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Everything posted by GOS_LEgiONary

  1. DLC Naval Strike on the Ships there is doors that open and close when players come near them.
  2. Hi, do anyone here have knowledge of a bug in BF4, where the (automatic) doors are open in your screen but seem closed in your opponents screens? Resulting in a situation were you can shoot and kill the opponent when he can't even see you. Regards, LEgiONary!
  3. This is just so wrong, crule, sad and painfull as for all the other tragic killings of defenseless people over the years. Obviuosly if you would deny people in general owning weapon lawfully the number of available weapons would deminish, but the problem is still not the accessibility of weapons, the problem is fundamentaly the violent nature of our race and the twisted minds of disturbed people. Also the guy we want to not be able to get near a gun would be the only one having one - as of the criminal nature. If there where no guns available innocent people would still be killed by mad men with a rock, car or a wooden stick or even by hand. One measure to prevent these things to happen would be to through healthcare systems identify the sick persons that are able to kill innocent for no "reason" (obviusly one could become sick instantly through poisoning or from other behavior altering causes) another measure would be to mix uniformed secuirty personell with none uniformed in certain areas along with high tech secriuty systems. A fundamental key is behavior profiling and police intelligence to be pro active - and for police intelligence to work effectivly the citizens need to report things that are odd, and for people to report things to be odd they need to identify odd things and take notice of them and care for peolpe around them - key word - Love. To be frank, there have been people more or less close to the last couple of insane shooters - Utøya i Norway 2011, Batman shooting 2012 and this last massacre - relatives and friends who have felt something is wrong about these persons but failed to raise the alarm. On the other hand we never get to hear about all the tragic incidents that where prevented from caring friends, relatives and just the person passing by with a caring mind.
  4. Textbook procedure there, to be specific the frozen body part should be placed in the arm pit. :o Did he recover well or did he get it amputated?
  5. You will not believe this - I have no knowledge of any cheat site or their URL:s and I am glad that the poofo magic wand is keeping it that way. Thanks admin!
  6. Maybe its time for you guys to try out paragliding and see how that works for you? Good luck and take care guys!
  7. Paranoid are we? :) Don't worry, its just some old disinformation programs running since the cold war. :)
  8. Seriously? Is that you say true its about time to pick up the phone and make a phone call... Glad you got his tag!
  9. Acctually the topic starts of with MaydayX explaining why the MD5TOOL checks was added. Some days after that PBBans (MaydayX) have distibuted the cas_xx check's (in another thread about BF 3 editor) the lead post is updated with info about GGC accidently stream an inverted kick statement causing all, including myself, being kicked from GGC servers for NOT have used that tool. But the lead issue is about the tool and the addition of kicks for it when the tool can be used to cheat. I'm pretty sure there is plenty of threads and post about it, but the core issue - playing competitvly (multiplayer vs each other modes) and changing fundamentals of environment, weapons, perceptive abilities to you advantage - WILL BE CONSIDERED CHEATING. As long as you READ, UNDERSTAND and COMPLIES the BF 3 EULA distributed from EA you are safe. Obviously the BF 3 Editor is breaking the EULA for the BF 3 game since it is changing the game files in a way not allowed by the developer studio DICE and software distributor EA.
  10. Can you remember wich ones you collected?
  11. Hi, just wanted to bragg a little. Under some very lucky circumstances some days ago I did notice a DICE guy behind me while I was trying to get my team to follow me on attacking B objective at Armored Shield. This opportunity did present it self because my teammates "was slacking" behind me (heavily engaged in combat). Suddenly an armored vehicle advanced towards their position infront of me and I did fire away 2 javelins, it got disabled and retreated behind some bushes. Bye then I hade noticed something unusually, the player name had a rare and very luring lock "[DICE]DicedPixel" - this really put me off focus from the planned attack of the mentioned objective and I went out on my hunt to try collect that precious dog tag. After a hasty rush I sneaked up behind him while he was repairing his vehicle, the tag was violently removed from his neck and the occation was celibrated accordingly.
