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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. If you think that the violation is false i suggest you to open a trouble ticket at www.evenbalance.com click me trouble ticket and wait for there respond it can take a while ;)
  2. Dont spam the forum with same message you only need to post once ;)
  3. Here to :)
  4. in my opinion there is nothing in that ss that shows its a wallhack you cant be behind that wall on that map or am i missing something here :P and Ace said he didnt think i was a wallhack ...you mean Tim right :D
  5. No never i would local ban his ass ;)
  6. i have to say no to as i dont think you can be behind that wall on that map but as ace said watch him for more if he comes back ;)
  7. Welcome to PBBans Juden :)
  8. I see its streaming now :) -)A(- RTCW Enemy Territory Last Updated: May 11, 2006 7:20 am
  9. Me and Owl set it up last night but some how it aint streaming contact me tonight again Owl ,so we can have a look at it ;)
  10. Nice to see its working :) and welcome with your 2 server RedKilla ;)
  11. Hey CyFa welcome and we are looking forward to help you in any way we can ;)
  12. Famous lol yeah thats something to be proud off :huh: soon you will have a new nice avatar ;) closed before the flame begins
  13. what was the message?
  14. At least your not alone in the waiting apartment AurAL :P
  15. looking forward in working with you Robb25 :) Welcome
  16. -mRx-


    Yeah what would we do with out :)
  17. oo i thought you was talking about the frame :) i second what ace just said ;)
  18. Hey Welcome Angry Ninja :) we work slow :lol: ...and only exept bans from streaming servers like yours so give it some time and iam sure there will be more Some one ellse will have to answer that question Download mirc i use that and havnt had any problems so far www.mirc.com its for security reasons ;) in the sv_viol log you will see all the kicks for the checks that pbbans provide and allso some kicks that can be because of duplicated key ,connection issues etc etc and in the sv_cheat log will you see the genuine cheat kicks like multihack wallhack and allso some kicks that can be caused if the player need to update punkbuster etc etc
  19. it can be something thats customised to have a red frame around the name when you look at your team m8s i have never seen it before but some time must be the first
  20. Nice :) more will come
  21. You should only allow servers that you trust and know, to auto download to you ;)
  22. look in the game folder.And then "main" folder open that and look after your "player" folder now open that and look after a folder that have "your name" open that and you should have a wordpad file called "config_mp" now open that and search for rate this line is what i find seta rate "25000" now change the numbers to the rate you want and save the config done or you can just drop the console and type /set rate 20000 ;) allmost forgot if you use to play on servers with own mods then you need to copy and paste the config_mp in to the mod folder as well
  23. On our cod 2 server the rate is set to be betwen 1000 to 25000 or you will be kicked try to set it to 20000
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