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Everything posted by Benway

  1. ^das sagt nur nichts aus, im server log von gibt es kein ... connected info (?) ein client-log nach dem kick vom server in post #6 ist meine letzte idee, außer game profil problem Warning: Corrupted Interface http://archiv.raid-rush.ws/t-513435.html
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/pbsetup-for-legacy-games-file80.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html und pbcl.log hier posten ... sollte weiterführen
  3. thanks , http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/legacy-punkbuster-files-cat7.html
  4. Now something is missing here http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php, topic note added. if somebody running a cod4-Linux server could zip his pb directory and upload here or to some hoster, we will provide pb-cod4 in our legacy downloads section.
  5. i would recommend that, although this will not help you to open your eyes, alternatively you could just ask before you start to spread lies, at this point i leave it to your Brilliance to find your missings. All other questions are answered by Post Dates and Times, you will figure yourself.
  6. Another step towards renaming PBBans to BFBans or BFCentral or ... bah BetaField. Escapism aside, though nothing is decided yet, most likely we will keep cod4 streaming as legacy game, like we do for cod1/1.5/2/5, with all the known procedures to ban PBSS and Demos. At least as long as there will be a PunkBuster GUiD. Without AUTH server no PB GUID's will be generated and subsequently streaming had to be discontinued entirely.
  7. your application for a streaming team account is under review, accounts staff will approach you. at a glance, you made an app for full-streaming and according to http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html a gametracker website only would qualify for lite-streaming. That might explain a certain delay (besides the season)
  8. for your information, there already was a topic, and as opposed to fishing in troubled waters, this one has a point: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/cod4-pb-back-end-has-been-shutdown-by-activision-t179645.html
  9. i neither will comment other sites' practices (besides i couldnt care less), but i can express my sentiment "deeper insight" is not likely the right expression to describe this practice properly, at least i doubt it very much (: Merry Christmas
  10. Well, to put my statement more precisely, we (PBBans) will not actively search for Realmware's Settings Editor and it's not likely we will look into its effects - game setting files - if so, there would be some discussion here first. It makes no sense to search this, otherwise we had to search for Notepad++, Notepad2 or UltraEdit .. nuff said Of course i can give no comment on EB's behalf; just two aspects to take into consideration: 1. the editor itself 2. the results, i.e. changed settings or setting files. In theory PB could pick on the editor itself, like on any running application and subsequently issue a restriction kick or a violation. Usual precautions: unload and reboot before entering a pb server and there is nothing to worry about. Might be EB support gives more conservative responses after the common sense among players more and more diminishes and stuff that already carries 'cheat' in its name really is considered 'non-cheat-application', that based on nothing but wishful thinking, the intention "not to cheat" would make any difference ... For changed game settings: Only practical approach were Game-CVars, and our policy for the use of this method always was: Game cvars are restricted (by server administrators, we just provide suggestions), in case of violation, pb issues a KICK. Violating game cvar restrictions is never a bannable offense - see: game settings are part of the package. calling that 'cheat' is clueless, to say the least. For games without cvar support like the BF series, game settings will just end up in some setting files. Game setting files are not exactly the playing field for EB violations, there always will be more suitable options to detect cheats (aimbots, wallhacks etc.), 99.99% of them will work without game settings whatsoever anyway. So a scenario of EB / PB by itself / checking into game setting (files) is quite hypothetical, and doing so was opening a can of worms; obviously you will not open a can of worms for no particular reason ("changing game settings is cheating"-whiners just ... give me a break) and for little if any benefit. Using PB's admin tools (md5) to check into game setting files is usually not a feasible option. In most cases it will just cause "false positives" in the form of unreproducible kicks, and with very few exemptions we researched in the past, all these checks were just 'well meant' - not working reliably and always easy to circumvent. In result malicious players will circumvent all checks, and certain admins will just be happy - for no particular reason. A past example from BF series:
  11. try now http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/pbsetup-for-legacy-games-file80.html
  12. PS: this topic was split off 'PB Drops COD:WaW Support' and should stay open for cod4-pb related issues; Reconsiderations: - if you are looking for somebody who cares about cracked servers (we don't) get a room (whatever warez forum of your choice) - cracked servers are neither supported by evenbalance, no matter how good, bad or Not the game may be supported - last time i checked cod4 was still pb supported, Conclusion: if you want a topic about real issues of legit cod4 servers with pb and/or streaming, open a new one. Note http://www.pbbans.com/forums/cracked-servers-t89615.html true.dat
  13. finally: * off topic spammage split off "COD:WaW Support" * Now you are entertaining. :worthlesswithoutpics:
  14. just a sidenote of possible future interest: You will be entirely ignored if you mention either specific cheats/hacks, or even better: their detection status - in a ticket. "you do not tell what is detected. if you do, you will tell what is not detected. telling what is not detected is just being unaware or lying"
  15. For me game settings always were part of the game / the package. Just a matter of taste, none of my objectives. To be 100% sure you might file a TT (and let us know the outcome).
