Well Tim you know how i feel :)
And in my eyes its not a skin and it never will the only purpose it have is so the player can see other players more easy
And if i can remember it right what we voted about was the gammamodel.pk3 isnt that right? and not every posible ss that show a green/red/white model etc etc.
My opinion on these kind of ss´s is if you see a huge advantage then you the streaming game admin should submit it and we will take a look at it.Dont draw a line and say all playermodels are ok to use
Welcome nice to see some swedes here :)
Go to Generate Ban List
Add your server bans and press Create banlist and you will have one banlist with out duplicated lines ;)
And dont for get to set your server to stream to us ;) :P
Does it ring a bell
[PsB:6334 V008D81E3] b2f56f640b125437b2d32a044b85ed46 "." "" MULTIHACK #79426
You seem to be on another anticheat sites banlist
Lets say like this
If the server dont stream to pbbans then its no way for us to verify if the ss is real or not
But if we look at the ss you have posted here
do you realy need to ask? you can see ppl tru the wall ,but as i said there is no way to verify that the ss is fake or not ;)
Sorry i missunderstod you :)
When i look in pbbans mpi3 Master Player Index i see that the key is a leaked key and have been used all over the world so i say that they are not quite honest about what they say to you
Set your server to stream to us and you will have acces to mpi3 as well its a great tool to use when things like this comes up ;)
Iam sure if you look in the logs that the guid is not the same if you ban his pb guid there is no way for him to get back in with that guid again
Did you ban his ip or did you ban his ip range?
i think nerofix is your problem
Nerofix edits the sof2mp
here is a topic about it
Hope it helps :)