
  13. I saw this on a server I frequent for a time, very briefly, no wonder they stopped using it. From those videos this doesn't look like something positive at all. That's not to say it won't ever be, but looking at those videos. It looks to be doing more harm than good.
  14. You talking about BF3? You can change that in the server settings?
  15. strange decision
  16. Well one, Xfire user base is pretty dead. FLOT members use to have it running all the time, hell we we're even a featured community in one of their newsletters way back when. These days, we maybe have one user that actually keeps it running, Steam took over the majority of it's functions, with a better UI to boot. Xfire feels incredibly dated these days. Its age shows. Anyways, I welcome both these new features into Origin.
  17. You guys are the best!
  18. Is there somehow for us to manually submit PBSS from streaming Play4Free servers. Or does #3 also affect the server logs, for instance. Can we manually override the Server:IP that you pull from the SS and type it in? For instance, we can match a server's screenshots at PBScreens.com, know that it is streaming, however knowing that the IP returned on the actual SS is wrong, does PBBans know the difference on the backend? I hope that makes sense, and there is a resolution to this, because there are servers that stream here, with plenty of bannable PBSS, but #3 and #4 are holding us back. Any resolution?
  19. gotta tell you man, everything you just posed will likely be removed, shame and blame won't fly here. Best bet is compile everything and put it up on MetaBans when they're back up. And local ban them/report thme to the guys who run the server you were on.
  20. The problem with these services, you see it all the time in news blurbs about units sold, very rarely do they take into account Digital Download services, be it steam or anyone else. And on the PC, that's the majority of where sales take place, which makes reports on such things incredibly silly, at least on the PC front. With that said, I have no doubt in my mind that MOHW has significantly less pre-orders than BLOPS II
  21. Yea I'm using the new Microsoft Office 2013/365 jazz. Editing PDF's right in word, and uploading to skydrive is nice, some of the photo insertion features have gotten better too.
  22. I don't think you're supposed to share the MD5 scans that PBBans puts out. In this case it's to another AntiCheat group but I would think if they wanted to share their stuff they would be.
  23. lol someone is a little slow on the uptake. I got this last November when the game launched :D
  24. No worries. That's why we are here. Glad to see another group streaming though!
  25. so strange to see so many different things merged into the game. Starscape Battlestar Galactica Serious Sam Star Wars wonky looking mod
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