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Everything posted by Knives*

  1. Knives*

    Pussy Rub

  2. Knives*

    Pussy Rub

    You'll also get a cover. You gotta use protection. Even if it's a quickie, wrap that stickie. lol
  3. No joke, but when I was a kid, my dad brought me and my brother to a junkyard. We found a car battery and put a steel wire in it to watch the acid eat it away. Thinking back now, those are some really bad parenting skills. But it was fun to watch that metal dissolve.
  4. It looks more like a tablet OS than a desktop OS. The metro style will scare a lot of people away including myself. I just don't want that. All I want is speed, security, stability, compatibility and user-friendlyness. Windows 7 has everything that I want and need. Get rid of the metro and I'll one day switch to Windows 8. Until then, I'm quite happy with what I have.
  5. I understand where you're coming from. And you're not wrong to be upset about cheaters using it to their advantage. Your point is valid. The problem is those that do use it to gain an advantage. The greater good here that I believe we can both agree with is that PBBans made a decision to not have innocent people banned at the cost of a few cheaters going free. As a buyer of BF3, it would be unfortunate to be restricted from servers over a tool that may be used maliciously which is why I'm happy that EB/PB still applies a restriction kick. Maybe it will be fixed and the PB restriction will no longer be applied. Until then, this is the best solution in my view.
  6. Knives*