  12. As discussed somewhere else here on PBBans, reducing the sun effetcs (the milder form of editing dev files) in BF3 is changing the game files (EULA breach) and will create an unfair advantage for those who use it. If it was up to me - I would go for a ban on this matter, but then I have a background in league and competive gaming and is ultra towards fair play along with my team mates in game over squad.
  13. I'm really thrilled by Tom Clancy's stories, both books and games since I first was reading Red Storm rising many years ago. Sand Flee, Big Dog, Cheeta - robots to hunt you down or assist you in surviving on the battlefield of tomorrow http://www.youtube.com/channel/HCG0bcPM0VslI?feature=relchannel
  14. I hear you Fozzer. First I did misstake the MD5TOOL kick for people having installed the Bf3 editor. On the 3rd page I did post a link to MaydayX post and an explaination of what is going on.... 5 pages later people are still crying about DICE and EA... Not to mention how many new colorfull names I got Average BL poster -> :sign0109:
  15. This did have a very large impact on many players last night. I made a huge misstake explaining why a player got kicked for the cas_50 check on the Battlelog and almost lost an eye in the process. Thank god I eventually found MaydayX post here on PBBans where the GGC streaming explaination was to be found - This might have saved my life. Thank you MaydayX! :doomed:
  16. I also want my breasts bigger, what size are yours Matt? ;)
  17. Damn HSMagnet, how do you find these clips? BTW I watched the whole clip, waited for him to shot back... that never happened.
  18. With the amount of Internet based spam, crap, hoax, errors in facts and language (grammar, spaelling), criminals, cheating, hacking, .... I'm with Iran, they have something going... :brownbag: Less freedom (for criminals and idiots) would liberate us!
  19. R&D, suing, production, but isnt the largest singel post dividend to shareholders? When driving on Oakland freeway you better drive carefully, those "walls" on the road look really hard from the sky. :)
  20. ...a better fuel for this purpose would be diesel, but when the material you want to burn is somewhat dry... have a go on gasolin, keep your shoe laces tied and eyes shut - make sure you run in the right direction though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f4lPzxSm5A http://www.darwinawards.com/stupid/
  21. +1 Going online in a few - Ban Wave Party!
  22. Your welcome! Even with a pair of cheap and simple terminal or reading glasses you will get a noticable effect. Even if they don't increase the contrast your eyes will become less tired in the long run.
  23. Its a hard world, defects in patches is caused by the developers is under such a tight time frame in projects set by PM's and other managment. The downside to stick to detailed schedules in projects will be that possible defects are present on release. On the otherhand if any planned release is not on time it will be even more devestating to the bussiness. I also see this with the software I work with, suddenly a patch kill a function that worked just fine befor. The gaming industry has a really demanding customer base with a very high knowledge of computers, software and development as many are working within technology and IT. I did find the singel player part of BF3 ok but there was some annoying buggs and it did give a feeling to be a hasty work. I'll prefer that DICE do focus on the MP part in the future.
  24. I'll definitly going to get a pair or two of these for both work and gaming sessions. They will probably not make me seem smarter nor look cooler, but I'll hopfully last longer with higher focus befor I get cranky and soure on the TS channel... (I'm internationally known as the Angry Swede) http://www.gunnars.com/technology/advanced-gaming-eyewear/
  25. It looks nice and I would appreciate both dynamic weather and lighting on all maps to get as much variation as possible, no matter if they are created by DICE or someone in the community. But apparently DICE and EA are not very comfortable opening this box for everyone to alter and access the game engine code. We already have a cleare picture what some people can do without access to those game core resources but by only using DirectX and OpenGL and their twisted brains. There is some kind of map design contest going on now for BF3, I think it would be nice if some bright and serious individuals did contribute there pitch and maybe we will see a new type of dynamic maps in the furture.
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