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Sad Days For Coop Warfare

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Posted (edited)

I refuse to run PB my server until this gets fixed. :angry:


I really don't understand why this doesn't get fixed.

Numerous members, and myself, have submitted trouble tickets with NO RESOLUTION.


Is PB ever going to work for Coop Warfare? :angry:


I fail to see the logic in your actions, to idly stand by, while cheaters and hackers continue to play on servers with the continuance of this problem.

You have cause myself, and the FEAR community, a huge disservice while we stand by and watch this all happen.


Posted Image


Who's with me on this issue?!


FWIW, anyone who would cheat in Coop Warfare is only cheating themselves.

But I'd sure like to see this problem resolved.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by 5chaap2k

Sounds to me like some ppl need to update their PB, client side. Punkbuster B only starts when you join a server, it's turned on on an as-need basis only. You can search it out in your running services via your control panel and turn it on to auto-start, and you'll likely see less players being kicked for the issue if they do the same.


At the same time, perhaps update your server? You can also slow the check-time down in the server.cfg, which may give more players more time to connect/run through the checks/be validated. Not everyone's connection is equal.


Refusing to run pb will also likely grant you non-streaming status here. And fyi, since pbbans and pb are two seperate entities....you're a dog barking up the wrong tree...the cat already jumped to the next one and is on his way down and out of your grasp.....



I apologize, but I think you can understand my frustration when the server kicks me for the above reason. I'll see if I can get it updated.


On a positive note, at least I got a quick response.


evenbalance.com provides the pbupdate.exe for you to run on your existing pb-installed games, and it works.


I see similar kicks on my servers, but those players obviously need to do the same update, and I tell them so.


The kick is temp, for this particular issue, and the obvious option of updating is up to you, both for server and client, and up to you to encourage your regs to do the same.


Definitely not a pbbans issue, but they will direct you the same way I have, more likely with links to threads here that are easily search-able.... My own feeling, as a server admin, check evenbalance.com first, ask for help here second, if you can't figure out basic pb kicks. There's a difference between what pb kicks for, and what pbbans kicks for.


The PBBans FAQ section has a simple guide to installing the PB services.



You will find it pays to search around before hitting the bold/increase font size, tabs :P


The way to look at the new PB services is to equate it to whats happening on the cheaters side of the fence.

As the cheats have got more and more sophisticated over the years so PB has to develop better ways of delivering protection to the honest players of the online gaming communities, the new PB services are the way forward.

Every new release of this magnitude has a few teething problems and I imagine PB is inundated with troubletickets re the PB services, hence the slower than normal response.

What does not help is the silly "advice" that was given elsewhere on uninstalling sections of the new services, that only compounded the issues that the new PB services raised.


On a seperate note we are a privately run anti cheat site who do not stand idly by, but try to provide support for all our members, and although we are PB fanboys we are not PB :)

  Olde Phart said:

I refuse to run PB my server until this gets fixed. :angry:


I really don't understand why this doesn't get fixed.

Numerous members, and myself, have submitted trouble tickets with NO RESOLUTION.


Is PB ever going to work for Coop Warfare? :angry:


I fail to see the logic in your actions, to idly stand by, while cheaters and hackers continue to play on servers with the continuance of this problem.

You have cause myself, and the FEAR community, a huge disservice while we stand by and watch this all happen.


Posted Image


Who's with me on this issue?!


FWIW, anyone who would cheat in Coop Warfare is only cheating themselves.

But I'd sure like to see this problem resolved.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I think that the problem is in the mod and not in PB.


Once there was a problem with Mandrake Linux and LG cdroms.

If you tried to install mandrake using LG Cdrom, its firmware was deleted because LG didnt follow ATAPI standard and when linux issued cmd to eject cdrom, it deleted firmware.

Was this linux fault?

NO , because LG didnt follow ATAPI standard and claimed its ATAPI compatible.

And I think this is the same case.


NOTICE! Due to a bug in the new PB Services CoopWarfare servers cannot run Punkbuster at this time!


@ Foxdie the problem is in PB, and i have a TT running for this for over a month now :)



07/14/2007 22:42:40 - "Stuart Dunsmore"

Note #9: OK, it looks like I was right, and it's a path issue due to the mod.

The ticket has been open ever since that response :)

maybe stu went on vacation :)


All CoopWarfare servers are currently running without PB (or are empty :P )


I'll update this thread as soon as i get a responce from evenbalance again :)


Note #9: OK, it looks like I was right, and it's a path issue due to the mod.

Are you sure?

yes ive provided them with alot of logs etc.


i can pm you the TT url :)


They still haven't fixed it in Combat or Retail either. The only response I got from evenbalance on my trouble ticket was: "Note #2: I need to see the actual kick message that you are receiving. Or are you now just getting a crash?" - Glen Courington. So I added a note and a link with sreenshots Errors and replied, that was on 07-17-07, today it is 08-06-07 and still no secondary reply. And for the guys that think this has to do with updating, I have tried EVERYTHING: updating manually with pb software, uninstalling, the "reboot" trick, allowing services, opening ports, & even reformatting and reinstalling Windows. It is without a doubt PB itself. However it would be nice if they could compare 2 systems from people who aren't having issues and people that are, to help narrow it down some.


uhm combat and retail work just fine..


use these guidelines for pnkbstrA/B kicks:



and when updating PB using PBsetup be sure to point it to your FEAR User directory and not the game folder :)




Go to your fear userdirectory > pb folder

create a file called pbcl.cfg and add in it this single line:


pb_logtofile 1


save and start the game. That will tell PB to log all it's messages to a pbcl.log file. Try joining a PB server and when u get kicked paste the log. It may have info you need.


Also, in your WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/PunkBuster are a few log files, Check them for any error messages

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