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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. -mRx-

    Thank you all

    Iam sorry to hear this m8
  2. -mRx-


    Please post only the original png´s ;)
  3. JaGo aka tm.inspektah /InSpEkTaH/mk2vr6 or what ever other names you have used in this forum Moved to proper group
  4. Which league are we talking about here?
  5. Not that i need to say it i do it any way.A ballhack does not look like that = Clean ;)
  6. You should never look at a name what you should look at are the pb guid but to answer your question yes it is.If you start streaming to pbbans you will have acces to the MPI4 thats a huge database you can use to search for players
  7. It realy does not mather where or by who the guid was used.The guid was used with a cheat and thats all we need to place it on the banlist.Who can realy prove that some one was asigned with her guid or if she had a vacation in germany.Iam sorry but i dont belive that what i do know is that she should be more care full with showing ppl her key she showed us a picture of the key when she appealed the ban mabye she trust us that much but should still be more carefull :)
  8. And dont forget ;)
  9. Just to add that it is not ok to use that file here at pbbans if we find it in a pbss it will result in a permanent ban
  10. Do you down load the pbss´s first via ftp? Try the pbsv.cfg i attatched theconfig in our download section does not have autoss enabled This config contains autoss enabled no need to take manualy ss´s pbsv.cfg
  11. *************************************************************** Team: United Brotherhood Clan (AC#883) --- Account Streaming (1 / 8) *************************************************************** User ID: 109928 ---- ForumName: UB_Dragon ====================================================== Streaming & Banlist, Cvars & MD5's** & HowTo; PBBans Hub Flags; MPI4** MPI3**
  12. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-rtcw.php :)
  13. Its doen allready :) *************************************************************** Team: The Crazy Train (AC#228) --- Account Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** User ID: 100144 ---- ForumName: DogLicker User ID: 108570 ---- ForumName: BigDawg11 User ID: 108679 ---- ForumName: TCTBULLETMAGNET ====================================================== I cant find any user with the name Icedogg.Tell him to register again and make a post here
  14. When i check now i see its set to 1280x1024 looks like 1600x1200 is max on the game panel never tried that tho :)
  15. I have a widescreen i never notice any problems while i play sof2
  16. nice one mabye ill try it when i brake this one ....wont take long :lol:
  17. Have he tried the wiser 2? http://soldieroffortune2.filefront.com/file/Wiser_2;60506
  18. Welcome to PBBans :)
  19. -mRx-

    need help

    Tell them to update the banlist i see they updated it
  20. -mRx-

    need help

    No he is not on our banlist (mbi)
  21. Here you go http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=396 Or click the links in my sig
  22. Use your team account m8 http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php "Add Server" Done B) Edit that server is streaming allready Server Status Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag RTM Server IP Data Last Received 18 mins ago
  23. Damn another game ill just have to buy :lol:
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