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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. PB never suspects anyone. Either player is cheating or he is clean. The message you stated is not valid PB message and its most likely ban issued by the server admin. Your guid is 749c9f1f39305fa8f6ee27e76edfeac5.
  2. foxdie


    Are you talking about Unknown/Missing API kick or a PB Hack violation?
  3. Yes it is possible using PBBans Hub Do not change any settings in pbsvlog.cfg in order to keep psb streaming.
  4. Stop blaming PB for everything!!! :angry: This is NOT PB problem but DNS!!! system32/drivers/etc/hosts Example: c:\Windos\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  5. He used a multihack. There is no more specific description what triggered violation. It would be pretty stupid if Evenbalance showed what PB checks. It would be a guide how to bypass PB. ;)
  6. Server is not correctly configured. Follow Hub's How To ( use rcon way ).
  7. If its not his guid, its not his problem.
  8. This is false positive. All bans will be removed.
  9. I'm usually there ( I was smoking at the time you came ). One of irc rules is to wait 15 minutes. No one was chatting when you where there ( only you and our Bot which announced new bans ).
  10. The site you mentioned on irc has no cheats for ET. Don't post cheat sites in public areas but pm admin please.
  11. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsvcfaq.php
  12. ^2Current Memory Usage 1.69414 MB ^2Soft Memory Usage 1.8 MB ^2Hard Memory Limit 2 MB I would try to increase memory limits.
  13. We are proud to announce that the Euro Domination League (www.eurodom.co.uk) has taken the lead by making full use of the possibilities offered by the PBBans Hub. Currently over 180 E-Dom match servers and affiliated public servers stream to PBBans, with 350 busted cheaters and counting. In Euro Domination, clans fight to conquer the European countries. Currently the only game supported is Call of Duty 2, but there are plans to support new games in the future.
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24118 If it doesn't help, then http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21596
  15. 1. You need to set pb_sv_logAddr,pb_sv_logPort,pb_sv_logUser,pb_sv_logPw on server. EBrep has built-in webinterface which listens on loopback 2. You can't do it with ebrep. I'm not gonna unveil how PBBans Hub works. Sorry.
  16. If the ban list is extremely large ( like in ET ), ticking Enforce Bans and unticking Accept Hub Bans options help to reduce memory usage. Also PB doesn't have to check so many guids so it eliminates possible lag spikes when new player connects.
  17. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=31103&hl=
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