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Everything posted by Raistlin

  1. You sure about that, we who have contributed feel we own part of your soul's ;-)
  2. Raistlin

    pb kick

    As long as your sv_pam is 1 and you have the pam_mode esl loaded then it should seem ok Your pam config shouldn't be an issue as I assume that esl is a league config , much like we would need to pam_mode cb for our server for clanbase provided config The losing key packets generally means users connected have problems authenticating against pb so there may have been a network issue between your network providor and the PB servers and your players. Is this all the time when running the config? Only when you first switch to a different pam_mode? Only for this particular day? Have you asked if there are any bandwidth issues with the server? Have you turned off pam and restarted server in a normal mode? Raist
  3. No worries mate, that was exactly what I wanted, I have left things fairly standard at the moment before I start to play around with some of the command stuff :-) but will add you in case i have any questions. Thanks again.
  4. Cheers
  5. Not really a pbbans topic but was trying out NQ mod, and wondered if there is an etadmin type mod that works with it so I don't lose easy admin control, etadmin I can't get to stay connected.
  6. Post the topic url ,
  7. Hub Game: COD 2 Clantag: Krynn
  8. Hub Game: COD 2 Clantag: Krynn
  9. About time whoo hooo, already do for both my servers ;-)
  10. When ever you update your settings via the MCL it always pays to look at what has changed and then if you know what a cvar is and you don't agree with the restriction you can either open it a little so 50-100 to 30-100 which is the defaults for cl_maxpackets, just don't remove the ones that are specifically aimed at cheats :-)
  11. And if you got kicked for something outside a cvar value it just means you need to amend it. The ones I am seeing most of is the cl_maxpackets less than 50-100 as most servers used to run 30-100 so people just need to type /cl_maxpackets 100 in console to get back within the limit. Note that you will get a couple of minutes warning before getting kicked for values outside of the servers cvar limits, so pay attention to messages on your screen when you join a server and amend as necessary
  12. Must also stress this is just a standard message, it doesn't mean have anything to worry about, just the standard text that PB flashes up when it initialises for all clients
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php off the main site, Ban index, then select View all bans or if you want to generate the list for inclusion in your own pbbans.dat now you are streaming select generate ban list, decide if you want to include for cvars and md5 violations then save it :-)
  14. You can't ban someone for fps, though for example in ET it is typically restricted in a range of say in between 43 and 125 as there is a known issue with 333fps making it hard for someone to be shot, but fps doesn't mean you load faster.
  15. The only thing I could find was comments on cheat protecting the cvar so in other words forcing the value from the server I guess much like setl on ET where a cvar is locked at a value
  16. If you are using the pbbans config, and some default configs the cl_timenudge is set to 0 This cvar used to be a way for allowing users to take into account servers where there were big ping differences prior to antilag technologies that work So if for exampe your normal ping on a local server was 50ms and you connected to a US server where you ping 150ms you may have used -20 to try and even up the disadvantage, so for that reason Wolf servers used to allow from -20 to 0 range to allow some amendment without going crazy. In ET it is best to leave this as 0 as most leagues insist on it as the etpro antilag does a pretty good job of evening the field unless you are lagging like crazy, so all your player needs to do is amend his setting to 0 to play on your server, and he would have had a warning and time to change this in console before PB kicked him. Just type /cl_timenudge 0 in console MD5 checks are scans of files in your game folders and known directories for cheats, and compares the hash value of the files on your machine against the known value for the normal game files and known cheat files. If the hash value is not the same for standard game files or shows one of the listed known cheat files, then the user is kicked and if you are streaming they are reported to the hub and the ban issued to the other streaming servers for that game
  17. First thing would be to change your rcon password in your server config and restart the server and make sure it's not just a case of he's found it somehow, Name change is not difficult and a lot of servers don't use the pb_cvars to restrict the number of name changes in a set time PB_SV_ChangePeriod [1-999] This setting works in combination with pb_sv_changemax. It defines a period of time (in seconds) during which a player may do up to pb_sv_changemax name changes. Default is 999 which means disabled. PB_SV_ChangeMax [1-50] This setting works in combination with pb_sv_changeperiod. This setting defines how many name changes can be done over a specified period of seconds (pb_sv_changeperoid). If the player does more name changes during this period the player will be kicked.
  18. Download the http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/mac/pbsetup.tgz for mac Unpack the file and put the pbsetup.run in your applications folder First time you run it, it will check for updates, then add your games to it and it will update them Raist
  19. And the pbsetup tool is available for the mac and works well, might ask for the admin account password to update, ran fine on Powerbook and G5
  20. It means that is was a ban that is in the ban file with the description admin decision. So one of the admins banned him either permenantly or for a fixed amount of time for something they did. Would suggest talking to the other server admins to find out who and why.
  21. Looking at the cvar list that pbbans recommend for COD2 //pb_sv_cvar r_intensity IN 1 is commented out so is an optional cvar which this other admin obviously has a restriction. It just means that your player had his set outside of the range the admin of that server allows, and I wouldn't have thought that it was anything to get excited about, just means that he needs to change his to be inside their allowed level if he really want to play on there. But he would have had a warning message saying his value was outside their limit before he was kicked and would have had time to change it . Unless COD2 is exceedingly different from ET and Wolf
  22. Your catching up on Fozzer you oldie, have a good un and drink plenty ;-)
  23. Yep thats right most probably someone who set up the server within the clan should have ftp account details for loading maps etc
  24. Sorry when I say benefit I am more on about cheats that do things for you, you still need to aim
  25. Thats just an fov toggle that allows them to toggle their starting fov and then there firing running around fov with another toggle. So a script that some have tried that has say 110 when they are running around, and as soon as they start to fire goes to 90, but I find my aim is off if I keep changing my fov so I just don't bother. At the end of the day I don't think it gives them any real benefit and I wouldn't worry
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