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Posted (edited)

i dont understand the denial.. today , in this modern world,, people can live and work at the same address, thank goodness, here is my situation, i have a 100 mbit fiber hookup , so i can rent out game servers to clans.. and i also do my work from the server room (renovated basement office) and this is just great,, but because i sleep upstairs on the second floor ,, our clan cant have a streaming account.. our sponsor and members have asked me to find out why ,, please advise


thanks in advance



im sure all of us have slept at work, in some form or fashion..lol

Edited by pabclan.net

Please review the PBBans Terms of Service.


1.1 Game Server - A game server shall be defined as a network server running a program that acts as a hub for clients to connect to for the purpose of interaction. For the purposes of clarification, PBBans will only allow streaming from dedicated servers and not from LAN or personal computers.
Please review the PBBans Terms of Service.



umm yah .. dont you think we read that.. omg i run dedicated servers and live in the same building.. i will have our webadmin in amsterdam make the account for our servers.. some here,,and some in uk,, or ill just take the server down to the main office and drive home again and apply for streaming ok


Bottom line of this, is that the server IP can be found in the MPi. Thus it denotes you're using a home-server.


FYI, a 100mbit connection might work ok for hosting servers for ppl within a close-distance of you, but it won't do for any substantial distance, etc. You likely also do not have any backbone providers linked in with that.


I can personally rent a 100mbit connection where I live, too, but the larger bulk of my own clan would ping horribly to it, regardless of the speed.


When you decide to host your servers at a known data-center that offers co-location, or rent dedicated servers from a known GSP, you may re-apply.

Posted (edited)
Bottom line of this, is that the server IP can be found in the MPi. Thus it denotes you're using a home-server.


FYI, a 100mbit connection might work ok for hosting servers for ppl within a close-distance of you, but it won't do for any substantial distance, etc. You likely also do not have any backbone providers linked in with that.


I can personally rent a 100mbit connection where I live, too, but the larger bulk of my own clan would ping horribly to it, regardless of the speed.


When you decide to host your servers at a known data-center that offers co-location, or rent dedicated servers from a known GSP, you may re-apply.


our fibernet is up and down sync, on a huge euro fiber net.. our server has repeaters in bern,swiss and london,uk ,, soon our sister company in italy will give us a hook up too, a normal home server pings 105ms from here(DK) to NYC, but the gs pings 50-70ms (we provide awesome ping to all our players, unless you live far away, then geo lag is inevitable, even on big name GSP you can lag,, even huge companys like ubi, EA ,, have USA servers... they lag for euro players.. but they must give kickbacks. since its GSP only here.. for the record custom CVAR checks /MD5tool , do more to stop cheaters,, but i hoped having another MBL to access would provide more protection, i hung my hillibillies football jersey up, and traded it for a Cisco certification,, im a professional network admin, so i dont see why i have to pay for something i can do myself,, so we will just continue using sites that are here to back the gamer not the GSP,, so go grab your corncob pipe and enjoy xmas.. thanks anyways


u assume i have no backbone providers and i assume u are a hick

see what assume spells,, u and me are now there,... enuff said

Edited by pabclan.net

Here are a few salient facts for you to read and digest.


1. Your server(s) are located at your home address.

2. We do not allow servers located in someones house to stream.

3. We are a privately run anti cheat site and as such can refuse our services to anyone we choose.

4. We are not the only anti cheat streaming service out there, your quite welcome to try your luck elsewhere.

5.Why keep posting on here, its not going to magically change our standard operating procedures.

6. I can tell you right upfront that you will not be allowed a team account here, now, or at any future date.


so we will just continue using sites that are here to back the gamer not the GSP


I am sure those sites will really benefit from your vast experience, networking knowledge, and all round demeanor.

We will just have to struggle on with our old "hick" ways I guess.


Streaming servers  5624

Posted (edited)
Here are a few salient facts for you to read and digest.


1. Your server(s) are located at your home address.

2. We do not allow servers located in someones house to stream.

3. We are a privately run anti cheat site and as such can refuse our services to anyone we choose.

4. We are not the only anti cheat streaming service out there, your quite welcome to try your luck elsewhere.

5.Why keep posting on here, its not going to magically change our standard operating procedures.

6. I can tell you right upfront that you will not be allowed a team account here, now, or at any future date.




I am sure those sites will really benefit from your vast experience, networking knowledge, and all round demeanor.

We will just have to struggle on with our old "hick" ways I guess.


Streaming servers  5624



i only posted here so i can return for a good laugh ,, ty for cheering me up.. lmfao


we have one of the best privately run GSP in europe

Edited by pabclan.net
i only posted here so i can return for a good laugh ,, ty for cheering me up.. lmfao

we have the best privately run GSP in europe


and on that note I bid you farewell and happy christmas.

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