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Everything posted by holback

  1. +4 I've cleaned up my server boxes and waiting for release. The beta looks good.
  2. That is great. Has RB seen it yet?
  3. You can take the Players folder out of the activision directory and save it somewhere. Then you can reinstall and put the saved players folder back in and will not loose any rank and perks.
  4. Looking forward to this demo. If it's coming it should be very soon.
  5. This is the second message I have read this morning where the underlying question is "How do I know, as a player, if a server is streaming before I join it so I know it is better protected?" I've never checked to see if there is a server browser that shows only servers streaming to here and is a good question. It has gotten to the point where just because the server shows PB is running means very little anymore. Perhaps we need to ask an admin because I have never investigated this myself. I would go as far as to host a site that lists public servers streaming to here and maybe the others if a developer wants to help me on the coding. I have the bandwidth and space to do it.
  6. Lets compare: 200MB Reliable disk space at freespace Disk Space 15000 MB at steves hosting 2GB Powerful monthly transfer allowance at freespace Monthly Traffic 300 GB at steves hosting 5 Email accounts at your domain at freespace POP3/IMAP E-mail accounts 100 at steves hosting 24/7 free tech support. I could go on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with freespace for a beginner account, but it is a marketing ploy hoping you run out of disk space or monthly transfer. If you have a busy site you will use over 2 gig of transfer quickly. Now lets look at their starting price to move up with them. source-> http://www.free-space.net/premium.htmno uptime grantee, no free tech support. If you plan to keep your site for a long time, I can give you much more for less.
  7. With the recent stricter rule changes here you now must have a website and a domain based email system. I own a web hosting company and have a package that will meet your needs for $47.88 a year, that's works out to $3.99 a month. To be honest I only make 70 cents a year on this, but I want to help any of you that need professional hosting, 24/7 support and a real email system that you can control completely. I am posting the benefits below. PACKAGE OVERVIEW Business a Monthly Price /if paid annually/ $3.99 a Instant Account Activation a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee a Set-Up Fee $0.00 a Service Uptime Guarantee 99.9% a Domain Registration $5.00 ACCOUNT FEATURES Business a Disk Space 15000 MB a Monthly Traffic 300 GB a 1-click 30+ Scripts Installer a Online Website Builder DOMAINS AND SUB-DOMAINS Business a Domains Hosted 3 a Sub-domains 30 a Full DNS Management a Parked Domains Unlimited a Custom MX and A records a Full WHOIS Management a Registrar Lock a EPP Transfer Protection a ID Protection Optional TLDs FOR REGISTRATION Business a .com promotion a .net promotion a .org promotion a .info promotion a .biz promotion a .us promotion a .co.uk regular a .me regular a .ca regular a .eu regular a .tv regular a .cc regular a .name regular a .in regular a .de regular a .org.uk regular a .me.uk regular a .cn regular a .com.cn regular a .net.cn regular a .org.cn regular a .com.mx regular a .com.tw regular a .org.tw regular a .idv.tw regular E-MAIL FEATURES Business a POP3/IMAP E-mail accounts 100 a SMTP Server a Webmail
  8. Great job. Very nice!
  9. 100 is a little low. Mine is at 250. Yes you can jump higher at 333. Been there, done that.
  10. That is one ugly dude!
  11. I think that the 20006 integrity kick is for a harddrive issue. None of the integrity kicks are considered cheats, they are just failures of some of PB's self-checks. I would recommend running scandisk and doing a full surface scan. The above is a quote from a PunkBuster admin. Also be sure your PB is updated. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php Download this is you don't have it already and update your PB.
  12. Well said hugin, I have been trying to get EB to create a new system since 2006. It is working as designed, but is lagging behind in keeping up with technology. Don't get me wrong. I love PB and all it does. I just feel it is becoming a bit outdated. Pb is the leader by far and if they plan to stay that way in the future they need to start looking at a new design of the program, how it interacts with the server and what information can be encrypted at the server and the source level. They have brilliant minds over there. I know they are trying to use the KISS theory (keep it simple stupid), but it's not a simple fix anymore. They have already made to where you can't really update from the server anymore if you are a player, you must use pbsetup or get kicked from an updated server. Now that they have trained us to use pbsetup instead of relying on an auto-update the door is open to develop something new and let pbsetup install it for us. By the way, this isn't all PB's fault. Crappy coding of the games we buy contributes to half of our problems as admins and players. Porting from console to PC without addin protection for such things as glitching and hacking. Glitching and hacking should be repaired on the game side and not by an anti-cheat company like Evenbalance. Some companies like Activision and EA have actually come to rely on EB to fix their problems after release. This is a BS policy and a slap in the face to all who purchased their games. They set a timeline and budget to develop the game, distribute it and when that budget is up they move on. It becomes a problem getting fixes after that. They usually budget for one or two patches and then it over until pusch come to shove. EA is trying to save face by pushing back the new patch to using the excuse they want to fix the newest problems. Guess what, you knew this was a problem a year ago so what is the real excuse?
  13. Like to add that they also fixed some CoD4 exploits that should have been attended to by Activision.
  14. What makes you think that it can't be fixed? PB has needed a total rewrite for years. You're assuming they keep the same structure. These people are asking for change. Period. Is that simpleinnit enough for you?
  15. While appreciate your comment, The number you have dialed cannot be connected at this time.
  16. Wanted to take a moment to wish everyone in Texas and surrounding area good luck and I hope you all are safe tonight after the Storm that devastated your homes and communities. God Bless you all and our family is praying for your well being and quick recoveries. If you want to help, go here http://www.redcross.org/
  17. It shows to be streaming here. I am not an admin here, but I did just check your streaming info and it is working.
  18. Please repair it asap.
  19. Seems to have straightened out now. :D
  20. All three servers are up to date on PB. CoD4 Servers: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #2 Header Mismatch "pbbanshub"@ PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #2 Header Mismatch "pbbanshub"@ ET Server: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #2 Header Mismatch "pbbanshub"@
  21. Enemy Territory 10 secs ago ET 27960 [server XML Data] ( Modify | Hub Live | View Flags | Delete ) PBBans Options Enforce Bans | Accept PB Bans | Announce New Bans | Accept MD5 Bans | Accept CVAR Bans | Allow Hub Greetings | Enable MD5 AutoUpdates | Enable CVAR AutoUpdates | Enable Hub Bind Queries Hide Call of Duty 4 10 secs ago CoD4 28960 [server XML Data] ( Modify | Hub Live | View Flags | Delete ) PBBans Options Enforce Bans | Accept PB Bans | Announce New Bans | Accept MD5 Bans | Accept CVAR Bans | Allow Hub Greetings | Enable MD5 AutoUpdates | Enable CVAR AutoUpdates | Enable Hub Bind Queries Hide Call of Duty 4 10 secs ago CoD 4 28970 [server XML Data] ( Modify | Hub Live | View Flags | Delete ) All three show streaming, but all three are showing header mismatch in the consoles. Anyone know anything about this?
  22. Don't know? You will have to check here http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/
  23. Everything is right. Have you restarted the server or issued a pb_sv_restart in the server console?
  24. That is the longest domain name I have ever seen :blink:
  25. No Pam Anderson was very expensive so I had to steal a new Corvette :lol:
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