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Everything posted by Knives*

  1. Whoops! Did I post at GGC-Stream? I thought this was the PBBans forums. True enough. I just stated that as an example of how it could be used, not intending to state that as the only purpose of having the new title. It's all good. By the way... I was not "downgraded". =( I was "liberated". =)
  2. How about a new title? :) This is not to brag but to monitor any reuturning former Streaming Admins that may wish to stream again one day. It could come in handy to simply look at their title than going through the background checks Thoughts?
  3. Very true, Crotan. I did consider that as well. But at the present, I personally believe that PBBans is the most relevant option (very professional staff, highest quality service, widest range of games) out of your list that deserves first priority to be included in PB games by game developers. Now that's not to say that other services should be excluded either. But it is up to the other 3rd party anti-cheat sites to speak up and express interest to game developers to also be included in game search filter lists. It would not be up to PBBans to suggest it to them. It should also be up to the game developers to decide which 3rd party anti-cheat sites to allow and disallow if they decide to go ahead with my idea. For example, MetaBans may be rejected from the filter option since they ban many innocent people for simply breaking rules when it should (IMO) only be about cheaters. But ultimately I say the more options there is in the filters, the better. This idea should not be granted to just PBBans alone. Why? Freedom of choice is what defines exactly what the public wants. And each individual is different. PBBans staff, please let me know what you think of my proposal after you've discussed it. :)
  4. As we all know, PunkBuster is a filter option when searching for game servers to play on. People can choose to play on servers with PunkBuster or they can choose not to. I believe that there should also be an option to check off in their filter searches to indicate if the servers listed, that are running PunkBuster, are also running PBBans too. For this to happen, PBBans may have to seek sponsorship from game publishers to ensure PBBans sticks around for a good long time with provided financial support. If I were still an active gamer, I know I would want to know specifically which servers are running PBBans instead of including a "PBBans" in my keyword search filter every time, since not everyone advertises in server titles that their servers are running PBBans. This would provide extra continuous income for PBBans on top of donations and help the gaming community so they play with as few cheaters as possible by knowing exactly which servers are streaming here. It will also give PBBans additional exposure without actually doing any advertisement since PBBans will be included in filter searches for a list of servers to play on. People that don't know about this place will see PBBans and do a Google search to learn more. Then they'll be more inclined to only play on streaming PBBans servers or perhaps become a streaming admin themselves. No server that runs PunkBuster should be without PBBans.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUhOnX8qt3I Source: http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/ Movies: http://www.teamfortress.com/movies.php Get TF2 for FREE: http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/
  6. http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0fb3c77d6527eb0e7a09bfe64d315686?s=304&d=http%3A%2F%2Fbattlelog-cdn.battlefield.com%2Fpublic%2Fbase%2Fshared%2Fdefault-avatar-304.png%3Fv%3D7909 LOL
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYYo3T6nCw8
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRhlbpa-_x0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJSAuAzMhKM
  9. Everyone should test drive a Ferrari at least once in their lifetime, then spend the rest of their life paying for damages if they scratch the paint. Worth it? Yes!
  10. AMD is in a league all of it's own with the technology that makes them indisposable and irreplaceable. If only more people supported the little green guys. They deserve it.
  11. =] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH476CxJxfg
  12. That is a simple question. The thing is, I haven't bought a DVD or blu-ray disc for about 4 years now because I prefer saving money by getting 1080p HD movies through torrenting (thepiratebay.se). So I'd have to say it's been about 4 years or so. If Microsoft is doing this because the norm now is to torrent movies and play them with a 3rd party application like Media Player Classic or VLC Media Player, they're on the right track to charge money from those die-hard fans of Microsoft software. But alas, I am just one person and I do not represent the entire consumer base, therefore what I do has virtually no relevance given why they cut Windows Media Player out of the picture other than to perhaps trim down the size of the DVD so everything fits with less bloat and/or increase profit margins. Or maybe they feel it is irrelevant given all the other free and paid choices out there. I still use Windows Media Player, just not for DVDs since I prefer sharper images given my HD monitor. In fact, I used Windows Media Player about 30 minutes ago to watch an old TV show that I downloaded from TPB in .AVI format. WMP still has it's uses, yet it's relevancy does not exist.
  13. Just one more reason to skip Windows 8 and stick with 7. Microsoft needs understand that we desktop users use a mouse and keyboard. We don't smudge our touchless monitors with oily fingers. Nor do we want big colourful blocks of ugliness. If you don't spend money to have the right equipment, you will not enjoy Windows 8. Raising our arms uses more energy than relaxed arms on a mouse and keyboard which is why this OS will fail. No one wants to spend more money to run a touch screen because consumers are cheap and/or poor, lazy and typically fat which is why this OS will fail. OEMs are worried because they will not be able to compete with added touch screens since it will raise the cost. And once again, consumers are cheap and/or poor. Besides booting up a little faster and resuming from sleep mode a little faster, what improvements have been made in Windows 8 that will make all this overheard cost and umcomfort be worth it? The good news is if Microsoft keeps this shit up and continues with the metro junk in Windows 9 and 10, people will skip those versions too and they'll be forced to extend support for 7 just as they did with XP.
  14. I don't get it.
  15. Knives*

