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Is PunkBuster Still Supporting Enemy Territory?

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Hi Guys.


This is my first post here. :D


I noticed in my servers console and pb files last night that it has not been updated from PB in a little while. I mentioned this to one of my co-admins and he stated to me that PB no longer updates itself for Enemy Territory.


I went to EvenBalances web site but could not find anything out about this, but i did notice that the last manual update they had for ET was from March.


Any ideas? I hope my admin was wrong.


all a question of wether its needed or not ..i've heard all the rumours, but unless there is an official announcement its safe to say ET is, and will be in the future, supported by PB :)

Posted (edited)

Thats good to hear.


I check my servers pb_sv_cheat.log file every day, and im amazed at the number of people PB catches on a daily basis running some type of hack or another..............it really amazes me.


One thing i have noticed tho is when PB catches someone on one of my servers, it only bans em for two minutes........then they come right back only to be banned for two more minutes.


How can i make PB ban the people permanently instead of the two minute ban?


Anyway, im off to try and get my servers to stream here.................wish me luck.

Edited by mrbuckly
  mrbuckly said:

Thats good to hear.


I check my servers pb_sv_cheat.log file every day, and im amazed at the number of people PB catches on a daily basis running some type of hack or another..............it really amazes me.


One thing i have noticed tho is when PB catches someone on one of my servers, it only bans em for two minutes........then they come right back only to be banned for two more minutes.


How can i make PB ban the people permanently instead of the two minute ban?


Anyway, im off to try and get my servers to stream here.................wish me luck.

the streaming option is the best way to keep your server as clean as possible :)


the 2 mins is the standard pb kick for a violation,when your streaming all those hack kicks will automatically turn into bans and be added to our Master Ban Index(MBI) .. and by running PBBans Master Config Index(MCI) in conjunction with PBBans MBI will ensure your server stays as clean as we can make it .. any probs with streaming just make a post in the PBBans streaming center here click me and someone will assist you asap .. we are also available on irc: quakenet network channel: #pbbans




this is also my first post here, and for all i know they still are supporting Punkbuster, there aint a newpost stating they dont :)


So for all i know they still are ! :)


They temporarily disabled kicking for violations, i guess because they have problems with the new patch :S

  fozzer said:

the streaming option is the best way to keep your server as clean as possible :)


the 2 mins is the standard pb kick for a violation,when your streaming all those hack kicks will automatically turn into bans and be added to our Master Ban Index(Master Ban Index (MBI)) .. and by running PBBans Master Config Index(MCI) in conjunction with PBBans Master Ban Index (MBI) will ensure your server stays as clean as we can make it .. any probs with streaming just make a post in the PBBans streaming center here click me and someone will assist you asap .. we are also available on irc: quakenet network channel: #pbbans

hey anaconda m8 welcome :)


They temporarily disabled kicking for violations, i guess because they have problems with the new patch :S


05/18/2006 14:14:45 - "Stuart Dunsmore"

Note #2: Due to the patch (2.60b) there were issues that will cause just about everyone to be kicked unless we disabled kicking at the masters. My options were let some cheaters play, or kick everyone.. We are working on the update now.


New patch from PB came out on the 20th for the servers...clientside patch is still forthcomming...so you still may be getting some errors and such in your cheat/violations logs.


05/25/2006 15:07:15 - "Stuart Dunsmore"

Note #4: Client should be going out now. We will be enabling kicks soon.

05/25/2006 12:35:50 - "sippenhaft"

Note #3: Any news or additional information on when a possible update for the clientside will be out for ET 2.60b?





Thursday 05.25.2006 [2:45PM]


Version 1.247 of the PB Client for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page.


Release Notes for PB Client v1.247:



new screenshot code introduced: beginning with this version of the PB Client, PB will randomly take screenshots about once per minute on average and send each screenshot signature to the PB server; several screenshots will be queued and future PB Server editions will be able to request any of the last few screenshots that were taken by the client; the PB Server will also track information pertaining to how often windows reports the game minimized or otherwise inactive, admins will be able to configure PB to kick players who do not keep the game as the active application while playing; admins will also be able to kick players who do not return requested screenshots or where the returned screenshot does not match the previously supplied signature

in this version, having the pb_sssave setting set to 1 does not cause PB to save server requested screenshots to the local hard drive as documented

PB screenshots each have a new sequence # associated with them, this sequence # is reported to the PB Server for each screenshot captured and is displayed in the border of the screenshot itself



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