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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. -mRx-


    If the server had streamd here he had been banned for life ;)
  2. Welcome to PBBans milkman :)
  3. your cod2 server?
  4. -mRx-


    I second what ace just said ;)
  5. -mRx-

    pb ss

    That sounds strange :blink: is it allways the same person?
  6. in my opinion it looks like he is jumping over the edge at the same time that pb snaped the ss but i havnt seen so many ss from cod2 yet so i can be wrong :)
  7. Good work :)
  8. Welcome skryker :)
  9. i dont think you should see the canon tru the wall like that :P On the screen it says CoD Call of duty and not Call of Duty 2 why is that? or did you post it in the wrong section :)
  10. LOL Tim didnt you see that he agree with you Keep up the good work :)
  11. Hello Stoner welcome to pbbans :) You need to got tru all ss on your own i do it daily they are not being sent to evenbalance/punkbuster and you can not send them to them do as icheban said get your server streaming to us and you can add them to our banlist
  12. Thank you for your offer ;)
  13. Yeah i thought so to ..damn iam geting old :P So how can you be kicked by punkbuster if you dont play gold?
  14. Wasnt punkbuster released with the gold version ?
  15. i think nerofix edits the sof2mp and thats why he is being kicked ...iam not sure tho :)
  16. What did you had in mind? Thx .....but where i cant see it?
  17. remember what i said on msn icheban ;)
  18. i second that ;)
  19. -mRx-


    i second that ;)
  20. Welcome ;)
  21. TIM Use the
  22. We dont have any md5 checks for the public the ones we have are available in the MCIhttp://www.pbbans.com/mci.php If you want to ....send them to any one in the staff and we can have a look at them ;) We do listen .But we do not allways agree and remeber the sub forums for every game is public the streaming game admins area is where to post cvars and md5 checks if you want to post some recomended configs you can do that in the streamimg game admin area and i will pinn them ;) and just a reminder what is said in side of pbbans closed doors stays here :)
  23. i think tim means added to the banlist
  24. Why would we want to copy anything from psb ? we have our own brains and dont need to steal ideas that they have come up with....thats not right and if we are so bad as you say why are we still here? there is new admins signing up every day that wants to stream...so it cant be as bad as you say :P so if you have some sugestions that is your own and not a copy from psb then i will be happy to listen to them ;)
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