I think they need to add something to their TOS.
If it were on our system he would have been shut down, too. It would never happen on our servers anyway, we restrict the amount of storage you can use.
Summation: A little funny, but mostly a stupid thing to do.
You will find that many server admins do not allow this.
Even though it can be setup within the game. many view it as an unfair advantage and scan for it.
If all you do is play on your own server than you have nothing to worry about.
This post is rude. It questions the integrity of the staff here and their decisions. It makes me angry to see shit like this.
The staff here are some of the most hard working people you will ever meet. They work here for free, take the heat from their families for the time they dedicate here for a service that is priceless.
That in itself is worth a donation regardless of who paid what for hardware and what is being used. You can't predict a hardware failure.
The servers are also in a data center so they are shipped to the DC and then installed. Then the drive has to be imaged or copied. A lot of hard work behind the scenes not to mention money.
Seen many times over the years on my servers. You get a group of guys that have formed a clan, but don't own a server. They come into yours and try to run everyone off by saying they own it. Then try to convince people to leave or get kicked. I just sit there and say okay kick me retard. Let him start cussing and then ban him.
Did you try pb_sv_restart in the console or try restarting the server? I also heard someone say some of the pb updates may have overwritten some files. You can try to use the Automated Hub Setup again.