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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. Imho, Sandy Cheeks trolled me big time. I wasn't expecting more damage in my area but no. This is just a typical severe summer thunder storm when I was camp staff! :banghead: NYC is flooded in many parts, patients had to be evacuated from NYU Hospital cause their generators went out, thousands of blackouts, fires throughout the city, and building damage.
  2. WC has too many good restaurants in town and I'll be surprised if WCU and DCCC students do have days off throughout this week due to damage and lack of power. I been in Chester several times, but only for Andrew L. Hicks Jr Foundation purposes. I passed all of the towns near god knows how many times because of camping in the Poconos and going north to get on Rt 80 West to get to Lock Haven last year. Damage in NY... Crane snapped on the construction of one57. Expected costliest storm surge for top 25 zip codes in nyc area --> http://finance.yahoo.com/news/corelogic-analysis-shows-top-25-175600086.html
  3. I'm about 50 miles or so south of Taz... http://www.weather.com/weather/right-now/West+Chester+PA+19380:4:US
  4. Latest update: 90 MPH winds and 943 millabars TWC YouTube Live Stream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXMU2qwCVag
  5. What area Pipes area that you're volunteer fire fighter in? NYC?
  6. I'm going to get hit bad myself as well. I'm near Philly and we're anticipating 40-50mph winds and 75+ mph gusts by tomorrow. Power will be out for sure by tomorrow and a lot of downed trees. For me, I don't need to worry about flooding. Time to place bets to see what tree falls down first in my backyard!
  7. LOL!
  8. This is all I can say Magnet before something happens.
  9. Ubisoft anti cheat makes Dice look bad imho, however PBBans is superior.
  10. What we shouldn't talk about is politics and religion here...
  11. Need For Speed: Underground is where it all started to get known from how I see it! Such a great game series in my opinion! Ps. Need For Speed World is P4F --> http://world.needforspeed.com/home
  12. Down for me. If its up in a week, it was probably down for maintenance. If not, they folded.
  13. So apparently my laptop crashed 4 times today. Two times in BF3 and CoD2. The drivers weren't updated since. But in BF3, the game crashed when the screen went black twice. In CoD2, one time it went black and the second time had vertical gray bars on my screen then went to a BSoD. >.< The thing that I'm confused about is that I'm using my 32 inch 720p tv as a secondary monitor to see my games on, just today alone, my screens just flash a quick black bar. :/ It could also be my battery which is now broken. Broken as in randomly shuts off the laptop. The battery is now out of the laptop and scanning for virus' and will be following these steps. EDIT 1: I'm not dropping 20 bucks to get all AMD related files deleted. I just got most of them or so. Thank god for system restore. EDIT 2: It worked! I downloaded the necessary programs through wifi! xD
  14. Of course... the communists don't know when it will be released. xD
  15. Broadcast. Its intense and really fun with 32 players on HC. Its great with TDM, S&D, Sabotage, HQ, and Domination.
  16. I already seen it but still an epic vid! =D
  17. Games these days have very short campaigns but gamers always play multiplayer for more interaction. It's nothing like The Legend of Zelda. Its only single player but its campaign takes many hours of commitment to beat. AM I RIGHT?!?!! It will be epic if a fps game had around 40 missions for its campaign alone but semi challenging.
  18. This card is huge! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kUtfDq2g4Y
  19. It's confirmed from Red Bull saying that he did have a GoPro Camera mounted. I'll wait a few days to see f its uploaded to GoProCamera's channel.
  20. Mission highlights
  21. ASUS Xonar Phoebus Unboxing and Overview --> Link --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829132054 Creative 5.1 Channels 24-bit 96KHz USB Interface X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102035 I currently have that card for years and it works like a charm
  22. Short bio This post is all about Felix Baumgartner from Salzburg, Austria who made a skydive from around 128,00 feet just a several hours ago! Articles BBC Article --> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19943590 Time stamp Article --> http://gizmodo.com/5951563/first-human-supersonic-space-jump-live-coverage Some pics (teaser) YouTube Vids Yes, he has a GoPro camera on him during the freefall! Congrats Felix!
  23. Very nice!
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