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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. Doh. If they have problems , they know where to find me. Your server is streaming to us. Thread Closed.
  2. its one program thats causing it but i cant remember which. Fill in this : http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=...php&game=et Don't forget to mention that you have a toshiba notebook.
  3. foxdie

    wtf is that?

    Its antialiasing. Nothing to worry about.
  4. #!/bin/bash FTP_SRV="" FTP_LOGIN="" FTP_PW="" REMOTE_DIR="." FN=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"\(\\/.*\\/\)"//` FULLFN_HTM=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"\([.]png\)"/.htm/` FN_HTM=`echo $FULLFN_HTM | sed -e s/"\(\\/.*\\/\)"//` SVSS=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"pb[0-9]\+[.]png"/pbsvss.htm/` ftp -np $FTP_SRV << END_SCRIPT quote USER $FTP_LOGIN quote PASS $FTP_PW binary cd $REMOTE_DIR put $1 $FN put $FULLFN_HTM $FN_HTM put $SVSS pbsvss.htm quit END_SCRIPT
  5. Request Denied. PS: Murderur is no longer staff member
  6. You should get reply within 48 hours.
  7. You should contact EvenBalance and ask them for their opinion http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=...hp&game=aao.
  8. You can use HUB and your banlist is updated via streaming.
  9. pb_getss is client side. To get ss of another player, you have to execute pb_sv_getss over rcon.
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/sigs/7.xml You can replace 7 with your account number. Data is encoded using bin2hex.
  11. Make a guid db,registration form, check every guid that appears in log.
  12. http://www.groznyjgrad.net/cb.png Right bottom corner. Needs no comment.
  13. Server added and streaming via hub. Added to team account. Btw whats up with stymie?
  14. We're converting mpi databases so thats why you cant see it.
  15. Nice! I think I'll buy this one for fozzer. :lol:
  16. I've asked them to remove those cmds or warn admins.
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