    Avatar Story

    Give a little story about your avatar. Why did you pick it? For myself, it tells a little story that I think is self-explanatory. Out of all the servers out there, only a few of them are really good regardless how popular they are - "Always Quality Over Quantity". To me, any server that supports and shows that it is running PBBans is a "golden egg". I can't imagine playing on any other server, nor would I want to.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viol-89246-and-89296-bans-removed-bf3-t156615.html
  8. Nick, will PB disallow this injector from being used in the future? Some of my members use it and I told them not to because PB may block it in the future. If that happens, there may be a lot of people getting banned by PBBans.
  9. Oh boy. :/
  10. Thanks, Taz. I appreciate the openness and honesty of the staff here.
  11. I added both of you. Nice pic, Buff. Is that your ass?
  12. HAHAHA! Good find. *claps* :D
  13. For sure. Send me an invite if you need a seeder. That goes for all the staff here.
  14. You're right about that. Probably best to have the money put back into current expenses. Ah well. I would very much like to play with you guys. But none of you like hardcore for some reason. And some of you, the ones I try to speak with in Origin, are not very sociable... it's cold to be ignored over friendly interaction or an invitation. P.S. 100th post.
  15. Oh, well that's considerate of them. What are your thoughts on having a real gaming server and not one specifically designated for debugging?
  16. http://www.techspot.com/review/481-amd-radeon-7970/
  17. I mean PBBans should host it's own official PBBans server by one of the Site Staff here (MaydaX, fozzer, RodeoBob or Benway). Is the i3D.net server an official PBBans server hosted by you, SuperTaz?
  18. I think PBBans should get a server hosted in BF3 where the staff and Streaming Admins here meet up to play. The interaction would undoubtedly spark interest for more people to stream. And the users here would feel more connected with the rest of the community. A seperate donation would be needed to fund this but I'm sure there are more than enough people here to help cover the cost. A few suggestions: Normal mode 64 slots for Conquest Large Default maps, both land and air NFOservers.com in New York City And of course, it has to run PBBans ;)
  19. At $510 it still isn't cheap enough. From what I've read, the 7950 is faster than the 580 in almost every benchmark. At $450, it's cheaper, runs cooler, uses less power and performs better. The 580 simply can't compete in price unless it was around $350 - $400. Go for a Radeon.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_zCqKTS5o0
  21. ChuntMasta, Seeing as you're just a Normal User and not a Streaming Admin such as myself and the other 2,500+ Streaming Admins here, your thoughts and opinions on this matter have very little to no relevancy. You're on the other side of the fence and are not contributing to the entire streaming community by helping the MBi get any larger since you do not stream any servers. You may do coding any can snag the MBi list from this site if it was private, which would be unfortunate, but not everyone would know how. The idea of making the MBi data inaccessible to the public (people like you) would not be intended to allow cheaters to use their cheats on more servers. It would be incentive to get people like you to contribute to the MBi by streaming a server like the rest of us do, and therefore you would and should be allowed the privilege of attaining the MBi (if required) that exists thanks to the combination of EvenBalance + PBBans + Streaming Admins. Without the combination of those three, you would never have an MBi to snag and use at your liesure in the first place. That is what makes you and other people like you a freeloader that (IMO) do not deserve access to such a thing. It isn't personal, it's about contributing and helping out the entire Battlefield 3 community that streams as a whole and not just your community. Surely you can understand that. Having the list of bans may be handy, convenient and absolutely wonderful for you and people like you. I as well would love to have a free lunch without having to give anything in return. However, I am not here to do that. I am here to stream a server, help expand the MBi for Battlefield 3 players and to keep cheaters out of my servers and other Battlefield 3 servers that stream to the PBHub. How are you and people like you helping out the Streaming Admins here or PBBans for that matter? You're not, unless you make a donation to them. How are you and people like you helping out PBBans gain a better reputation for itself if all you do is use the MBi without advertising this site on your server? You're not, unless you advertise PBBans in your server, which I doubt most freeloaders do. You may be helping out your friends/clan/personal community and random pubbers, but ultimately you're not helping out the Battlefield 3 community that streams as a whole, which is roughly 21% of all the servers out there. I'm sure you're very happy and fulfilled getting something without going through the same steps I did just so you can have a bunch of cheaters banned from your server. Flexibility is presently granted at the expense of more cheaters roaming free and being undetected on servers that don't stream while the newly discovered cheaters thanks to EvenBalance + PBBans + Streaming Admins are helping to have them proactively banned on the MBi. Maybe a compromise can be made. Those that don't stream a server should pay a small monthly fee to PBBans to have access to the MBi. It's the least they can do if they choose not to contribute by streaming a server. If that is too much, then they should do what the rest of us have done and take 15 minutes to sign up as a Streaming Admin. Could a moderator please move this thread to a forum where Normal Users do not have access? Thank you.
  22. *high five*
  23. I know that has nothing to do with banlists being downloadable or not. You don't seem to understand that I am talking about the MBi here which the public can download presently, just as the topic implies. I'm not talking about individual GUID checks. Think of anti-virus software. There are free ones where it has a virus-check feature and there are paid versions with extra features. The paid one is what keeps the company in business. The free version, in this case, should be considered GUID checks. The MBi is like giving the full paid version out to everyone for free without any contribution on the user's end (not money in this case, but a streaming server). The GUID tracker should always be available to the public, just as I said. But the whole MBi list? No. The long-term goal of restricting access to non-Streaming Admins is about getting people to use their incentive to become one and stream. That alone is what helps out everyone here as more cheaters will get banned. Plus, the more Streaming Admins there are, the more likely people are to donate, I believe. Providing an MBi without streaming is a quick-fix and nice gesture, but it doesn't really help out anyone over the long-run. Everyone should become proactive and involved, not reactive and uninvolved.
  24. I've already explained your question in my post above. Wrong. They would not be helping out the community at all. They would just be helping themselves. To help out the community, they would need to have a server streaming. Only then would they be helping out the community. On a side note, I think that people should still be able to do GUID checks to find out if someone has been banned. But just for individual bans. Also, nothing would be stopping Streaming Admins here from copying and pasting the MBi on sites and forums for non-streaming server admins, but they'll never be up to date competely. Why have a copy of the MBi if it isn't even up to date, which would be 99.9% of the time? Why should the public get a free copy of the MBi while PBBans hosts this free service for everyone and the Streaming Admins are allowing their servers to add to the MBi? Just make it so that Streaming Admins are allowed to get a copy of it the MBi as a temporary resort if or when the PBHub goes down.
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