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Everything posted by hugin

  1. hugin


    Is it the PBBans info signature you are looking for you will find those under: Account Manager > Manage Signatures
  2. Only thing I just found out (bean a while with Cod4 servers) is that Cod do not use any dividers than space in the rotation. This will most likely not work with using a command like exec in the map rotation. In other games you use ; to divide the parameters, this cant be done in a Cod map rotation unfortunately... But you can try, but i do not think it will work at all...
  3. We only accept 1person recorded demos, not from 3rd part capturing devices, as xfire, fraps etc. Then the server needs to be streaming to us so we can verify the recorded demos to the logs created on the server and through our streaming. For the moment CoD5 do not support demo recordings so there is at this point not much we can do, sorry.
  4. Thats an map list, not your map rotation ;)
  5. Post your map rotation and I'll show you how :)
  6. Possible PB solution: I guess you could add an exec nextmap_1.cfg, nextmap_3.cfg, nextmap_3.cfg etc to your map rotation containing pb_sv_task commands to it. I have done something similar when changing server setting for my match server in ETQW. But it can give you a grief if it is totally new for you I guess. Example would be something like this in each .cfg file: (spamming the message every 5 minutes) nextmap_1.cfg: pb_sv_taskempty wait pb_sv_task 300 300 "say ^3Next map: ^2Map#1" nextmap_2.cfg: pb_sv_taskempty wait pb_sv_task 300 300 "say ^3Next map: ^2Map#2" nextmap_3.cfg: pb_sv_taskempty wait pb_sv_task 300 300 "say ^3Next map: ^2Map#3" Then add: ; wait ; exec nextmap_1.cfg etc After each map in your rotation config, same way you can change game modes etc for different maps. Not sure this is what you are looking for, but it might work.
  7. Your GUID: 5bb53d9f7212ff100df2158894b07d8b (AA) and GUID: c90a3abd30419159baa18bee97ef4735 (CoD4) from the same IP: your are using on this forum is clean. You are as well not banned on AC sites we co-op with. Most likely is this local bans or on other AC sites we are not aware. Sorry, but we cant help you on this one at all as we do not have any of your corresponding GUID from your IP in our MBI.
  8. Glad to hear that :)
  9. FYI: I still run Win XP and have no experience with Vista at all, and will not have for a long time either. So other need to step in on that part.
  10. There you go :)
  11. Frequently Asked Questions about PunkBuster for Call of Duty 2 Frequently Asked Questions about PunkBuster Services Most likely your Client side PB software is not working properly, try to download pbsetup from here, run it, if the problem is still present, do this: copy the pb folder you have and rename it to pb_old or similar, then make a new folder named pb and move the pbsetup tool in there and run it. That should and hopefully solve your problem.
  12. Hi, reason you will not get any response on your PBSS is the fact they are uploaded to an 3rd party image site making the PBSS tampered with. We do not do this to reject you, but as an policy not to review or comment on PBSS who is in fact tampered. By tampered means the MD5 checks for the PBSS is broken. Get your servers streaming and become an Streaming Game Admin and you will get hold of more info and tools needed as well as more support. However, we will help anybody who ask, but for your case and our policy we will not review those shots. Hope that makes sense to you :)
  13. 1 > http://www.evenbalance.com/ 2 > Select your game 3 > Chose PB for Admins 4 > Table of content, chose Webtool
  14. hugin

    Welcome aboard m)

    Hope you will enjoy PBBans staff membership as much as i do :)

  15. Welcome aboard m)

    Hope you will enjoy PBBans staff membership as much as i do :)

  16. Depends all on what you want to play, if you want more hardcore gamers and setting all in to a more of a team play game scene you chose ETPro, other vice I would go for ETPub to attract the masses. Do you play the game actually? If so you would most likely have played them both.
  17. Getting people on your server is basically all up to the team/ clan who manage them. Idling in players and announcing your server is the first step to get players on it, then comes good administration and some basic ground rules to keep the reputation up as a secondary. When it comes to which Mod you would choose, this will also attract different type of players as well.
  18. Hmm, ok, maybe I'll try the firewall approach and see if that helps. If I am in good mode and don't find any buddies on ETQW tonight :)(
  19. As said earlier I have tried everything and do not really care about this game at all. Still playing ET, ETQW and hopefully something called sequel to the ET game Wolfenstein in a year or so, then again, that game can flop as well. Time will show i guess :)
  20. Well hehe, that is just to funny :P
  21. Well I did, but still it did not work for me :)
  22. Don't work, I have tried everything and my computer is clean and well maintained at all times.
  23. +1, CoD series have become a EA Cho - Cho money train TBH. Old game engine and way to early release. What IW do here is not good at all, not controlling their product at all. Ah well, back to FC2 SP instead :P
  24. With me not getting the game to at all start and tried all "fixes" possible, yes yes, that one too. I have only one word for this game: FAIL. (even at a beta stage so many people should not have such problems at all) I will not buy this game at all, and for sure not be reviewing demo's from it either :P
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