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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. Welcome to PBBans :)
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266 :)
  3. I have not heard anything about this problem sorry
  4. Welcome to PBBans :)
  5. If you stream your server to pbbans you will have acces to a forum section where you can post pbss for opinions if there is anything you might have missed or if its anything you think is strange. You can allso see the pbss that the other admins wants opinions about and that is good education... :) pbbans is so much more then the public can see ;)
  6. Iam glad i bought cod4 instead :jam:
  7. I dont even play games thats not suported by punkbuster :P
  8. Thats swedish but no post is any help for you :) could it be language related mabye the player is chinese / Russian or something and your game dont suport that language...but i just speculate here
  9. iam going for this to the store tomorrow and if he dont have it you can bail me out please :D
  10. I use ss checker :) Click me
  11. I used "Enforce Bans" on my BF2142 server and imo no need to have "Accept Hub Bans" marked as wellif you dont want a copy of the banlist on your server will say :)
  12. Open a TT at EB http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...php?game=bf2142
  13. Let this be a lesson for the rest of you never look at names NEVER!!! not even in bf2.....The only thing that is relible are the pb guid witch can not be spoofed
  14. lol your not alone thinking like that AcE i thougt it was a rumor as well
  15. Dual monitors could cause this you have any ss you can show us?
  16. bpcZoD iam sorry to see this happen. This is exactly what we say can happen if you download cheats. And this is allso the reason we warn about it in every forum section. I can not even understand ppl that download and use cheats its not like they are made by a large trustworthy company The hacks are made by hackers :banghead: just that alone should be a warning signal for every one
  17. You should see the reason a few seconds before you are kicked
  18. :bigsmile3: wow
  19. This is pbbans not yawn.This is not a problem that has anything to do with pbbans i would go and talk to the admins at yawn nothing we can do
  20. Hello Please dont post info regarding players when there is no proof to back it up with What you can do is start streaming here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=346
  21. I have seen this happen in sof2 many times nothing to worry about imo
  22. You are not on pbbans banlist MBI looks like you have to go and ask the admins at http://www.rulesofcombat.net/
  23. pb_sv_SsCeiling 99999 //[High screenshot filename serial #] ;)
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