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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. In q3 engine you usually get this message when you don't have all paks in main folder.
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24350
  3. 903 downloads

    Tool designed for BF2 / BF2142 admins to upload PB config file or banlists via rcon. Usefull for ranked servers. Edit: Added a screenshot
  4. You should set up web interface. Open pbsv.cfg and append at the end pb_sv_httpAddr SRV_IP_HERE pb_sv_httpPort ANY_FREE_NONBLOCKED_PORT_BIGGER_THAN_1024 pb_sv_httpKey TOP_SECRET save and restart fear srv. Then open in your browser SRV_IP_HERE:ANY_FREE_NONBLOCKED_PORT_BIGGER_THAN_1024 PB Web Interface is really usefull in fear.
  5. As long as he uses cheats that doesn't interfere with PB, I think he will never be hw banned. Its not important how many times you cheat, but what you use to cheat. This is the price you have to pay for a free game.
  6. At the moment , we have some more important problems to solve. Patience :)
  7. Why do you need so many admins ?
  8. No. System will automatically assign you proper group. Welcome.
  9. is not streaming here, therefore we will not add him on mbi. Reason is that we can't verify what you're saying.
  10. Yes you can do it using md5tool and specifying multiple hashes.
  11. foxdie AT pbbans DOT com As a reminder http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19407
  12. it might be a cheat as well as a legit opengl library. If its a cheat , then its opengl wrapper ie it hooks gl functions.
  13. Server wasn't streaming for more than one week therefore it was deleted. Re-added and streaming.
  14. Open account manager -> View Servers -> Edit Flags.
  15. Request denied due to prior violation with PBBans TOS.
  16. TA Created. http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php
  17. It's a nice idea and we will implement it as soon as possible.
  18. Thx for info. But next time please pm admin and don't post it here. Google visits this area and we are anti-cheat site. :)
  19. its either spoofed ETPro guid or bug in yawn. First possibility is more probable.
  20. I'm not sure but for example in ET , you couldn't find it out.
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