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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. it will give it some time ;) i just made the change 48 mins ago
  2. Nope its all pbbans side so its done already
  3. Yepp every thing is ok here i checked the logs as well and we have one log from you so far :) Nope no lag the forwarding is pbbans side wont effect the server in any way Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: -oK^ Server IP: Last Streaming: December 2, 2006 6:58 am Log Forwarding: ACI CB AON Done forwarding to ACI CB and AON Thx for the suport :)
  4. You know you can use both if you like :)
  5. You want to ban ppl by ip instead of guid and open your server for so called generated keys why do you want to make it harder for you to admin your server? i recomend that you dont allow generated keys and ban by guid instead Any way here is the info you wanted Quoted from one of fozzers posts Have fun :)
  6. If he is 100% sure its a false violation go open a trouble ticket http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...t.php?game=sof2 and be patient A player is on server A server A takes a ss from that player ,before the ss is captured by server A he quits and joines server B.Server B will then capture that ss..i see the logic in that do you?
  7. Server re added and streaming PBBans Hub Server Search Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: ]FeS[ Server IP: Last Streaming: November 28, 2006 1:06 pm Log Forwarding: None
  8. Np :)
  9. iam not sure on what you meanThis is from www.evenbalance.comPunkBuster for Players PunkBuster for Admins
  10. do you mean the file was there before but is gone now? The streaming process dont have any thing to do with that :) or do you mean that there is no new kicks in the cheat log?
  11. -mRx-


    I think the mp5 is kind of normal on our server :D
  12. Who are we talking about here?
  13. So i see its not only sof2 that have this problem Glad it was sorted for you now enjoy the game :)
  14. You can always try to appeal it but i doubt it will be lifted now if it was denied before
  15. And remember not to reinstall anything on your comp if EB wants you to reproduse the kick
  16. I dont know if its a hack but yes i have seen it before
  17. i dont see any problem with that :)
  18. No not exactly how it works If we see that any register is linked to a banned guid he/she will not have acces to the site at all and not all is added to the convicted cheater group
  19. Added and streaming via rep Server Status: Server is streaming via Rep Server Info Clan Tag: p!tbull Server IP: Last Streaming: October 16, 2006 8:40 am Welcome to pbbans :)
  20. Just take a look in my signature :) But if you want acces to those you need to set your server to stream to us first Welcome back ;)
  21. PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#] Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks If you use Rocmod i think all sysops can do this with out rcon Have you submited those to pbbans? You can try to lower them but its a possiblity that it will be laggy pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]
  22. :biglol:
  23. And that is http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...092;.20\.5
  24. i recomend you to check your guid at one of the other anticheat sites mabye your added to ther banlist
  25. All the no_fog.pk3 bans have been removed
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