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EA Digital Illusions CE AB has contracted with Even Balance, Inc. to integrate PunkBuster™ Anti-Cheat software into the soon to be released title known as Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2. We will soon be opening a section on our website to support PunkBuster™ for Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2.


PBBans has been working with DICE to help with PB features that sites like ours use. While there is still work to be done in regards to PB integration, PBBans will now be offering streaming support for BC2.


I want to say thanks to DICE for offering their support to help make this happen.


Bad Company 2 will be added to our systems upon release. Also a game based signature will be added and available for account users to select.



what about ganning access to the server files? PBBans isn't a public organization?


what about ganning access to the server files? PBBans isn't a public organization?


A lot of smaller GSP's can't even get the files so I have a better chance at hitting a lotto jackpot than getting access to those files. Dice wants to keep them restricted to a select few of GSP's just like BF2 ranked and BF Heroes.


People wanted ranked so now they have to live with the side effects. Guess the haters and hackers will be happier.


so meaning there will be PunkBuster... but we won't be able to stream to PBBans? How nice! PB sucks without PBBans... =]


Sadly, they're under the impression that DICE has to release the right files to pb in order for this to happen, from that poll-link. It's public access to the dedicated server files that is needed. If a test server can't be set up locally on PBBan's part (not a rented server) the necessary testing can't be done to provide support. Access to the pb files isn't an issue at all.


As I posted on EA forums:

I need them myself. Most PBBans development occurs on my laptop and I host games locally for testing.


The problem is they are being restricted to a smaller number of GSP's for security. A lot of GSP's never got access to ranked server files so I doubt we will get them mainly because most developers think PB by itself does the job.


I need to be able to run a server, ranked or unranked.

Posted (edited)

As I posted on EA forums:



The problem is they are being restricted to a smaller number of GSP's for security. A lot of GSP's never got access to ranked server files so I doubt we will get them mainly because most developers think PB by itself does the job.


I need to be able to run a server, ranked or unranked.


Hi guys long time member of PBBANS I'm freaking pissed about this! Total outrage! Hackers already have a clear advantage over clean players this will only give them more of an advantage!


What about an extra cfg or something to run along side PB so the server can stream and not cause an issue .



What about an extra cfg or something to run along side PB so the server can stream and not cause an issue .



Streaming itself is not the issue, the problem is we can't run a test server should any problems arise. We will not support a game that we can't easily debug.



Yes, server rentals are available through our partners and on our dedicated servers. Won't release the server code.



I will look into the PB Streaming & understand the concern, but no promises other than that. And no public files for both Beta & Retail.



So I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Isn't renting a server from a GSP the same thing for running a test server?


Not if you do not have access to all the server files. The same model used on BF2 etc is being used here, so only access to the pb folder is allowed, and limited, at that. Keep in mind, it's not the pb folder where most cheat files get installed, and as such, no way to work with MD5's and so on, if a local test server can't be run. It isn't the pb folder that we need access too, we actually need the game's server files themselves to run tests. No publicly available server files means no streaming. Period.


In other words, you need DICE or a GSP to give you the go to look at the server files?


In other words, you need DICE or a GSP to give you the go to look at the server files?



Dice has too. If a GSP provided them, they would be in breach of contract and lose their right to host servers. We simply cannot and will not ask that of any GSP, ever.


Dice has too. If a GSP provided them, they would be in breach of contract and lose their right to host servers. We simply cannot and will not ask that of any GSP, ever.


Gotcha. Well, we've got a little less in 2 months to start getting DICE to change it. That's a lot more then IW gave us. I think we should keep constructively asking them. :).


Gotcha. Well, we've got a little less in 2 months to start getting DICE to change it. That's a lot more then IW gave us. I think we should keep constructively asking them. :).


Ask them with informed posts. Not just that punkbuster needs....


Personally, as a side-note. Any game that does not offer me direct and personal access to PUBLIC server files is not a game I'll run a server for, so DICE just lost out on my money. I want to be able to change my server config and so on directly, not using some third-party control center program. I figure if I'm going to pay that much a slot, and most will notice that BF-series games cost a fair bit more than servers like COD4 do, to run per slot, I want full access. I have that with COD4, and have with previous games I've run. All those games that allow public server files also end up being better protected, in the long run, with private anti-cheat sites. DICE has done this wrong, rather than right, imo. But again, not up to me, I'm sure there'll be plenty of suckers willing to move over to it, and run it, and speak with the dollar the wrong way again. Mine won't be behind it, at all.

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Ask them with informed posts. Not just that punkbuster needs....


Personally, as a side-note. Any game that does not offer me direct and personal access to PUBLIC server files is not a game I'll run a server for, so DICE just lost out on my money. I want to be able to change my server config and so on directly, not using some third-party control center program. I figure if I'm going to pay that much a slot, and most will notice that BF-series games cost a fair bit more than servers like COD4 do, to run per slot, I want full access. I have that with COD4, and have with previous games I've run. All those games that allow public server files also end up being better protected, in the long run, with private anti-cheat sites. DICE has done this wrong, rather than right, imo. But again, not up to me, I'm sure there'll be plenty of suckers willing to move over to it, and run it, and speak with the dollar the wrong way again. Mine won't be behind it, at all.


Honestly, dont game Devs care about fighting cheating?! The service that PBBans and other anti-cheat sites provide is invaluable, they have to know that PB by itself does almost NOTHING to stop hackers. Ill never understand why Devs dont ever give us everything we want and need when developing a game. If i cannot stream my server to PBBans, i seriously dont think my Clan will be getting a BC2 server. This is ridiculous.


A lot of game developers think PB by itself does the job and that's as far as they look into it. They pay EvenBalance to incorporate PB and they expect them to handle the anti-cheat in the game.


