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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. I think you need the rcon pass for that
  2. Mabye the hack was not detected at the time
  3. pm murderur and he will help you :) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=1626
  4. Whats the name he regsiterd with?
  5. you can allways buy the game :)
  6. Thats a leaked keypeople from all over the world have used that key
  7. 1. ss http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=4294 2.ss http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=8673 3.ss http://www.pbbans.com/generate.php?action=5&ban_id=8951 Use the banlist ;)
  8. -mRx-


    I dont know about ET but in sof2 it happens all the time nothing to worry about
  9. cracka you need to update your profile as well with the right info :) Merry christmas ............omg iam so full of christmas food mmmmmmm :lol:
  10. And i press 2 keys to do a high jump ;)
  11. Nice Nice :)
  12. Welcome to pbbans Sippenhaft :) No you can only stream to one at the time
  13. patience my friend patience :) some one will answer your post really soon
  14. i have my pb_sv_SsCeiling 99999 ;)
  15. i have seen a mg skin :D
  16. Its lame to use something like that but its not cheating....thats my opinion
  17. I will try that server out tonight and se what score i can get :D :D mabye i can get banned to ....never happend before!!!!!!
  18. No UO server admins here ? :blink: :D
  19. If i where you cybermansees i would look tru all the folders to se i dont have anything i could get kicked or banned for ;) who knows what you might have there if you run around and auto dl stuff from servers...
  20. The problem is that you are not listed as a server admin on your site in the clan roster. so we cant give you more acces to this site then regular member at this time if you are a server admin you will get the rank game admin and if you stream you will get the rank streaming game admin and then you will have acces to all the goddies the we have here ;)
  21. :biggrin8:
  22. Nice avatar ;)
  23. O sorry fortune i didnt think of that the link is from the private section on the forum But do as Ace said thats the comand ;)
  24. Is it this you are talking about ? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4308
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