  16. As i do here as i please, my apologies repeating the same old basics and trivialities (for me) in reply to the same misconceptions over and over again is the opposite of what pleases me :P Like any staff member here the only benefit i took from this service / project was to stream a few servers (in my case years back) and PBBans technologies were that advanced, that we were able to convict cheaters unquestionably, even those who came with private hacks pb never got to know ... so i felt this project was well worth to contribute some greater effort. So much for history, as well i'm entirely unwilling to vent any cheat related information here, even less in public forum sections; so please note i will only be as clear as required and stay as diffuse and generalizing as possible in the following post - if you find i was wrong in certain aspects, we assume this is on purpose ;> or just tell your Barber. As predictably this Non-issue continues in restricted users forum areas now, some final summary for your information: First of all, punkbuster cheat violation Gamehack 81518 : 1.) is raised by evenbalance's software punkbuster (not us); 2.) Gamehack Violations in general are triggered by: a.) a certain pattern in system memory that belongs to a cheat or b.) manipulation methods, that will change certain game related areas of system memory. Practically this is just another 'pattern' if a described signature pattern is found, pb will raise a gamehack violation. conclusions: I.) Given 2.) & 1.), only Evenbalance knows what pattern in particular. There is just circumstantial evidence CE might be involved here - if we accept this assumption, then II.) As 2.) by itself already shows, there is a BF4 multiplayer cheat that creates a pattern related to CE code/methods - and it is well known (at least if you used to do cheat research for 8 years like me) that CE resp. parts of its code was/is used in various multiplayer cheats. These just never became very popular, as it is well known (in cheat coder circles) that CE methods and/or code are quite easy to detect for pb. CE related methods commonly have been used for no-recoil, no-spread, and sniper-breath -hacks in several multiplayer games and throughout the whole BF series enemy-nametags could be "unlocked" by just changing a single bit of code, this was done by classic injected cheats as well by patching this bit of code into a certain game runtime-library or even by hexedit - the objective was little more than to find this bit (among 50 million others); obviously cheat developers always tried to manipulate this single bit 'live' 'online' (or however you might call it) while loaded into system memory, without leaving any traces. The use of CE methods always played more or less a role in this plot. III.) from II.) it is obvious to me, hack e.g. into nametags will always create a different signature (pattern) than e.g. to hack into recoil, so it is self evident pb picks the loaded CE code itself rather than the 'manipulated game related areas of system memory' for this particular hack-target. This is the only way to detect them all and regardless of game patches. This is a common practice of pb - where this is useful and recommendable. I will not continue at this point, as i will never give any hint to our friends from payhacksites watching this *waves* Punkbuster always detected cheats loaded into system memory. Here a certain game related memory area manipulated by a cheat resp. (III.) the signature of the originating hack or put simple: a certain pattern in system memory. PB never detected (it can't to put it straight): a.) By What or Whom b.) How (using what methods or tools) c.) When, or even: d.) for What Purpose ... the manipulation was made / the detected pattern was created - flagged as cheat violation. You can use CE back and forth as you wish. If you join a punkbuster enabled server with traces of its use (unloading only may be sufficient to avoid a cheat violation, but a cold system restart is highly recommended) - that is your fault. Exclusively. Nobody cares for what purpose you used a cheat - that's what it is bottomline, it really makes no difference, from the technical PoV how PB works and what PB detects there effectively is no difference at all. If you file a TroubleTicket at EvenBalance and ask a clear-cut question (not the blowing hot and cold you can read in this topic), you might get the answer: "we are sorry, but the use of cheatengine is not / will not be allowed by punkbuster" - is, always was, and always will be. If you want to continue to use CE - that is possible, just unload and reboot and you are safe. The use while ingame is not possible at all; if you could use it scot-free so far, you just were lucky until luck ran out. Just the concept misconception: PunkBuster (software) / EvenBalance inc. / PBBans / Anybody / would, should or even could discern the purpose, intention etc. of the use of CE, is nothing but wishful thinking for the reasons i gave - how punkbuster works. To make this feasible you had to answer the question, where 'User's intention' is stored in system memory. You see, this is plain nonsense. So bottomline: With a bannable gamehack violation (possiblly? CE related, might be, or not) your word will stand against a valid PunkBuster Cheat Violation backed by streamed Evidence. We might believe you or not - just that does not matter at all. Our bans are not based on beliefs just evidence and clear policies; read: http://www.pbbans.com/aboutus.php. Our bans always were based on streamed cheat violations (see spoiler below as well), banning for violations like Gamehack 81518 is exactly what we are here for. The use of our services is chosen by server administrators http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php, and the use of our Banlists is entirely optional. For all affected, for a remedy you might refer to the last line of my signature. We hear you saying EvenBalance did not ban you (yet, i may add); the last paragraph provides all information why your wish to even consider CE as non-cheat application false positive (that based on nothing but assumptions) is entirely arbitrary and in result is nothing less than asking us to close down our services (: We are sorry, but No. To hang on to a forlorn concept is a sign of immaturity i may add.
  17. dang, now i can dump my new avatar
  18. file a trouble ticket and ask. preferably you do this before receiving a violation and subsequent ban - you had it loaded in your system memory while you where ingame, not just lying around somewhere on your hardisk.
  19. it does not matter. if you use cheats, you do it at own risk. You never run disallowed programs whatsoever and join a punkbuster enabled server without a system reboot. if you use punkbuster you follow their policies, it is really that simple.
  20. you are so predictable. no, pb never made a difference for what purpose disallowed programs were used (just what is disallowed - globally) yes, this is a policy set by evenbalance, not us. yes, ce is used in mp gamehacks. old news. (on that Note: How about No? Just according to our policies you seem to know better than us) no, macros never caused violations but restriction kicks. ===> you considerations are irrelevant. we do not care. gamehack violations are raised when pb picks a pattern in system memory that belongs to a cheat. Mind to explain where 'User's intention' is stored in system memory? This concept is entirely based on wishful thinking, it makes no sense at all. THAT is your real problem. You do not read. You do not listen, hardly surprising you do not know anything.
  21. We already know you are quick in not reading nothing. False. False. False and false. Read the whole topic. you provided enough proof you have no clue.
  22. we will not waste a second of time to "investigate" a false positive due to CE, we are not silly you know, neither will we discuss evenbalances policies (file a trouble ticket yourself to find programs disallowed by punkbuster) here - it simply does not make any sense. if you wish to continue to avoid doing your homework (as i will not continue to repeat myself: read the whole topic for a start) and sequentially catch a cheat violation: that is your choice. gamehack violations are raised when pb picks a pattern in system memory that belongs to a cheat. Mind to explain where 'User's intention' is stored in system memory? This concept is entirely based on wishful thinking, it makes no sense at all. if you have to use cheats for anything different but a punkbuster enabled game you are still liable for it. Means, if you do not bother to clear your system's memory entirely - e.g. by a cold reboot - and still have the cheat left in sys memory when you join a pb server: your fault, your ban.
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