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Everything posted by Twiebie

  1. I guess we'll have to wait for some more info that can confirm if any of these rumours are true. :crazy:
  2. Yep, good luck. ;)
  3. I posted the key above, no idea if somebody has used it already. ;)
  4. Have fun. :)
  5. I've got a spare Crysis 3 alpha key, who wants it?
  6. Please see: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/my-2-servers-stopped-streaming-t165321.html
  7. Good luck to all of you that are in its path. Stay safe!
  8. I think they tried to recreate Felix Baumgartner's jump. :P
  9. Nearly all of that could have been spotted and/or fixed on release date if they had an open beta on PC.
  10. Yeah, definitely agree that the last MoH felt a lot better. It had the usual bugs and things, but it felt a lot more responsive in multiplayer. It was indeed a lot more polished overall. Wow, about a 5/10 average...
  11. I do for racing games and such, but do you reckon a lot of players use them for FPS games aswell? Forgot to mention that the game does have VoIP.
  12. How much time would you give them to sort it out? BF3 still has bugs that should have been fixed months ago. Ofcourse every game/application will have bugs, that's part of the development process. But all these direct console ports with no optimization for PC whatsoever that they are releasing nowadays is doing my head in. ^ An Xbox 360 controller in the PC controls menu, really...?
  13. Just played a few rounds of multiplayer and my first impressions are far from good. It really is COD, it's one of the worst console ports I've ever played, the GUI is crap, maps are the size of a lavatory, half of the stuff doesn't work and the game feels unresponsive. It's basically a direct console port without any PC optimization whatsoever. The previous MoH was a lot better, and that says a lot... BF3's infantry gameplay is a masterpiece compared to this...
  14. I wonder how high Google's electric bill is... :P
  15. Welcome back. ;)
  16. Can't get excited about a game that only has a beta on a console.
  17. Hmm, never heard of that eyewear. I can recommend f.lux for the people out there that are staring at bright screens late at night. I've been using it on most of my computers (desktop, macbook, etc.) for a few weeks, and it's pretty good. It might take a little while to get used to, but it's a lot easier on the eyes.
  18. http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-4
  19. I wish I was...
  20. Unbelievable...
  21. I wouldn't try to speak for surfy in the first place.
  22. Game Server Provider. Ranked servers are not allowed to run without PunkBuster, so you could report those servers to the GSP that is hosting them.
  23. I've been using a Asus Xonar DS for quite a while now and never had any issues with it. Sound quality is absolutely fine for the price, and i've never had any problems with the drivers and/or control panel that comes with it. Just a very nice and basic soundcard that does what it needs to do.
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