    Norco Bikes

    I'd like feedback from anyone who has a modern Norco bike or the Norco CRR 3 itself. Tell me your thoughts and experience. http://www.norco.com/archives/2011/?id=crr-3 It's a beauty. I test-drove one today for a few seconds (literally) and it was fantastic. In about 1.5 months I'm going to pick myself up the 2012 model.
  16. I like how you think. Sounds good.
  17. I know MaydaX did an update a while back to version 3.2. I'd like to let you all know 3.3.1 is out now. Update time? :party0049:
  18. No offence but this is (very) old news. They announced the discontinuation of support as being 2014 several years back. This will include IE6 out of the picture too which Microsoft is looking to eliminate. XP has been an amazing OS but good riddance. People need to move on. I believe it will end up being more cost-effective being on a more modern OS such as Windows 7/8/etc. Companies should upgrade every 3-5 years, not every 10-13.
  19. There is "potential" for all sorts of things from... all sorts of things. Fucking paranoya. Screw the labelling. Everyone gets decensitised anyways and we become more numb in the brain as a result. What freaks out people in the 50's (e.g. the movie King Kong with that corny stop-motion photography) would scare the shit out of them if they were living now. These days nothing seems to scare or surprise anyone unless it potentially affects them directly. If this passes, they might as well label every beverage that has alcohol in it. Like smoking, I think 50% of the label is in order. Oh but wait, let's label everything else on the market for *insert bullshit here* while we're at it too. Never-ending cycle if idiocity. It just compounds.
  20. I'm glad to be Canadian.
  21. That's modern society. Although it's funny, it's sad too. Instead of coping, adapting or going through admirable obstacles to make positive changes, many take the quick and easy way out - implants, liposuction, plastic servery. I find it difficult to respect people when they don't respect themselves by resorting to these measures unless (for example) they were in a car accident and require a fix to appear how they did prior to the accident. If people don't accept themselves, how can they expect others to? Natural, no matter how imperfect, will always be more appealing to me than someone that has been altered by science. There are certain exceptions, of course. /rant over
  22. Nice boobies, Buff.
  23. If apps are what makes Windows 8 great, not having apps is what makes Windows 7 grand. They're putting too much emphasis on a radical change without giving anyone a chance to adapt just like they did with Office 2007. And there's too much touch-touch in that preview. They're forgetting that most people have mice. I'd rather put my hand in a comfortable, non-elevated position (on a mouse) than reach up and put smudges across my screen. I don't see how that guy can be so enthusiastic about Windows 8. There's nothing revolutionary about it or the metro tiles. It's just a tablet feature being forced into a desktop OS. And now no more Start button? What the hell are they thinking
  24. Knives*

    Pussy Rub

    I got a few giggles from this one.
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