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punkbusted and pbbans

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hello i have a question..


we are running the punkbusted auto-mbl.


and we are wanne stream with pbbans to but now the file what i downloaded pb_cfgs there is a file what auto mbl olso use and that is the pbsv.cfg .. if i overwrite this file is the auto-mbl still working

Posted (edited)

What game is it so I can advise the best way. If you overwrite it with FTP, you will lose changes providing you have locally compiled the file correctly to stream to both. As you see in my sig. I stream to both.



Edited by Major-Hit-Squad

If you think the RED DOT problem is funny. You should read this topic why people prefer to stream to PBBans. LMAO http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62122


Yes, the RED DOT, I am still waiting about 2 days on this to be fixed. But they never bothered there asses to check my account on PSB's IRC channel. What can you do? It's a good job one stream provider is efficient. :)


Gota love PBBans. And when i use there "Auto-MBL" tool - it says I am streaming. :blink:


Upload the PBBans configs (as you have done already).


Simply add this line to the bottom of that file:


pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg


Upload configs to your server, and restart PB.

What game is it so I can advise the best way. If you overwrite it with FTP, you will lose changes providing you have locally compiled the file correctly to stream to both. As you see in my sig. I stream to both.






personally I would use the pbbans checks because this includes cvar checks (something that psb doesnt bother banning for) and our md5 checks are regularly cleaned out (lack of bans perhaps usually). I would use auto MBL to upload your ban list and when you are streaming here you can download the full ban list (ours) and then use auto MBL to do a full banlist update. You can also use the enforce bans flag in your account manager (not availiable until your streaming) to keep banned players off your servers (it will take up less resources).



Upload the PBBans configs (as you have done already).


Simply add this line to the bottom of that file:


pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg


Upload configs to your server, and restart PB.



so u are saying in the pb map there is a pbsv.cfg and i t saying pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg// Added by Auto-MBL

so by upload the file's to my pb map and override it then i have to add this rule at the last..pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg// Added by Auto-MBL and save and restart punkbuster and it work both of them if im correct


As long as 'pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg' is in your server's pbsv.cfg, your streaming to PsB will not be stopped.


Easiest way is to add this to the bottom of your pbsv.cfg file


; ------------------------------

; PBBans Settings

; ------------------------------


pb_sv_usessionlimit 8

pb_sv_ucontimeout 90


pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub"


pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub

pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily

pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1


and upload a blank file to the root PB folder named pbucon.use




issue the following command pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use


Then restart PB

If you think the RED DOT problem is funny. You should read this topic why people prefer to stream to PBBans. LMAO http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62122


Yes, the RED DOT, I am still waiting about 2 days on this to be fixed. But they never bothered there asses to check my account on PSB's IRC channel. What can you do? It's a good job one stream provider is efficient. :)


Gota love PBBans. And when i use there "Auto-MBL" tool - it says I am streaming. :blink:

It tells you that you're streaming because is on your account.

For to show streaming, you have to start with adding it to your account.


You seem to have only 1 server => so why are you mad that 169 doesn't show streaming?

Posted (edited)
It tells you that you're streaming because is on your account.

For to show streaming, you have to start with adding it to your account.


You seem to have only 1 server => so why are you mad that 169 doesn't show streaming?


LOL I am not mad mate, when i put the correct digit in place, it gives me a signature for another server name and tags and not mine. It first game me a big signature saying Error. now it shows wrong server info on sig. So I'd prefer to leave it a digit off. :blink:

Edited by Major-Hit-Squad

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