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Everything posted by Tim
Hey Port,, thanks man,,I'll give that a shot..... thought i was losing my mind for a min there. :lol:
I'm confused...I play on ONLY PB servers daily and now this morn i'm getting kicked for "pb init failure" ...I'm a daily player still in sof2 world and all my updates are updated,,,still use same key\guid as when i started and usually keep up w\ pbbans\pb updates regularly...why am I getting this "pb init failure" all of a sudden and getting kicked from servers that I play on daily? Any suggestions on how to fix this? TY
Correct me if i'm wrong but if a player IS banned by pbbans on 1 game then they ARE banned on all streaming games..that is correct isnt it? So, his ban "should" carry from game to game that streams here to pbbans.... no idea how it works but I thought thats how it worked maybe i'm getting it confused w\ PB\Evenbalance themselves
As a streaming admin yes I used to be able to do that..as a regular player no, all i see is ip's\alias's for the ban in question...i was just wondering if somehow a player gets banned from 1 game it would show up on the mbi if he\she gets rebanned at another game afterwards and state that he\she was busted also at game a or b ect.....
Hi May, can you answer 1 other same topic ? for me ? On the MBI , if a player plays say CoD4 and SoF2 and gets a ban from 1 but not the other,,can you show in the MBI he was banned from cheating on atleast 1 game in the future,,,,atleast thats a heads up the guy has a past record of cheating. Thanks bud
heh, i'm logged in and it tells me i need to log in still...dont feal bad .. lol , could just be a bug that needs to be fixed,,these guys here are wizards at fixing these issues, i wouldnt worry about it for long.
sorry to bud in.... you did say "league admins" didnt you? They dont know a ball hack from a team icon yet? .....me thinks they need to get better admins there.... :P
system restore brother.... I tried everything on that 1 trojan , 2 weeks later and many many tries at diff spy\virus removal programs {all failed}...system restore... it stinks but it works...
if YOU took the ss's you shown here then the messed up ss transfer is on your side not your friends.....dont blame him....a pbssonly shows what your own comp sees, not what your friends comp sees....looks like a very bad graphic card issue to me
the guid you showed is clean but the name is diff then what you use.... are you sure it was a pb ban? looks more like a server side ban only... What exactly does the message say to your ban and just for the heck of it join ,,its one of my SKLD servers , if its a pb ban i will give you more of an update,,if you get in with no problem then someone on KS banned you,,not PB.
well,,,no one got banned yet at your server :P That usually makes a person happy
you need to give more info..are you doing ss's manually or on auto.....are they being sent to an ftp site or another,,how did you enable{if on auto} the ss's.... sound to me your doing them manually through your own conp and your getting a reply of what your own comp would send out,,a black ss....aka, mac user or vista or others,,ect..... if your using ftp then you need to load it correctly and start it on auto.. no matter what game it is its easy to setup and review but again, my guess is its reading what your own comp is sending out.....ftp for th most part is free,,, if you dont use it you may want to switch to it,,,it shows all of what pb sees,,not wht you do.
thank you much Fox,,, you just saved me a ton of worrying and headaches :D
can you explain what games that ban went to ? I kick players almost imediatly from any ban PB themselves give out...this isnt gonna look good on my side when I go back and say: "sorry you got kicked from the clan and humiliated as being a cheater, PB was wrong" .......... Please tell me the ban # removed is in no way or relation to the ban #125021 .. TY
the 1st ss doesnt show 3rd person anyway..the 2nd ss iv'e never seen so far..looks like normal shots to me..
The topics called "banned by admin" ...is that was his ban stated? also ,,,if not banned by admin is PB running on your server ? If you have PB on and the guy uses a prior banned guid then yes he will be kicked..if he was banned by an admin just get his guid and check your folder at the same time try to get his IP and do an unban on that also.
Couldn't load sof2mp_default.cfg problem need help...
Tim replied to TheGrimace's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
If mRx's suggestion doesnt work have your friend do this : Completely remove the game again and the patch\patches...makes sure theres no traces left behind on the HD...reload just the game and have him try playing single player with OUT the patch...if it runs then his problem is the patch itself he dl's is corrupted...I've had the same problem in the past when i reformat my comp and reload things then go to an unknown patch source for dl'd...they usually end up being corrupted and then its back to square 1.... even some of the top patch sources get corrupted from time to time....thats the price for getting things for free.... -
I went threw this last year,,,theres a back door in all rocmods that allows all "non" pb servers to be hacked..if the players smart enough he can use even your guid..simple solution..turn pb on.... better solution turn pbbans on :lol:
You stated you belong to a server and they gave you rcon...Now your stating you have rcon but its for your own server your trying to make that doesnt even exist yet? Completely confused on this topic.... go to soffiles and read up in the "how to" section on creating your own server,,, It's alot of work doing it from home and if done wrong everytime you reboot your comp you will have to re-do everything to make a new server again.... 20 man servers range from $30-40. per month now...you should look into that...They do most of the work for you.
Also to add to Fozz's post ,,HLSW is SAFE !!! Someone gave you rcon and you dont know how to use it,,thats dangerous my friend..you use it on the server and miss type 1 thing you just gave EVERYONE rcon password...not good HLSW is the best thing since sliced bread , its easy to use and again SAFE to use because no one sees you using it...give it a shot ,,, I've used mine for 3 yrs now,,I'd be lost w\out it :]
SWEET ! TYVM , thank you mRx for walking me threw this and getting the setup done... 1 thing, as streamer again how do I go about getting the server\clan leader added also?
Tag: SKLD Name: SKLD Gamers Clan website: http://skld.wayneswingle.com/index.php game: SoF2 server: Want to stream PBbans? : Yes
Sounds good Fozz... as for the "control" part , I was reading wrong...I thought all ss's and logs went elsewhere and I didnt get to view any of it , I enjoy viewing them , It breaks up the boredomn when I cant sleep at night :lol: Waiting for the clan owner to catch me on msn now,,,soon as he arrives I'll be back here to get the ball rolling..I gotta look up what team account means now but yes, from what I have seen going over all the topics posted HUB seems to be a sweet way to go. thanks for the help.
I'm trying to stream again but this hub method is confusing me..the old way was all manual and took forever to setup but it seems I had more control... few questions: 1: SS's are they still going to be dl'd to my ftp even if I use the HUB setup? 2 guidrelax , Can it be set to my choice using HUB or is there a set # already in place,, I need that mostly because this clan has about 50 members , many being husband\wife and many have there kids playing..alot use same guids ect...not banned guid's just dup'd ..can i set guid relax to still allow them to play ? 3:logs : are server logs {any\all} still going to be sent to my ftp or are they being sent here using hub..again like the ss's,,I like knowing whats going on so thats why I'm asking that also.. last: HLSW : can I still control my server cmds as I used to using hlsw even while HUB is running... Again,,this HUB thing confuses me,,I dont want to set it all up just to make a dumb move and crash it all :] Thank You
lol, nice snowman Ace ,,btw what did you use for the eyes ? It looks like oreo cookies lol ... I live in New England ,,by now we usually should have had about 4-5 ft. of snow...so far we've only had half an inch...lame winter ..my 2 youngest kids would be in heaven to have all that snow you got. :]