offcourse can you do all that as long as you use your brain and dont create crap pk3´s thats only purpose is to gain advantage
to bad you dont have the file anymore cause it would be really good if i could have a look at it
Yes the first laser did we ban for i dont know if we do that now
but there is a few on our banlist for that file
What advantage is it with a silenced ak?
My own opinion is if you use anything like a glowing gun skin or a pk3 that removes the smoke from smoke nades or a pk3 that makes the ppl all red and visible tru walls ...they are all the same for me...those files are made not to look cool/nice they are made for one purpose and that is to have some easy killsand i dont think its right to make cheats just because the game is old that really what you feel ?
If it gives the one using it a advantage over the other players that dont have this file
then its clased as a cheat.
I have seen screens from players using it and its clearly a advantage to me
The auto download thing have been up for a long time now and and the most ppl knows that you should not auto download files from servers you dont know and trust'
Do you still have the file or have you deleted it if you still have it send it to me and i will have a look at it ;)
Every ones opinion mather to us here at pbbans and we listen to all ppl that come here
So just becaue the player have played the game for a long time you think we should lift this ban? :) you hear how that sound
I have never heard that any server have had this file for auto download and for what reason?
And as maester say you was kicked 2 times but didnt realise you shouldnt have that file in your sof2 folder
the first time you was kicked....and this info is only what we have from streaming server
and no worry no one will flame you here ;)
Any way you will have to wait for the appeal
Why it happen or what the player do for it to happen i dont know.....but yes i have seen it before
when the player opens the sof2key file in the base folder he will see a diff key compared to the one he have on the box
and all you need to do is to retype the key and all is good again :)
I asked him to retype his key cause it seems like some times you can lose they key or it get replaced with a leaked key some how and why i dont know ...but i have seen it before
so the guid with a globalban is not the guid he use to play with
but this is
and thats the guid he had after he retyped the key
Don Logan do you get kicked for unknown guid on some servers?
if so is
try open the sof2key file with wordpad and re wright the key that you have in side your box
and start the game ;)
As Tim said
Soldier of Fortune II
Last Updated: March 11, 2006 8:39 am
stoped streaming 11/3
Are not in the msi
Are not in the msi
the valid cvar for fov is cg_fov ;) the fov cvar is cheat related but can allso be a typo ;)
the no_fog is a cheat
flash is allso a cheat
and if any one have a ban for those they need to appeal it and we will take a look at it :)
No one here judge any one notoriuos
didnt you see i said that all clans have had,will have cheaters that they will have to deal with?
if there is anything you want to say to me you can do it on msn
dont start here or i will close the topic