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Battlefield 1943: Pacific

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Posted (edited)

Rumor has it, a new Battlefield game will be announced later this week;


Battlefield 1943: Pacific which may be shown at NYCC soon.


Article here


On a side note, BF: BC2 has also been announced.


If this is true (which it probably is), I'm disappointed tbh. I'm really fed up with the whole WW2 genre for games, movies and everything else =/




Release Date set for May 12th on PC and Xbox 360
Edited by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

Hmm :blink:

Battlefield Heroes, BF3 rumours and now this?

About time they at least get the BF2 1.5 Patch out and get something done before they start on "new" game releases...


It's really there: http://www.battlefield.com/1943/


Battlefield 1943 will be available for Xbox Live Arcarde, PlayStation Network and on PC for download.

The game has Frostbite-Enabled Destruction.


- 24 player maps

- Only 3 maps?? Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Wake Island

  Duality said:
I wish they would finish making their old games before releasing new ones.


Posted (edited)

I'm really hoping for it to be a decent game, but it will probably fail just as hard as Vietnam or try to mimic CoD: WW and fail that way.


Perhaps we should be hoping for it to fail so that they may release BF3 straight afterwards.

Edited by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

Agree Lucky, and my guess is this game will be ported code from consoles, and that will end in fail...

Posted (edited)

Let's hope it has PB support too.


Does Evenbalance/EA usually announce these sort of things right away or do they wait a while after the game has been announced?


They already announced it for Heroes way back..so I hope this doesn't mean that 1943 won't have PB as that would completely kill the game.


  hugin said:
Agree Lucky, and my guess is this game will be ported code from consoles, and that will end in fail...


The coding in BF2/2142 is horrible as well, I wonder if it could be any worse :D


We'll find out...


PS. Release date is currently planned for Summer 2009.

Edited by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

I'm looking forward to it, though I hope they just get back to basics when it comes to ranks and what not. The ranking restrictions in BF2142/BF2 for server admins are extremely annoying and problematic... I think not including an 'official' ranking system in BF1943 would be the key to it's success. It wouldn't be hard for server admins to setup their own stats anyway.


frostbite engine so yes ported from bad company (yep its gonna be a bit hit and miss)


in the end of the day we wall know there is a big gap in the market. Whether or not this fills it only time will tell.


I like the idea of destructible environments, but this being a console port is going to make it fail. And also, 24 player servers? What happened to the 64 player servers that do so well?


Anyhow, I want the bf2 patch.


3 maps, 24 slots per server...download-only...


This game is a recipe for disaster :o

  Lucky_Fr4gg3r said:
3 maps, 24 slots per server...download-only...


This game is a recipe for disaster :o

And if it comes without PB support it will be an big success TBH :D


24 players is probably not a big deal, at least from my perspective. But I suppose if the map is large enough, it'll turn the rounds into slow moving ones. Wasn't 42 more fast-paced? I wasn't around during that time (I'm a spoiled brat from the BF2 era).


I do agree that BF2/2142 are both horribly coded. It's a lot worse when you consider that the weapons and bullet system they use is just as bad and worse than other games (power to the Baur gun!). Download-only? Sorry, I prefer to find my games at a discounted price on the early week(s), thus I rather pick up the physical copy first. That's how I did it with BF2. That's how I did it with Orange Box. That's how I did it with BF2: Special Forces. And that's how I did it with CoD:WaW.


So DICE/EA is making Bad Company 2, BF'43, and BF2 1.5, and then there's the vaporware BF3. Wow. Have they ever heard of "doing one thing at a time?" They are starting to become like the defunct comic company Dreamwave (bonus cookie points to anyone who knows that one).


BF Series is nothing more than a cash cow for EA At this point, doesn't matter how crappy the game is, they have a big enough fan base, people will buy it off title alone.


And so true about the bullet detection/hit boxes, by far the worse I've seen.. Still remember that Youtube video showing how bad it is in BF2... while running, the hit box is dragged behind you. Horrid


I see no need to buy this.

EA involved, 24 player (and still laggy), full of bugs that will never be fixed after 3 years, over-run by hackers in 24 hours.... Did I miss anything in my easy money predictions?


24 slots.. I prefer 32 or higher.


I just don't hope it will be as crappy as Bad Company.. with the most crappy hitboxes I ever seen in a videogame.


kinda hoping patch 1.5 would come out

  Agent-86 said:
...they have a big enough fan base, people will buy it off title alone.


This is true and its sad because we all are left addicted to games that we hesitate to praise but its stupid because if they were to release a game that properly hit our battlefield spot then we would all be battlefield junkies... heck id inject the dvd into my veins.


It'll be difficult for me to convince my clanmates to not buy into it. There are a few who have been waiting for something like a graphical update to their BF'42 game. But having been burned by DICE/EA over BF2's poor net-code, game-code, and overall map support, I just can't bring myself to getting another game from them. I don't even know if I'd accept '43 as a gift. It's bad enough that the morons at DICE can't figure out how to properly balance a weapon nor make a gun that shoots properly. I just don't want to put up with the idea of praying my shots will hit a guy when I have him lined up via iron sights or scope.

  • 1 month later...
Release Date set for May 12th on PC and Xbox 360


And no word about a contract with Evenbalance yet.


This should be good <_>


well,those who like a game that need no brain can DL this "lol" game ;)


regenerating health,,,

unlimited ammo,,,

smg,AT,wrench in same class,,,why even have more classes at all? :D


Poor old EA gets Bashed about again :P

BF2 is still going strong in our clan while COD4 and WAW have faded some what.

As much as we complain about BF2 you have to admit it still gets played a lot for such an old game.

I would be happy if they would just redo BF2 with better graphics(1080p) and fix the name hacks and

server crashes by Punks.

Last night we were playing GT and talking in Vent about how the game has seemed to changed in the last little while.

Claymores that may or may not go off,Arty that will come down on it`s self sometimes with in a round.

A lot of little things,some of them funny like C4 going off by its self.

It`s like the game has a life of it`s own :blink:

Anyone else notice this,maybe it`s all those late night games catching up :lol:

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