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I got in after some help from DICE. We figured out the key in use error may be from some bad code on the website which will hopefully be fixed by morning. The promo keys are fine just they are getting registered to your accounts but the site doesn't see it for some odd reason and won't give an in-game key. If you retry it shows in use because it's already registered to your account.


My impressions: It buggy but it has potential. Some of the interface isn't complete for mouse input and you have to result in using the arrow keys like a console. It's is more cod style gameplay than BFBC2.


It seems to run better than BC2 on higher setting with my C2D and doesn't have he input lag I get in BC2. Control settings are flaky at best, sprint randomly breaks until you die.


Hit registration seems better than BC2 for sure. Played a second server and it was laggy, so like BC2 I believe the server quality really effects the game.


Browser is buggy at best, it flashes a lot while refreshing.


The experience is better than the BC2 beta for me anyway. Then again I like good old fashioned TDM.


Picture time!
















Why couldn't the code we received via email be the code to input in game? That would have prevented this entire mess.





Oh no. I see "Ranked" on there. There goes any chance for getting the server files. Why can't they make a BF game like 1942 and BFV with NO stats?? Now I will not be buying it for sure unless EA/DICE does an about-face and changes their stance on server files.


Ranked = Authorised GSP Servers Only = Buy Them...


and where are all the clans getting all the money from to get all these "ranked" servers?


Here is my own review, you will notice im not impressed a bit by the game - it brings nothing new to the FPS table.


Ok, so after 6hours of trying my beta code on the redeem site (obtain via EA Store, buy then cancel) i finally got in... I pass on the menus which i didnt really spent much time on, its a BC2 menu re-skinned, nice graphics i suppose but extremely buggy Interface with no responses and empty lists... ok so i get in a server on the big open map;


First thing i felt: this is BC2. Sorry but i play BC2 a few times a week and the player movements felt the same as did the scenery/models around me. But there is a twist, somewhat DICE managed to screw with the weapons it feels like you are holding a branch or a fishing rod! There is no "life" in the weapons, when ADS they look terrible (and i played on high setting 1920x1080).... Talking about weapons the recoil is gone AWOL! There is none. Result? No matter waht SMG or rifle you are holding you will shoot someone across the map no bother :confused: ; Still on the weapons, the animations look amateur at best, impact and muzzle flashes identical to those of BC2.


The spawning system: terrible from the few games i had. Doesnt seem to be any logic at all, you click on something that says "Spawn at base" but yet the game spawns you anywhere at all.... I was spawnkill 4 times in a row at one point :scratchchin:


Again on the character models, they feel really unpolished, death animations are terrible (you can see a few in the video below).


Im struggling to find positives really... ah yes, the 2 maps presented are gorgeous. Really nicely detailed with a fair amount of destructible stuff (small).


All in all im not sure what to think, i feel sorry for the DICE/EA team who worked on this, it feels as if they are 2 years too late: nothing in this beta i haven't seen before. The HUD stuff as well as many features are directly pumped from COD4/6 and it left me with a feeling of un-originality that is really disappointing. Not only they took a lot from COD but the gameplay i enjoy in BC2 is not there! the maps are medium size but there was no clear objectives as to what we had to do and in the end a lot of areas dont get used.


I know i didnt play much but really i failed to get excited at any stage. With BC2 i had a smile on my face straight away, the game wasn't too far off BF2 and was improved in many way. This game in contrast feels like its going backwards, there is no prone, crouch is still not "togglable" and you cant reload ADS sometimes (perhaps a bug)


If this game want to suceed it will take massive work to fix all the bug i could spot in the few minutes i played. And more maps - @ 8 MP maps on release and no Public Dedi files or Modtools i dont give this game 6 months of popularity. :eek:


The video (quality should improve over time):




they fixed the server problems of BC2 beta by making it take 6 hours to register....


Same engine so I'm guessing they just changes some offsets of the pointers>structs. Recycled code by the copy & paste generation.


not sure who they think they are fooling with that tired BS line about it being to prevent cheaters

  On 6/15/2010 at 11:31 AM, MaydaX said:

Guess you need to pre-order like BC2. I'm sure lots of sites will offer code giveaways.

There will be lots of Keys avalible after BETA closes.

Just like BFBC2.



Remember that?


Got myself a key. No I didn't pre-order.


The game is... well... bad. Didn't enjoy it. Felt uninspired, generic, bland. MW2 actually was more fun the first time I started it up. Graphics seem a step down from BFBC2 for some reason. No recoil at all - I was moving around, firing an AK on full auto and every single shot landed right where I pointed.


