Your key has been leaked and used in 3 countries *(US, UK, NL) with the US player raising the violations.
Format your PC, get a decent AV (Eset Nod32 is my preference) and buy yourself a new CD Key. I believe Steam are doing CoD4 are knock down prices at the moment.
FourZeroTwo initially linked to this on his twitter as IW's "Official Response". This tweet was soon pulled, however they obviously forgot to remove it from the IW page
FourZeroTwo just posted some crap on his site. Make your feeling known
he is also claiming this as the official IW response on his twitter page.
Wow. That really is a slap in the face
"It's a little dubious. Some of the people complaining are complaining with their pocketbook."
So 100,000+ people are all GSP's now?
"Clans can set up private matches to do their training or what have you..."
You really think this is how clan servers are run? Turned on and off at whim? And when it comes to match time?
Ruined the CoD series, ruined IW's image and I hope it ruins their 4th quarter profits too.
Well, you can either place a local ban on the IP / GUID or wait for him to come back and see if you can get some more screenshots when you're streaming.
Another fake or is there still hope ....
"Bonus" missions are a slap in the face too.
Not as complex control system as ArmA(2) but that can be seen as a plus for the majority of the time.
Averages a reasonable 60fps with everything at high 1920
On 64bit Windows Vista / 7 these can be found here:
C:\Users\YOUR-LOGON-NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\demos