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Everything posted by GOS_LEgiONary

  1. Ok, that seems to be the best solution, void his ban and send him out again - what a moronic action. About what EA custumer care smoke, my guess would be a mix betwen Strontium, Americum and Sawdust.
  2. Go Battlelog and search for player, type some combos like iiLL or LLii and there is a whole bunch of suspect statistics shown. Seems they use the combination to harden the admin work, but what look likes IIIIIIIIIIIII in game and on Battlelog transforms to iLLiLLLiii in any notepad so the effort seems lame. Makes me wonder if they all have the same brother as father. :)
  3. I think HSMagnet just wants us to prepar for battle, the war against evil is about to start and the end is near. Myyy Preeeciousssssssssss
  4. I was scanning the forum (I've been away for some years) and did find this to me "new" thread. I'm very glad to see a parent standing up and seeking information on this type of matter, many folks just don't care or cope with what their kids do on the internet. To conclude my thoughts, I'm not worried that these boys accused have been cheating. "RVDV" show in this forum that he/she is a concearned parent by seriously searching for information and the truth about the accusations on the kids. I think that he/she through the posts above demonstrates to be a very sound type of person that take responsibilty for him/herself and the family - that really must have some influence on how the kids is raised, teaching them the values of responsibilty and honesty. Also with a ratio of 1.0~ I really can't see the problem behind that accusation at all - when I myself sometimes end up against (BF3) KD ratio of 20, with 4000 SPM, 15 KPM, 1200% accuracy and 250 Killstreak player types. I hope the boys still enjoy the game and maybe upgraded to BF3! (I did find a TimthaKilla in BF3 Battlelog so maybe)
  5. Sorry for the waste guys, I'm aware of the streaming requirement for PBBans admins to place a ban but I couldn't resist posting the deleted information anyway. Many of us have used the Battlelog report feature and It would be great if EA could act on this little gem befor he finally find his natural way through the streaming process and end up on the MBi. Regards!
  6. I would like to bring to your attention that the user names admitting to be using cheats. Also he has some very nice stats to enforce this - 799 m HS (never touched a sniper rifle), 15-20 Kills/minute, 1100% hit accuracy on PDWR - I've got an accuracy of 11,5% on M4, I really must suck :) Player stats: Thread where he is posting and admitting of using cheats: Why EA has not banned him yet is a mystery. Why PBBans can't add him in the MBi is also very dissapointing. To me this is a very solid evidense, can't we make a little exception since he is so eager to become a VIP on the MBi. Regards, Legionary!
  7. I've seen a couple of posts on this BF3 thread about lag issues etc (client side related). On the latest patch the new setting "Network Smooting" is set to FULL as default and it took me less then 30 minutes of gameplay and heavy cursing to start adjusting it - Now I have this setting to mid or less to have the game action feel more accurate. - I've stayed on MID for awhile and my game experience is pretty much ok. But yes, I still have some strange incidents going on... Sometimes I get the crappy feeling I had on default BF2, that many of the bullits I fire "disappear" and never reach the target - that was solved by carefully Tweaking some game ini settings - GSDefaultLatencyCompensation and GSInterpolationTime - on adjusting these parameters it resulted in the game feeling more accurate and less frustrating.
  8. Merry X-Mas and a Happy new year! Thank you staff, server admins and members for all your work and effort that contribute to clean and fair gaming conditions!
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