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Everything posted by holback

  1. Darn it! I just spent my life savings on a hot car and a fast women thinking it was all over :o
  2. Nice job lol
  3. Funny thing, They have always required a website before they accept an application. Fine by me but several were getting turned down for a long time because of this. Hosting websites is one of the things I do as I added the name of my company to my sig....at no profit to me, it was to help them and their community out! When sell a web hosting plan for $3.99 a month I make 70 cents a year off of it! Well I was told a couple of weeks ago that it was against policy and it was removed for me. I was nice about it, but extremely pissed off. I have 2 hours a day on that site since 2005 helping their cause and I felt I was pissed on, not to mention donating and paying for advertising. I am pulling all my servers from there as I type this.
  4. Hey all you UO server admins. I have been with PbBans for about 8 months or so and wanted to let you guys know that installation of the streaming has Never caused any lag problems and for the most part kept cheaters off of my server. We admins have to stick together on this and get more involved. The more we have the more cheaters we can keep off of our servers.
  5. :rolleyes: :punch: :banghead:
  6. The best site I have found for ease of use and information. You guys have always been able to answer any question I have asked, no matter haow dumb it was. The design is good, too. Keep up the good work!
  7. I want to echo all the comments above. We admins do spend alot of time on just maint. of our servers. I can't count the times my wife has asked if I was going to marry my computer :huh: With the staff at PBBans doing such a great job and providing us with the PBBans Admin Tool (PAT) tools it has made a great time savings for me not to have to argue with my members about who's cheating and who isn't. A big Thank You is in order to the entire staff here at PBBans, Congratulations on doing such a wonderful job!
  8. Very good! :rockon:
  9. I am very interested in getting this hack added. Here in the last wek it seems we have a lot of people that can see through smoke and walls. It was under control for awhile...now it's getting bad again!
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/ebrep.php
  11. Well he did say he might die.....Lemme see...do I feel anything for him.... Nope, sorry.. I almost felt sorry for you, but was just gas.. it's gone now and your still a cheater With as much as it costs me to run and maintain a game server, teamspeak server, a website and forum... Not to mention the time it takes away from my family to do this... There is absolutley no way in hell I will ever feel sorry for cheaters. Learn some respect for yourself, your family and the people you interact with everyday. Most importantly, learn from your mistakes. Some of which can't be repaired by saying I'm sorry, I wont do it again. Suck it up. Buy a new computer, new copy of the game and get on with it. You will NEVER be able to use the equipment or software again in multiplayer you are using now. I think I'm okay now.. :blink:
  12. How about a link so I can check it out?
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