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Everything posted by GOS_LEgiONary

  1. WTF??? Then I will die from thirst and Mr Chuck Norris will beat me up for being weak. I allways belived it was these guys, and they have actually lost some operatives over the years, during Operation Eagle Claw in 1980 all 64 Delta managed to escape and survive a burning C-130 while the Marine Corps and the US Airforce lost 8 men, on the opposite, in Somalia during Operation Gothic Serpent 5(+1) Delta's gave their lifes in combat. 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_force
  2. I'm glad my one and only still is valid, what a bummer if that one had been deleted... apparently some bad ones have to be released for the sake of the innocent ones - if any :brownbag: .
  3. If you refer to the cheater - it was just so beatifull, he cried :) A small party to celibrate his historical footprint, nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it!
  4. All drinks are valid, so comon - have a glass of milk if your all out of beer and wine. I'm hitting of on some Staropramen Granate and a smokey Ardbeg Alligator - cheers!
  5. To celibrate this, drinks are on me to night. Please have a beer or any kind of drink you prefer and sign it on my tab by replying on this thread. (valid globaly saturday the 19th of may 2012, every reply will add up to a donation for PBBans) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-accbans-ab12332.html Cheers!
  6. It took me a while to see the hours played in the attached picture, he have played 1339 hours of CoD, and he states he played 2 hours to many and doing the number crunching on my charliecumilator I get 1337. A number that could represent the hardcore gaming expression LEET - short for ELITE. On the otherhand LEEG (1339) could stand for LEGION and that is what we form together.
  7. LEET :) or not too be leet - your my hero anyway :dtrooper:
  8. Problem solved - it was a bad un-installation of the support software for the old Graphic card - not the driver. It took a while to find that one. Deserved that one for being lazy, not doing a fresh install of the system. :crazy:
  9. MaydayX - are you doing some ninja style forum attacks? :brownbag: What do you meen about water being a killer LtMatt?
  10. Hi, I take my chances here since the people on PBBANS over all hold a very high standard and technical knowledge on various kinds of stuff - - I have a new GeForce 680 graphics card that delivers a Red Screen of Death right after login (~30 seconds) on a Windows 7 x64. Anyone have any general suggestions with this problem? Regards LEgiONary!
  11. http://indienomics.wordpress.com/2009/06/16/penny-blossoms/ Penny blossoms? are you refering to Penny, Penny, Penny? Sheldon: If you took advantage of modern marketing techniques and optimized your manufacturing process, you might be able to make this a viable business. To bad if it will punnish innocent people - Good luck with your business! :fryingpan:
  12. It sounds this could cause some well deserved extra head ache to some people that worked hard to achive it. On the negative side, will it cause PBBans staff extra administrative work?
  13. And now I understand everything... about this thread. Atleast I do recognize the song from the original Tracy Chapman. :party0049:
  14. Thank you HSMagnet, I liked it! I've never heard about him befor.
  15. If you can spend - $8,100,000,000,000,000 - then you have the capital you need to fund the constration of your own Death Star. The Project time is 833 years and you will need 1.08×1015 tons of steel - planet earth has enough iron for 2 billion units, if one is not enough. http://www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/build-your-own-death-star-for-8100000000000000-20120218/
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  16. +1 OP - a real outstanding job, everyone on staff! (and I only play BF3 now) ...and under that topic its suitable to add that the funding goal for this month is almost reached - 99% last time I checked - see for yourself - http://www.pbbans.com/donations.html - I'll finish my job for too day and will complete the goal myself if no one else have when I check later (~2 hours from now)
  17. Jeeeeeees, how am I ever gona be able to shot you know Buff? I will end up in Battlelog every time I see you in game. :) But I like Knives thought, it would be really fun to organize some regular PBBans wars on 2 teams with up to each 32 players (conquest) or any other mode and a ping balanced rooster if we do it world wide (US-EU and US-Pacific). Maybe we could challange GGC on a map or two aswell? :)
  18. I was aware of the DDoS attack but I´m fresh as a SGA and was not sure if I had to do the automatic seup again. The recent attacks on GGC and now PBBans indicates that someone is pretty upset - to me that is a very good sign. I just need to get a hold of the steps to use the manual ban index on our server. I Checked the rcon just now and the server is up and streaming again. :) 10 bannes accounts denied access in just as many minutes. :) Good Job Operation!
  19. I'm so painfully well aware of the phenomen, when stuff stop working you have ten thousend callers informing you of the problem and asking stupid questions like mine. I hope you get to solve the problems and get things running just as you want it. I just hang back and fine myself a small "punnishment" to motivate myself to not disturb you in the future - thats the price I have to pay for claiming an answering to a stupid question.
  20. Hi, its 17 hours at work and I fail to find any topics that answer this for me. Please just link the corresponding thread and/or a quick yes or no. Is the server recovering streaming when the streaming hubs are back online? Regards, Legionary!
  21. I can just say your guides and tools made this a very smooth operation. Our server is streaming and is already servicing customers. I had 3 players kicked for AIM and MULTI while I was was checking the ProCon utility for just a couple of minutes. Hoorah! Thanks guys, this is super!
  22. OP, I can see the "man" face, but am I the only one that can see the girl next to it? :crazy:
  23. Thanks god friendly fire is off :) That lead to comparing the BF player and COD player http://bf3blog.com/2011/06/average-battlefield-player-vs-average-call-of-duty-player/ Avg. BF player: Avg .COD player:
  24. Hi, we just started up a rental agreement with GameServers for a 64-slot BF3 server located in Denmark. Our intention is to contribute to the AC community by having our server Stream. I have one question to the guidline to the application. Q Is the GUID of every active member on our squad required for the application? We have been in a period of total darkness and some of us have recently come back to regular and organized playing, some are still lost and others are stuck in mental isolation, we pray for them every day. :) Also a growt of the squad is very possible since we have old palls and fous we play with that might become a part of The Game Over Squad community (that sounds pretty assume but we are only 7 active to date). Regards, LEgiONary!
  25. Not registered at the moment! We used it when were active on TWL in AAO a couple of years ago, but not since. I was thinking about registering once again, but it is useless on BF3 you say. can you tell me why?
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