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Everything posted by -mRx-

  1. Notorious i thought that was old buissnies why drag it up again? and by the way it has nothing to do with pbbans ;) that means it dont belong in this forum :) ok?
  2. its a hard work but it needs to be done :lol: and remeber all clans have had cheaters its what you do with them when you find out that counts ;)
  3. No worry stinger we know its not you and about removing the name sorry no can do we dont remove/change anything from the banlist or the database Its just your name not your guide....the ip´s are not even close ;)
  4. i would call that a cfx card problem ;)
  5. No worry i was just informing you about it ;) thats allso why i didnt removed what you posted cause i didnt think it was so bad and yes mabye you are right mabye the info on how to stream etc etc should be accessible for the public as well :)
  6. it is blocked for ppl who are not verified server admins as you should now icheban this is a closed forum for server admins mostly and we do allot to keep it that way game admins and above have acces to that so be carefull what you show and what not to show and if you read the rules we have here you will see its not allowed to copy and paste anything from this site and that include from a closed area to a public area ;) To ph34r007 if you could update your profile with all info that way you would have more acces to the site and all info you need ;)
  7. -mRx-

    MD5's CVAR's

    Yes its showing in the msi now.... but it didnt do it before :) if you want to make a start you can post all files that you kick for in the streaming game admin area so we can have a look at them ;) or pm them to any staff
  8. Nice ;)
  9. Hello Notorious That group is exactly what it says :D a registerd memeber at pbbans with a cheating past its so all can see who he really is ;)
  10. -mRx-

    MD5's CVAR's

    what md5 and cvars do you mean IcheBAN?
  11. Yes you are right ;) but its from case to case not all no_fog bans are lifted
  12. :ban:
  13. As i get it he just need to update his PB files ;) i wouldnt banish for that :P
  14. :biglol:
  15. Good news :)
  16. You have pm badass ;)
  17. Hello Mack ...you remeber me? :) As i can see you have been kicked for this z_no_fog.pk3 1 1/5 year ago and was never on the banlist for that violation PBBans never remove the violations in the database Allot of ppl got this file from some servers and that dont mean they are cheaters some ppl had this file for months and didnt removed it even when they was kicked 30 times + but as i can see Mack removed this file in 2 weeks ;) So you are not a cheater in my eyes ;) :)
  18. Dingo iam just curious what is your guide mabye you can pm it to me ;) and iam not accusing you....if you dont want to you dont need to give it to me :)
  19. Yes its posible those are a blocker ;) Get your server streaming so you can add that kind of ss in the future :)
  20. :lol: i se double damn strong beer this is :P ***such is the power of editman ***
  21. Send a pm to murderur and he will help you out :) welcome to pbbans Drunk ;)
  22. Yeah good luck m8 :)
  23. For some ppl its all about money,they dont even use pb on the servers cause its not good for business :huh:
  24. Sorry to hear that bob take care m8
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