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Everything posted by Raistlin

  1. Could think of worse things to happen
  2. lol was a joke, and I certainly wouldn't want md5 checks being added automactically. Specially seeing as leagues have specified those in configs before and mean't as a mac user I've been excluded cause they never captured values for us.
  3. well not quite, next task for you admins is a tool to download and update the md5's and pb cvars and restart pb for us ;-)
  4. Yep your catch was showing fairly quickly. saves me downloading and merging pbbans.dat data
  5. heh heh both CnN and ARC servers are now using PBUCON, cheers Foxdie, and within minutes the first ET update went through :-)
  6. Jolt for dedicated boxes :-) even if they are windows machines
  7. My COD2 won't load now that the 1.3 patch has been applied.
  8. you could do pb_sv_banlist and look at the total numbers but like I said that also gives any temp bans that you might add in game and depends on how old your list if compared to Master Ban Index (MBI) on pbbans. Don't think there is an easy way to see if you have applied all of pbbans list otherwise
  9. A mispent youth bashing the keys for those early Olympic games on Commodore 64
  10. It all gets saved to the ban list and if you have it saved to the pbbans.dat with autoupdate then yes they would be there. PB also uses this for temp bans 2 minutes etc for PB kicks or in Jolt admins cases when they kick for 666 for spawnkilling, before maybe banning them fully.
  11. If you haven't restarted the server and you don't have the reload as part of the server config, then it will need to be reloaded as they are kept in memory and any temp bans would be lost everytime you overwrite your pbbans.dat and then reload, hence the merge . I would recommend the following being in your config PB_SV_AutoUpdBan 1 [0=no, 1=yes] Set to 1 (defaults to 0) if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory PB_SV_BanLoad [optional filename] Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file; if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded That is the reason why I merge the two, or you can alway save the PBBANS list to pbbans2.dat and set it to load both files, but I just merge only takes an extra minute and I keep any temp bans for spanwkilling etc. And typical should have checked the evenbalance website before I posted the parameter first time :-), the pb_sv_banload is correct regards Raist
  12. Ello mate if your streaming then it would get added to the list from what I understand, and then using the PBBANS master index to generate a ppbans.dat for the server <a href="http://www.pbbans.com/Master Ban Index (Master Ban Index (MBI)).php?action=2&game_id=2" target="_blank">http://www.pbbans.com/Master Ban Index (Master Ban Index (MBI)).php?action=2&game_id=2</a> Download pbmanager.exe and use it to merge the bans with your own one from your server so you keep any you have added for being idiots etc. pbmanager on forum http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16980 Then upload the merged one to your server and in console /rcon pb_sv_loadbanlist or hlsw type pb_sv_loadbanlist (I think thats the command I have it scripted in my server script so it does it each time server starts. Not had time to do the fully automated process where you can install the PBBans Admin Tool (PAT) or JPAT tool to pull the bans from PBBANS master index as they are added/scheduled
  13. Yeah has been frustrating, and it's appreciated that its beyond server admins, but instead they have to suffer the complaints, as players get kicked, lag so bad that they warp, lag and find that they turn 90 degrees when trying to strafe and shoot. I'm bad at times but others get worse reactions on the servers than I do.
  14. Seems to be alot of this since the latest PB updates, one added sending screenshots every minute and is something that seems to be causing lots of spikes. The Jolt servers would be fine for a bit then we would lose players left right and centre with no warning cause of PB packet loss.
  15. I used to get that error when I had connected to >B< servers so I put it in my config to set rate to 25000 and just re-execed it when i got the error
  16. A true pro Fozzer regardless of providor always there with support and advice
  17. Hi I currently run a number of servers, and one of which is running shrub 2.07b on 1.33 Just recently I have had number of occaisions where I have been nuked and the server brought down. Depsite me having pb_sv_badname 30 wolfplayer, I still get wolfplayers on the server and it tends to be under this id that I get nuked. Further they seem to be able to do it before guid has been recorded so I can't ban them. I have tried the pb_sv_noguidxxxx parameters set to 1 sec, but no joy. Does anyone know how I can stop these gits other than having to move the server to 1.41, main or bani regards Raistlin
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