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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. Server added and streaming via hub. You can manage your server via http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php
  2. Server added and streaming via hub streaming | banlist | cvars / md5's & HowTo; MPI4 MPI3
  3. add your server via team account again please.
  4. http://www.eurodom.co.uk/cod2/anticheat.php http://www.eurodom.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=801
  5. Its just a league setting. There are some additional restrictions and warnings.
  6. You need to tick this flag if you play in Euro Domination League. If you don't play there, don't tick it.
  7. Server is not set up properly. Please check server's settings.
  8. If he is hacking I will find out because I have its fingerprint. Its just faster. If I'd have to compare fingerprints of every readme , it would take too long :P .
  9. I need his file to find it out.
  10. he should open a ban appeal and send me that file to foxdie AT pbbans DOT com
  11. Difficult to say. It might be a readme from a cheat as well as a normal file.
  12. Yes it is a violation. But not all violations are banable.
  13. Your GUID is globally banned. http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Thread Closed.
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php Once you have team account , you manage your server by yourself. No need to post.
  16. Admin who requested account has to request adding you to this team account.
  17. Yup. You can type there a greeting for guid & game. You can use once a special string $CURRENT_NICK which is replaced with your current nick on server. Color Codes are allowed too. This feature works only on server that are streaming to pbbans and has it enabled ( via Edit Flags -> Allow HUB Greetings ).
  18. Look at banned screenshots and demos.
  19. We don't provide such info.
  20. I assume that your family has same ip address. You may try to set pb_sv_guidrelax to 0 and pb_sv_lanmask to your ip.
  21. Your server doesn't but Hub did( by mistake ).
  22. This was my mistake. All these bans were removed and the problem was fixed. I'm sorry
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