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Everything posted by Benway

  1. We i don't care for certain communities, that never did any good for us or for anti-cheat oriented players & admins in general. PS/BTW: i sense a partial loss of native language. /off to make a fence.
  2. 815 downloads

    Archived Oldschool "PunkBuster for Players / for Server Admistrators" Publications © EvenBalance ... for legacy Games File formats are *.mht or *.maff , see: http://fileinfo.com/extension/mht & http://maf.mozdev.org/ & https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/mozilla-archive-format/ RAR-Archive Contents : 2002_Rtcw_pb_server.pdf 1st-release_Rtcw+q3_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht 1st-release_Rtcw+q3_pb_Players.mht ... & translations: PB_joueurs_FRA.mht PB_serveurs_FRA.mht PB_Spieler_GER.mht PB_ServerAdministratoren_GER.mht PB_giocatori_ITA.mht PB_AmministratoriServer_ITA.mht PB_Players_ESP.mht AllGame_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht AllGame_pb_Players.mht AA_pb_Players.mht AA_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht BF1942_pb_Players.mht BF1942_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht BFV_pb_Players.mht BFV_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht BF2_pb_Players.mht BF2_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht BF2142_pb_Players.mht BF2142_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht CoD_pb_Players.mht CoD_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht CoD2_pb_Players.mht CoD2_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht CoD4_pb_Players.mht CoD4_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht d3_pb_Players.mht d3_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht ET_pb_Players.mht ET_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht etqw_pb_Players.mht etqw_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht Farcry_pb_Players.mht Farcry_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht FEAR_pb_Players.mht FEAR_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht FearPM_pb_Players.mht FearPM_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht JOTR_pb_Players.mht JOTR_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht MoH_pb_Players.mht MoH_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht MoHPA_pb_Players.mht MoHPA_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht Q4_pb_Players.mht Q4_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht QL_pb_Players.mht RainbowSix3RavenShield_pb_Players.mht RainbowSix3RavenShield_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht RainbowSixVegas_pb_Players.mht RainbowSixVegas_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht SoF2_pb_Players.mht SoF2_pb_ServerAdministrators.mht WarRock_pb_Players.mht addon: maf.mozdev.org - MAFF et MHT support 4 Mozilla.URL MAF MHT for Firefox.URL
  3. Danke. well, seems there has been some UMBi addition (click - SA (SLA? would make sense) or higher only) to MPi, but i cant spot a https://www.pbbans.com/forums/website-change-log-t197803.html entry?
  4. Prerequisite for MPi access: streaming server(s) Use of MPi access for ET (in short: historical) : it screws up MPi integrity via linked guid(s) feature, same was was done e.g. for BFp4f (bug: one IP for all players) ... endpoint of screwup was: every guid is linked with any guid, what renders MPi finally useless.
  5. if reified users/buyers/customers can even play a role as (commercial) OS developers ... why then not for stupid games?
  6. evidence has nothing to do with statistics.
  7. Oh, das würde ich lieber bleiben lassen - Aber wenns denn so alarmistisch gewünscht wird(1), bittesehr: siehe https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-112988.html Soviel zum Thema: FAQ wie es nicht geht. Das reicht mir dafür, jegliches Interesse zu verlieren. Weil, das war mein per Zufall gegriffener erster Rechercheansatz, und es gibt noch so ca. 5-8 weitere, aber ich habe wirklich besseres zu tun ... Daß der Accounts Staff hier (bin ich - zum Glück - nicht mehr) weiß, was er tut, ist mir ohnehin mehr als nur geläufig. Solcherlei Information gibt es hier nicht für Kreti & Pleti, und das aus guten Grund, weil das Meme von der sogenannten Transparenz macht nichts als unnütze Arbeit, Vorträge über die sinnvolle Interpretation komplexer Daten führen zu nichts, wenn jeder nur sein Vorurteil bestätigen möchte. @Leute die keinen Plan haben wovon sie reden. Irgendwelche Dampfplauderer, die nur Bohai mit Gemeinplätzen machen, sind da wesentlich besser bedient mit: Wie wärs mit erwachsen werden? (und uns spart das verschwendete Lebenszeit) (1) Also dann noch Viel Spass mit dem öffentlichen Post hier in Zukunft.
  8. a log is a txt.file :facepalm: https://www.pbbans.com/forums/posting-pbss-review-threads-t60529.html?view=getlastpost
  9. http://portableapps.com/apps/internet#block-block-1 3 standalone options
  10. #9011 is a md5 check "Whitelist" viol. My money is on: admin setup a "check" for iw3mp.exe cheap circumvention: rename iw3mp.exe you'r using to whatever.exe (and run it) and copy back whatever is considered 'a default/legit etc.'* iw3mp.exe checkout pb client log https://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html as well * it is silly a bit, i saw several different 'legit' iw3mp (v.1.7), namely d2d
  11. update servers went 404, try https://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/call-of-duty-2-linux-file87.html
  12. i could offer to slap you with smugness for highjacking this announcement :P ... rather refer to your streaming fix topic and all will be well :bump:
  13. Can you restart the server? (target: A server init will (should) load uploaded configs) pb_sv_restart apparently prefixed by AdminPBExec [ console: AdminPBExec pb_sv_restart or/better AdminPBExec pb_sv_load pbsv.cfg ]; but AA4 is not too well documented [ AdminPBExec is AA3 syntax, and that already tried to use some sort of "pb player-power ;P" in form of pv_sv_rcon (activated via uploaded config!) to circumvent the poor pb integration ] , but with your remark its a oh well anyway. As for the (game-)port, we see all currently streaming aapg servers on :7778 PS: checkout this ... ... fixed/streaming now
  14. nope, you had to answer the question first, what new bugs cod4/Steam introduced :P maybe some experienced Cod4 server administrators (i'm not) can give some more qualified input.
  15. The guid you posted is invalid (see https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-search.html ) What game? Certain games' guids are based on Steam-ID (e.g. RO2), thus they start with 15*zero - or put the other way round, these are factual 17-guids, filled with 000000000000000 to meet PB's standards. for Cod4, i'd call spoof - cod is overall broken, hacked, full of flaws and exploits ... and lacks any Support; i have no idea what cod4-Steam (that would explain) uses, though.
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/call-of-duty-2-linux-file87.html
  17. marketing drivel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKix1a4bEMo
  18. ... thats the Portal-effect.
  19. some EB masterserver resources are finally gone, (pbweb post #23 (fixed) works with some redirection errors; as well attachments in post #3 are refreshed now) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/battlefield-1942-windows-file47.html BF1942_pb.rar ul.to/v5t01za0
  20. fixes for both flavors ... get: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3035583 get rid of: http://answers.microsoft.com/forums/i-DONT-want-windows-10-How-do-i-get-rid-of-annoying-reserve-upgrade-notifications... ...and never get again: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3080351
  21. players don't fit through our mail slot
  22. simple answer: server not streaming
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