This is all because of ranked games and DICE has put the security of the rank system above everything else. Players whined about padding, modded servers etc and this is the price they will have to pay to have protection against it.


Padding is meh, you can do it in just about any game that has stats involved. Not too hard to figure out.


Modded servers (particularly those that inflate scores to the millions) could have been rendered ineffective by a simple check when the stats came back to their servers throwing out anything outrageous. It wouldn't have been 100% effective since people would have just pushed to that limit, but it would have eliminated the 1 million point jumps. It only took them 3 years to implement this.


Honestly, dont game Devs care about fighting cheating?! The service that PBBans and other anti-cheat sites provide is invaluable, they have to know that PB by itself does almost NOTHING to stop hackers. Ill never understand why Devs dont ever give us everything we want and need when developing a game. If i cannot stream my server to PBBans, i seriously dont think my Clan will be getting a BC2 server. This is ridiculous.



I'd bet a dollar of donations from every one of your clan mates that you do, regardless of last statement. ;) You'll do what they ask you too, and if you're willing too buck up, so will I, over and atop any donations I make as staff already.


When the time comes, your clan will be like so many with MW2, and I play COD4, was looking forward to it, until it's demise. I actually spoke up, and so did my clan. We wanted to run servers, and could not, due to no server files, and very few bought the game. Some did, sure, but not the masses. No public server files for a new game is it's demise, with anti-cheat!


End of the day, speak with your dollar, not just your voice. If they want your voice, it comes in one direction only.


Let them run that crap on the consoles, and give us PC gamers what we want, with publicly available dedicated servers. Period. Or don't buy the game!


AND DON'T rent a server for it from ANY GSP?


The day you see 0 GSP's renting a server for this game, they might listen, but that's not gonna be the factual situation, is it? I can already guarantee that most of you running BF2 and 2142 servers here will crash them, and move on to the new game, just because it is new, and even with your plight, do so in blind-ness, and not care, really, in the end.


No stand. No rights. No caring. Period! ;)


You will call me on that, but come release day, of the game, and just past it, come post on it, or do what's right, and prove me wrong, to get what needs to be done, done. And post a link to DICE regarding it, not that it will make a lick of difference anyways. Apparently they know best, and locked down server code/files is best for them, even though it won't help at all. Good luck Dice. This is one customer who would have dragged in more, checking out. Not gonna buy the game, not gonna run a server for it, not gonna sell it to my clan, and I'm gonna do the NOT SELL IT to other clans, as well, thanks to the lack of support on the server files!


My take, if DICE read it, or if someone wants to copy it, feel free, maybe someone from DICE would balls up and enter this forum, and try to understand, from an inner pov, for a change, rather than us constantly explaining it to them.....


If gaming keeps up like this, and all game dev's take the approach DICE did, you'll see anti-cheat die, and there will be no reason to game anymore, the simple things like pb alone can't hold them all back! I'd rather quit gaming than bother with just what the likes of DICE want.


DICE are a bunch of mental midgets, if they haven't looked into it that far. Get your head's out of your ass's!




What Dice has done restricting PBBans to no Steaming and client side only. Is only going to put PBBans on the burner again

from the gaming community.On matters that this organization has no control.And the average honest gamers in the end

will just have to suffer.As for what i think of Dice for doing so,the best response is no response, in this case.

Silents is golden!


I expect the majority of BF players will embrace this game, simply because it is a new game in their favourite series. EA/Dice will most likely be content with this fact and will stick to their guns on not releasing the server files.


It's a real shame. I wouldn't want to admin a gameserver where everything is so restricted. I also don't want to purchase the game because I know there will be no streaming to PBBans. No streaming = more cheaters.


A lot of COD players and admins have been waiting for this game after the trainwreck that was MW2. Unfortunately, they aren't going to be impressed with this news. COD admins are not used to such restrictictions.


EA/Dice: Loosen your grip, give the community more control, let us deal with the cheaters!


I will post this here too which is a post I made on EA UK forums:


Server files doesn't have to be publicly released, I just need to be able to run a pb enabled server locally. Evenbalance currently supports 31 games (inc BFBC2), only 5 do not have the ability to run a local server (Quake live, 2x nfs, bf heroes and bf bc2).


I've been doing this personally for 6 years. Being able to run a local server has been very beneficial for debugging and adding new features over the years. How long has the ability for anyone to run a server been around? 14 years? That's when Quake 1 came out.


Dealing with BF2 and BF2142 ranked has proven to be the most problem-matic game we have dealt with and it's mainly to the requirements to lock the files down which some gsps do incorrectly on the PB side of things. Thankfully we have the server files to troubleshoot and make tools to help reduce the problems (Our automated WebTool for example).


We will as always support BC2 for the client side and offer users help for kicks, outdated PB errors, etc. Not sure how it will end for the streaming part of it but we will try to work something out.


I will manage my words but this is completely useless.

Already ranked server are restricted much and are not customizable enough, no custom maps like counter-strike, the only thing I get when I rent a ranked server is a little rectangle to put my banner which doesnt work 75% of the times, all the about same 20 maps and the harassment of server bug (commander hacks, frequent crash by "BACK TO DESKTOP NOW!", name spoofing).


Do you think, Electronic Arts, by restricting the server files, that this will reduce the number of bugs found on your server daemon?

These files could be leaked on the internet (bittorrent network, p2p, etc...) with or without complicity, at this point the restriction is useless.

Punks could find bug like the one found on bf2, with or without leaked server files




How about administratives tools you've never made for bf2, will bf2bc get a (good) admin tool?



All I've seen with bf2 is not enough to get my trust, clearly, in my opinion, DICE's priority is not the branding quality.


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