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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. Well said fozzer ;) Welcome to pbbans DynoSauR :)
  2. Welcome to pbbans Baz Damn all i can se now is a dancing ass :D
  3. :D Yepp i have heard of that "Beer"
  4. Dre is not here anymore m8 look at his "brokenlink" avatar :blink: :D He is a Convicted Cheater
  5. Hey punisher take it easy you must understand whe have lifes out of this to :) we will look in to this asap ok ;)
  6. You can appeal your ban here http://www.pbbans.com/appeal.php But i can say it will not be lifted cause i found out with your ip that you are linked to a multihack ban to
  7. -mRx-


    Oyeah :D
  8. Hello gargamel Welcome to PBBans :) If you stream your logs to pbbans the cheaters will be added to the ban list automaticly you can read about how to do that here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5728 if he is cheating soner or later he will be caught Iam not sure about Enemy Territory cause i dont play that game my self but iam sure some one here can answer that question for you ;) You can start to uppdate your profile with your server ip etc etc so we can add you as a game admin then you will have acces to the closed forum And allso start streaming as soon as you can so those punks will be where they belong (on the ban list) :)
  9. Sure you can ask questions thats what this public section is for :) What Bob means is if you are a server admin on your server then you should update your profile so we can validate your account so you can have acces to the closed forum as well ;)
  10. The guide is in the ss m8 :)
  11. Why should they unban you.....your "brother" cheated with that guide no way they will unban you....you need a new copy of the game
  12. Agree good work bob and the rest off the staff really good work and if i can help you in and way you know where iam :D
  13. Hey Tim post them in the private area ;) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=16
  14. I dont think the crosshair change position when you reload. Why its like that i have no idea :blink:
  15. So iam the first one asking for it then ;) About the maps here are some i like football argonath dust sonora tocvod shop69 stalingrad
  16. My new clan have a server with roc mod will there be a ladder for that?
  17. I know that ace i was just giving him a explanation what he will do "IF" he is streaming :)
  18. Hey DrDre Iam sure the site staff will look in to it as soon as they have time and if you are sreaming then they will uppgrade your acount to Streaming Game Admin so you can post those ss in the private forum ;) so just be patient and you will know werry soon :) Btw welcome to pbbans
  19. agree but i signed it anyway you never know :)
  20. Hey Gringo welcome For streaming http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5728 'Do you realy need to ask ;) :D
  21. Hey mr poison no need to be rude It takes the time it takes.The admins here at pbbans have other things to do to in real life ok. so be cool and iam sure they let you know when they are done this things take time to investigate so just be cool.
  22. This will not work if the player who wants your name uses different colors in the name/yeah you can add all different colors in there to but thats a hell af a job :D
  23. They look clean to me.
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