I'm sorry DICE - I enjoy BFBC2 despite its issues, but I am disappointed with the MOH beta. I know it is a beta, but it just doesn't stand up to even the BFBC2 beta.

Posted (edited)

Clunky. Confusing. Copy of BC2.


Unless DICE can get their rear in gear, this game is not going to get a buy from me.


While the graphics run smoother than BC2, it doesn't make up for:


  • Horrible spawns
  • No-recoil weapons
  • Useless explosions
  • Ridiculously small map and player count
  • Buggy interface and useless matchmaking
  • Glitchy and uninspired graphics
  • BC2 features obviously migrated

For those who have to wait until Monday to play, you aren't missing much. It's what like most people said: It's MW2 mechanics in BC2 graphics.


It's a lean towards CoD: Black Ops for this one.


Full review: http://shimeiishiki.wordpress.com/2010/06/19/medal-of-honor-beta-pc-review/

Edited by .hack//Azure Kite
  On 6/22/2010 at 8:05 AM, GutshotYooper said:

Dammit butt, as depressing as your opinion is, I have to agree, except for one of your points. It's a $60 flop, not a $50 flop.


lol, I swear I am generally not such a negitive Nelly. I guess I am just pissed off at myself for buying into the hype for BC2, and not going to do it again for another EA/DICE rebuild. Dont get me wrong, I really like BC2 at face value. But without the tools we need to "properly" admin a server, we pay the bills, but many cheaters go scott free. Then, you read quotes from the horses mouth about a demo recorder and server files, and its obvious he does not get it. BC2 would have been a fantastic platform for scrims/ladders, but I'll be damned if I am getting my guys into competitive play without a battle recorder. Been there, done that, never again. PC gaming "as we knew it", is in trouble, and that bothers me a great deal.


I'll try not the be so "depressing" next time.:)


yeah if the proper tools were there, i could get used to the game-play issues


always have before. no game is perfect. as always the benefit to our community/group is the deciding factor for us


we have dealt with sub-par game-play before


no more will we tolerate sub-par ability to run servers/admin them


[quote name='buttscratcher' date='Jun 22, 2010 - 08:29 AM' timestamp='1277213342' post='321790

'I'll try not the be so "depressing" next time.:)

Nah, lol, you are right man. Your opinion is only depressing because it's true. I try to be positive, but our PC gaming hobby is changing for the worst.


BC2 is a great game, but, the limited servers are just signs of the times. I always told my wife, that once it's not fun anymore, and things are too restrictive, (that goes for all things to do with personal computers), I'll be moving on to a new hobby, or obsession, whichever you wanna call it, lol.


I guess we'll have to wait and see how things shake out with COD BO, Crysis 2, etc. Even if BO has "traditional" servers, I'll bet it'll be the last one from Activision with that option. Crysis 2, who knows what that will bring.


Maybe it's time to look forward to some "Source 2 somethingorother" engine from Valve, and hope they will keep us PC gamers from opening our veins in despair, by continuing to give us the ability to mod and play our PC games the way we like to.


I think the biggest issue with all of the recent games being dumbed down is because they write them for consoles, then port them to PC. They never write them for PC alone.

Hopefully BF3 will be for PC only and they can bring back the real PC gaming!

  On 6/23/2010 at 4:41 AM, Animal Chin said:

Hopefully BF3 will be for PC only and they can bring back the real PC gaming!

Yeah... that's very likely :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]


I haven't played much since last week and decided to give it another go tonight. In the 2 hours I tried to play I had a CTD 7 times.


Updated my twitter to reflect my thoughts :P


MoH MP beta. The game that shows you your desktop more than the actual game.

Come to think of it, CODW@W would CTD a lot when it was a beta. It still does to some aspect. lol

Electronic Arts is gunning to reduce the Call Of Duty series' success this year - and is pinning its hopes on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to land the first blow.




If they want to compete with codmw they need to change a lot.


Some of what still is missing in both bc2 and moh:


- No lean or prone

- No strafe while sprinting

- Aim down the sights is slower and more clunky

- Movement is overall clunky

- No demo record

- No screenshot function

- No spectator mode

- No command console


I get so annoyed with the sights aiming in moh. It never seems to work as fast as I want it to. CoD4 Sights


No strafing while sprinting is very annoying too. it more difficult to bypass simple objects while aiming at a given area. It's realistic if you view it as the torso moving.


I'm a codmw fan and I'm picky what I want in a codmw type game. If a game is aiming to be a codmw replacement it better offer me something I want to play and have similar features. CoDmw is on top because it has a formula that works. Every little game feature works towards making the product as a whole.

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