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Everything posted by Scarface

  1. that link goes to this same thread Fozzer. :huh:
  2. 03/25/2006 14:20:15 - "Stuart Dunsmore" "Note #2: No, even though those errors are something I want to look into, I do not see a link to the kick. That violation came from the client, so a server error really doesn't factor in. Now, that kick is for an external no recoil hack, but it has a higher chance of false positives than other detections. That player should be able to reproduce the kick, if he was running some other program at the same time. That is the only violation he ever got it seems, so I would lean towards the benifit of the doubt here." I don't see anywhere in there where he said it WAS a false positive. just that it had a higher chance. he also said the player should be able to reproduce the kick. Where are the rest of the Notes. I don't think the ban should be lifted unless EB says it's 100% a false positive, not on a "benefit of the doubt" decision.
  3. i frikkin hope so.
  4. I Know you didn't just call me a n00b. Sure, norton pops up the first time you exe the game prompting you to block or allow. But as already stated it's a moot point, irrelevant arguement. DC, maybe you should just quit while ur ahead. I hate posting links to "the other site" but i think maybe others would like to see that you're not so innocent as you lead on to be. Check It Out Wow, you've been busy the past year, 37 violations and 32 Aliases. And maybe you will say that wasn't you but that's bull as the ip's match the same one you are posting here with. B) http://www.whois.sc/ http://www.whois.sc/ http://www.pbbans.com/mpi3/mpiresults.php?...39cf6&srh1=GUID
  5. yeah, end of discussion. Pbbans cannot help or assist you with your plight. People have tried to help you but you won't listen. Go flame up someone else's board. You've been warned.
  6. why would you intentionally set ur FW/AV to block PB? It doesn't do it by default.
  7. yeah, i use Norton Internet Security 2005. Never had a problem and certainly never got a guid/hw ban cuz of it. *shrugs* :dunno:
  8. nope, never.
  9. Dude look a lil deeper and check out the model hack of the guy standing on the box.
  10. i'd recommend filefront. EA was giving me a 12KB/s d/l http://files.filefront.com/Battlefield_2_v...;/fileinfo.html
  11. Holy thread resurrection batman! :blink:
  12. no...he won't. useless global hardware ban thread, Closed.
  13. Scarface


    if i'm not mistaken, gamesurge was down for many weeks awhile back, forcing basically the whole gaming community to migrate to quakenet. gamesurge is very unreliable as well.
  14. that adds a whole new meaning to spam :blink:
  15. LoL! that can't be real.
  16. i seem to have fixed mine (knock on wood) by doing a manual pb update via pbweb.exe
  17. looks like a spray n pray crosshair. :D
  18. signed........355 signatures :smooth:
  19. :aprilfools:
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